
Lost Under The Moonlight

JunLiar · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Epirus spearhead

The next morning, I woke up to find Miwa gone. Instead, there was a glass of water and some fruits on the table. I wondered if this was a gift Miwa had prepared for me sleeping on the floor. I had to thank her anyway.

Taking a closer look, the water in the glass had a strange color. Was it tea? I used some to brush my teeth and then finished the rest for breakfast. The aroma and bitterness of herbs. So this is what those things taste like? I hope I'm not allergic to this medicine.

Where is Miwa? Wasn't she going to help me find the spearhead today?

As I was about to step out the door, Miwa came rushing in from somewhere. What a coincidence.

"Did you sleep well, Kotaro? How was breakfast?" Miwa asked.

"Wonderful. Thank you," I replied.

"Then let's go. Ann is ready."

"Right now?"

"Let's hurry."

"Coming right up."

It seemed like there wasn't much time left before Ann reached her limit. I wasn't sure if I could retrieve the spearhead, but I had to take a chance.

I followed Miwa through the dense, foggy forest. Along the way, she kept asking me about things in town. The food, the shops, the guild halls, and even the clinic. She seemed very curious about human life. I wondered if she would like to visit there. Inviting Miwa to come along wouldn't be too bad. After all, she had helped me a lot. Maybe so.

"Would you like to go on a trip? To my town."

"What's this? Are you asking me out?"

"What? No, no. It's just that you seem interested. And also to thank you for your help."

"Well, if you mean it, I won't refuse. But on one condition: you have to buy me everything I want."

"E-everything? I can't promise that, Miwa. But I'll try."

"Hmm. Alright, alright. But first you have to survive the challenge at hand."

That's true. Even though it's not the final battle, I still have to put my life on the line for it. Without the spearhead, there will be no more evil gods or dates. Speaking of which, I remembered something important.

"What do I need to do to retrieve the spearhead?"

"Just grab the handle and lift it up," she replied casually.

"Come on, Miwa. I'm serious."

"So you think I'm joking? It's just a little difficult."

"A little?"

"Because it's not something ordinary people can touch. Even I or even Ann can't withstand its weight."

"It can't be just the weight, right?"

"Of course not. That's why you have a chance."

"What do you mean?"

Miwa suddenly turned around and in a blink of an eye, she pulled the sword I was holding out of its sheath. The smooth and decisive movement of a true swordsman left me speechless.

"This sword is made of ordinary steel, isn't it?"

Miwa looked along the sword and infused magic into it through her hand.

"I don't think so. Since Gaido is quite picky, he wouldn't use cheap stuff."

"But it's still steel." She denied it mercilessly. "Take it."

The English translation of the Vietnamese passage:

After breaking off her magic, Miwa returned the sword. I took it cautiously, but suddenly my hand was pulled down as if I was holding a boulder.

"Why is..."

"Is it because of the magic?"

Is this the weight she was talking about?

"It seems you understand now, right? The reason why we can't touch the spearhead is because its magic creates a very strong conflict. Not to mention that the weapon is also 'cursed'."

"Do you mean that a hunter can touch it?"

"You should ask Ann about that! But anyway, it's still your chance."

"I see. Then I won't waste it."

"Ha ha. Confident, aren't you?"

The two of them walked for a while without saying a word. This made me realize that I was about to get into another deadly danger.

I looked at Miwa, the kitsune girl I had just met yesterday. But she felt so familiar. The scent, the voice, and the smile. It was as if the two of us had known each other for years and this was just a meeting between two old friends.

If I fail, if I can't retrieve the spearhead, will I be remembered?

Miwa started to slow down. I realized I had arrived.

"Here it is," Miwa said.

It was still thick fog, but under my feet was a smooth lake instead of barren land, and there were no trees or creatures around. And somehow I was walking on the surface of the lake instead of drowning in the water.

"Maybe the spearhead is somewhere in the middle of the lake, so just go straight and you'll find it."

"That's vague."

"Alright. Good luck. Don't die." She said with a bright smile.

"Of course."

I still have to take her to town. I turned to Miwa and saw her give me a mischievous wave and disappear.

"Do everyone here greet each other this way?"

I stood there for a while in a daze and then continued to search for the spearhead.

Since I entered this forest, everything has become hazy. Even what I'm doing doesn't have much information. It's as if this fog is not only covering my eyes but also my mind.

I tried to remember what they had said. An evil god and a spearhead. Both would kill me. But if I was lucky enough, I would survive. And maybe I could find the secret behind those dreams. A little bit would be nice.

I wondered if Ann had ever been in a battle like this before. As a demigod, she must have lived for centuries. It would be ridiculous if she hadn't encountered them in all that time. After all, it would be better to have some experience than to be as clueless as me. She would know what to do and I would just have to listen. The three masked people must have been given their own missions by her.

And Miwa... she was a lifesaver. If I hadn't met her, I might have had to live the rest of my life breathing in the fog. And probably only for a few weeks.

For now, all I can do is bet my life on retrieving the spearhead. And then throw myself into a battle beyond my capabilities. That is, if I survive this gamble.

"My life is cheap now. Or has it always been that way? Ha ha."

Unlike previous hunts, Gaido, the guild manager, always told me what kind of enemy I was facing. Even though they were all Filth, there were still many different variations with their own abilities.

Suddenly, I saw a dark shadow in front of me. The closer I got, the clearer the shadow became. It was a person wearing a mask, an outfit that looked like ancient costume, and very long sleeves.

"What are you looking for?"

The masked person spoke, their voice a mixture of dozens of sounds that seemed to belong to no world. Yet its impact was very real. This voice made me shudder. As if it would cling to the listener's mind until they went mad.

