

We cooked the breakfast in peace and tranquillity, so focused on the process to not even chit-chat in between. Or probably it was just me, too gone in the process of cooking to notice his stare on me. "Hikari..." "Yeah?" I don't look up from the bowl I'm mixing batter in, until I feel his presence right behind me. His hands began crawling up my arms, I let go of the bowl, and he turns me around. "Yes Taehyung?" a smirk forms on the corner of his lips and a shiver goes down my spine, this couldn't be good. "Up." Up? What could that possibly mean? Then it strikes me, I feel his hands wrapping around my waist, he wants me to sit on the kitchen counter. So I jump instinctively. I bit my lip out of habit, while he spreads my legs and walks forward, leaving no space between us. "Unbutton my shirt." I was hesitant but my hands followed his demands unwilling to upset him. My fingers were trembling against his buttons, his constant gaze upon me following each action of mine rendered me diffident. God why won't my hands stay calm, I strived hard to unbutton his fourth button when his hands engulfed mine and I bit my lip as he made me look up at him. "My turn."  My eyes widened on realisation as his hands swiftly reached the hem of my shirt. He leisurely unbuttoned my shirt, his eyes never leaving my face, he was absorbing every bit of my bashfulness, every reaction I made.  I felt a chill across my chest, and that's when I noticed that he was done with his task. "I love your sub nature."  I like his dominant side too, but at times he was too intimidating for me to bare with. "Kiss me." I gulped and reached for his lips, and to my surprise he stepped backwards and giggled. "Kiss me Hikari." I jumped off the counter and reached to kiss his lips yet again but he stood straight, he was too tall for me to reach without him bending down. "I can't...." I shrugged at his unusual demand to which he was being uncooperative. "Disobeying me, are you?" He expression switched to a daunting one, and I blinked in response and shook my head. "But I don't see you following my instructions?" I gulp as he advances towards me.. __________ Hikari Yi is a girl of a grim, fatalistic world, the love of a family was never one of her assets. Away from the fallen realm of her father’s menacing territory, she leads an independent life. Little did she know the world she was running away from, was advancing towards her at a pace faster than she was travelling at. Hikari admires a world famous boy band, the ORIONS, consisting of seven members. She somehow receives an offer to look after them as a manager or a caretaker. As unexpected as it looks, it isn't. The more time she spends around them, she grows infatuated with one of the seven. Are the feelings mutual? Is he the one to fill the void of solicitude in her life? Overtime, mysteries unfold, what was Hikari's past? What other plans does she have for the boyband she adore? What secrets has she locked? As it is, it isn’t just her. The Orions, too, have got their own darkness to unravel. ____________________________________ -"Tell me once you again that you love me" -"Reassure me once more that you'll stay forever, that you won't leave me alone." -"Who are you.. No... What are you exactly?" -"I want you Hikari. Now." -"Is that how you talk to your boss?" -"Your clothes are see-through" -"Yakuzas are the most feared mob group" -“This world won’t let us be.” ____________________________________ It's an enthralling, mystery, romance, action thriller. It has everything you've been looking for. High school romance? Office heated relations? Eternal love? Mafia? demons? Vampires? Boys? Best friends? Family? Action? Suspense? It's all there, read to indulge in the roller-coaster adventure!

s_cosmos · Fantasy
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194 Chs


We were all lying on the kitchen floor, all covered in different flavored syrups, ketchup and flour.

We didn't take into consideration the amount of mess we had managed to create meanwhile.

WE laid side by side.

"You should've seen yourself" Kenma pointed at me and once more continued on with his laughter.

"Shut up-"

"What the fu-" we all looked up simultaneously to find a furious Jin, accompanied by a raging Yuki, a holding-my-laughter Hobi and

"Oh I'm sorry" Namhyuk spoke as he accidentally dropped the cake that Kyo and I made earlier before the "Food war" that we somehow initiated.

All of us face palmed ourselves watching the last eatable being wasted that way.

Then all three of us, me, Kyo and Kenma got up and apologized, because that's all we could do.

We started leaving the room before Yuki, Jin and Hobi held each of our arms and Namhyuk said.

"Where do you think you're going?" he smirked and tilted his head. Just when we thought we could escape this misery. We knew the damage we had caused to half the living room and the entire kitchen area. We simply exchanged looks and sighed before advancing towards the hitherto battle ground.

All three of us spent the next 3 hours cleaning the kitchen, the living room and the hallways.

I told them that they didn't have to help me with the cleaning but they stayed and helped anyways.

"That was one hell of a workout" Kenma sighed and got up from the floor after cleaning the living room floor. "Everything's a workout for you, fitness freak." I nudged Kenma. I've seen the amount of time hes spends on maintaining his defined physique.

We all sighed as we had finally, somehow finished.

"Let's go take a bath now kookie" Kyo poked Kenma, who then looked at me with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Wanna join us hikari" my eyes widened, I got flustered at that and shook my head violently.

"No thanks. I'm good." I smiled and ran to my room to take a bath. I could hear both of them laughing behind me.

I chuckled at myself and closed the door behind me to take a peaceful shower after such laborious work.


Look at her. She doesn't even need me. She's already happy with the others, I'm probably just a no one to her.

I stood behind the section at the end of the hallway that led to the living room.

All three of them were playing so joyously, I wanted to join in too, but it might make things worse.

I want to spend all my day, my entire day, months, years, an eternity with her.

She doesn't even realize her worth, she doesn't know how much she means to me.

I remember our time at Serendipity, it was so much fun, it was a wonderful day spent by. I wish it could be the same again. I want to keep her all to myself, I've never been this envious before, there's something about her. 'Love' is an emotion that none of us have ever experienced before, but whatever this emotion feels like, I think I'm experiencing it now, when I'm with her my heart flutters, there's this sort of electricity that runs all through my body whenever she looks at me or whenever we make the slightest of physical contact, even holding hands makes me feel like I'm on cloud 9. How can someone mean so much to someone?

Am I in Love? Is this what they call love? Is this what it feels like?

I sighed and walked back to my room, what's the point of having it one-sided anyways. I can force her into loving me, I can make her head-over-heels for me. But I don't want to force it, I want it be her own feelings, all natural. This is entirely novel for me, more like eccentric.

I was about to go to bed, it's not like we really sleep, just a replenish of lost energy.

  I saw a note on my bed board.

"Meet me at 'Serendipity' at 11"

The doubtfulness faded from my face and an ardent expression made its way to my face.

"Maybe there's still a chance that there's something between us." I smiled to myself and looked at the clock beside my bed,

"It's only 9 right now." I sighed and lied on my bed, there's still a lot of hours left.

I wonder how things are back home, it's been a while since we last visited. Not like we want to anyways. I want Hikari to meet Elvenia, Adelina, Aine, Fayette and all the other....


But it might as well be too soon for all that. They hid well when I took her there. Serendipity is after all where Faerie 1is.

I'll take her there, and everywhere, show her all my places, make them ours.

I know I should be cautious of a human, and I'd be breaking countless laws, but it's just I can't help falling for her. Over centuries of my life, I haven't once felt this way.

Why her?

Why now?