
Lost with twelve sins

Derrick is gifted a force after exile and today, He is disguised as a flight attendant to save twelve wealthy hot ladies, who are heirs of top incorporations, including his wife to be, despite his warnings concerning a coup... They all looked down on him and never gave him ears to understand him, not until they encountered a terrible plane crash into an unknown island, where Derrick learns that he is the only man alive with the rest of the twelve girls, who now all are dependent on him for their protection. But how can he protect them? Without a bad sweet taste of them all!?

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
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54 Chs

Chapter 31

They both are perfect match. A match made in heaven.

Her perfectly shaped lips were inviting, Derrick had to control himself not to do anything that will put him on Nina's hate list.

Patience! Patience is virtue. All of her is his so why rushing?

In two weeks, he can have her as he pleases but if only she's comfortable with it.

Everything about her is worth the wait.

"Good night beautiful."

Derrick sighed making his way out of Nina's room.


Derrick walked closer to Nina. His hazel eyes boring into hers.

Nina's eyes almost jumped out of its socket when he grabbed her waist.

What's he doing?

Nina found herself closing her eyes when his face inched closer but...

Derrick's eyes went to her hair. Her brought it down to her shoulder and then, he took as step back from her.

"You look more beautiful when your hair is on your shoulder." He complimented and chuckled.

Nina mentally slapped herself, how stupid was she to think he was going to kiss her.

Her cheeks turned crimson from embarrassment. That gingered Derrick's laughter.

Nina glared at him making her way into the car.

She held her teeth trying hard not to laugh at her own stupidity.

"You look so cute when you blush."

Derrick said as he entered into the car and drove off earning no reply from Nina.

They were already getting used to each other. And Nina was used to Derrick's flirtatious ways.

Some times she wonder why Derrick chose her over other ladies and why he'd helped her in the first place.

All are misery to her, she will find out sooner or later.

Each time she think back to when she was stabbed.

It surprises her to know that Derrick stayed beside her unconscious body till she was awake.

"Oh my goodness." Nina let out a scream as realization downed on her.

"Are you okay?" Derrick asked.

"Huh, yeah." She bit her lips nervously.

How can she forget the only person she had when her family turned their backs on her?

Nina was so busy with her own life that she forgot about her best friend. Vina!

She will be so mad at her.

Nina quickly brought out her phone fortunately, she'd memorized her number long ago.

She imputed Vina's number. She picked up after two rings.

"H. hello." Nina's nervous voice spoke first.

She waited for Vina to reply but she didn't.

Didn't she...

"Nina fùcking Micheals, you are so dead."

Vina yelled from the other side. It only took her a minute to know that it was Nina.


"Did you have to shout Vina?" Nina asked.

She was sure Derrick heard her screaming because he chuckled afterwards.

"Don't ask me that question stupid, did you know I am so mad at you? Did you know how worried I have been? I thought the world wide handsome idol Derrick sold you out for slavery"

Nina's eyes widened and she quickly glanced at Derrick. Damn! He'd heard her because Vina was screaming.

Derrick grinned and continue driving. Thank goodness he didn't take Vina's words to heart.

Nina smirked and decided to mess with her best friend a little.

"Guess what? He's right here beside me and he heard what you said, he isn't taking it lightly"

Nina heard gasp from Vina.

"Oh my God! I was fùcking joking Nina, is he very mad at me? Ah! I am sorry, why the hell did you put your phone on speaker?"

Vina yelled. Nina rolled her eyes.

"The question should be why did you scream?" She asked back holding in her laughter.

"Damn it Nina, you are so mean. Now what will he think of me?"

Okay, that's it!

Both Derrick and Nina burst out laughing.

Can't she be a little dramatic? All of Vina is full of drama.

"Goodness, I was kidding. He isn't mad at you." Nina confessed.

Vina on the other hand cursed under her breath.

She's mad her best friend abandoned her and now she's making fun of her.

"Don't think I have forgotten the fact that you abandoned me for a whole month." Vina snorted.

"I know and I am sorry Vina, I was just caught up with lots of things on my table." Nina replied sincerely.

"Guess you have a lot to tell me, I want to hear all of it. You shouldn't dare extract anything from it." Vina threatened.

"I promise I won't."

"We should meet tomorrow then" Vina suggested.

"Yeah, that will do. I will talk to you later, I gotta go"

"Alright,take care."

The car halted in front of LBC Corporation and Nina hopped out.

"Thank you." She said.

"The pleasure is all mine beautiful" Derrick threw flying kisses her way. Nina chuckled shaking her head.

"Your Mum and sister, what time are they coming?" She asked.

"By 5pm." He replied.

" Uhhm, it will be best if I get home before them. How about picking me up by 4pm?"

"And your boss?" Derrick asked.

"Well, I will ask for his permission. He won't have a problem with that"

"Alright then, see you when I see you."

"And where did you think you are going?"

Sia asked blocking Nina's way.

After Lia told Nina about her, this is the first day they are meeting.

Nina got to know her through her research about her.

She's definitely wiser now, anyone that will give her trouble won't go away with it.

She had to investigate about Sia Hilton for security reasons and right now, Nina knows everything about her like the back of her hand.

"Good morning Miss Hilton." Nina said politely standing as calm as always.

Even a psychologist will find it hard to read her thoughts.

"Hell with your pleasantries, keep them to yourselves. You think I will stay back and watch you take my position in this company?"

Sia rant angrily. She so much hate this lady in front of her that seems to have taken even their boss' attention.

Anything Mr. Brian says, he must mention Nina's name.