I took a deep breath and let out a long sigh, trying to banish this "filth".

"A spearhead. Please introduce yourself, I am Kotaro, a hunter."

"Hunter, huh. I see. I am Epi, the guardian of the spearhead you seek."

Epi turned, the fog behind them gradually dissipated, revealing a spearhead firmly planted in the ground. Or rather, in the lakebed. I could clearly see the black tendrils like tree roots growing from the spearhead.

"Is this its weight?"

I wondered how "polluted" it had to be for it to appear like this. The air was becoming thick and difficult to breathe. It seemed Miwa was right. This was not something one could touch casually.

"Do you mind if I pull it out?"

"Ha ha ha. Not at all. If you think you're capable."

"Isn't this too convenient?"

Was it too easy to let someone I just met touch something so dangerous? Or did Epi already know I was coming?

"Was it Ann who arranged this?"

At least I wasn't being made difficult. I'll just go with the flow.

"Then... I'll excuse myself."

Even though I knew it was no ordinary weapon, the closer I got, the more I felt like it was inviting me.

I touched the spearhead to get a better feel for it. But the moment I touched it, the moment I touched it, the moment I touched it...


The sound of a falling drop of water.

**Pitch black. **

Then a red flash. A circle. A pupil. An eye. An eye, an eye, an eye, then another eye. Hundreds of eyes staring. Tears flowing. Becoming blood. Theirs. And mine.

When I regained consciousness, I realized I had fallen down when I saw my face reflected below. My chest felt like it was going to explode. I breathed so hard that my ears hurt.

I looked at the masked person. I could feel the smile under the mask. A sneering smile at the sight of the naivete of an arrogant man.

Ann hadn't arranged it beforehand. The masked person wasn't being easy either. Because no one dared to touch it. This spearhead, not only did it destroy evil gods, but it was "evil" itself.

"Those eyes. What are they?"

Epi was silent. A judgmental look as if in front of him was a beast trembling with fear.

"Ah. In the language of hunters, they are just Filth. But they are more primitive."

"More primitive?"

"Yes. More primitive. Hungrier."

"Where are they?"

"You'll know soon enough."

Am I going to face those horrible things? I won't have a chance against them. Even just remnants are enough to drive me insane. It will destroy any soul it touches.

"What's wrong. Do you need my help?"

"Do you have a way?"

"I'll just make a slight impact. Then it's up to you."

As I was still stunned by this proposal, Epi created a spearhead out of thin air. The tip of the spear pointed straight at me.

"Draw your sword, Kotaro. Let that magic guide you."

Was he testing me? With just a glance, he saw right through me. Even if I risked my life to challenge him, I had no chance. Could he be looking for my determination? Or my talent?

Whatever the case, I had to give it my all. The path I had chosen could destroy me, but it was the only way.

I drew my sword, lowered myself, and took a fighting stance. I adjusted my breathing rhythmically. But in the blink of an eye, dozens of spearheads had rushed towards me. Each blow was as heavy as a falling sky.

"Don't just stand there and defend yourself. Attack me, hunter."

"If I could, I would have already." I forced a smile. "But this isn't good either, is it?"

I channeled energy into my sword. A gentle flow like moonlight embraced the blade, making it heavy. Breath and flow became one. Then every movement could become invisible. But I was not facing an ordinary opponent.


A moment of silence before dozens of blades flew towards the enemy in front of me. Epi spun the spearhead, deflecting everything, causing the water to splash up. I immediately moved around, throwing kunai at Epi. Of course, they didn't bother him. And one last dart. I lunged forward, trying to create surprise with a slash.

The sound of metal clashing, sparks flying.

I jumped back, tightening the strings attached to the kunai I had thrown earlier, binding Epi.

"Did it work?"

But there was no time to hesitate. I had no choice but to rush in and deliver the finishing blow. Before the blade could touch him, his spearhead suddenly fell, cutting the strings. And then, once again, my blade was deflected with a slash to the chest.

Did he see through it? The moment I pulled the strings, Epi threw his spearhead up, right? Instead of cutting it, he deliberately got tied up to make me complacent.

I gritted my teeth, trying to suppress the pain, but my body kept writhing in agony.

Breathing, my hand limp, my fingers trembling, unable to grip the sword.

The liquid called blood made my body soaked, heavy and sore. Consciousness became increasingly hazy.

"Impressive, human." Epi said calmly.

I tried to stand up. It felt heavy, as if a part of my body had turned to stone.

"You're too kind."

Maybe this was the time to bet my life. The impact Epi spoke of was not small at all. It would push my body to the limits of its endurance. The flow of life would drain away little by little. Until only the long-rotten things remained. Then I would return to the beginning, an ancient being called primitive. If I could survive that moment, I could touch the spearhead. Just touch it.

The blood from the wound spread all over my body. The sword in my hand was also dyed a deep red. And once again, I channeled the so-called magic into it. Now I felt like it had become a part of my body. My arm had become the blade.

"This feeling... it's just like Habi said."

I rushed straight at Epi without hesitation or blinking. My body was heavier, but my movements were lighter. Suddenly, I remembered a dance of the priestesses at the temple. Every time the seasons changed, they would perform a dance, graceful and gentle under the moonlight. The sound of bells shaking as if following their footsteps, blending with the sound of the harp playing in the wind.

I remembered how I had been captivated by that dance. And the atmosphere at the time. The breath of the sky and the earth merged together...

When that scene faded away, all I saw was a sea of red blood, mine and Epi's. My eyes grew heavy again. Epi's figure before my eyes also faded. Sleepiness suddenly came over me. Consciousness gradually faded away. Until everything went dark.