
Lost Summoner

Axel, a bored 18year, who had a wish that world wasn't peaceful, on a normal day he made a wish asking for a change, however he never expected that he would receive that wish just it being his world. I do not own the image and if the OG creator wishes for it to be taken down. Just let me know

ObsidianRain · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

The Decisions

Upon waking the next day learning that everything that transpired the day before was real. Axel slowly got up to see his summons already up. Walking around securing the perimeter.

"Don't you guys need to sleep or eat? the three of you haven't done either yet."

"No Sir. We are summoned soldiers and we don't require the those. Our existence, is entirely based on whether you are alive or not. "

"Ah I see, well let's get moving then." Not totally understanding everything that was being said. He pushes he group deeper into the woods, after a few hours of walking, the group ends near the base of a mountain. Scanning the surroundings, they notice some smoke far off in the distance, the sound of a river could be heard nearby. After moving towards the river the sight of a dirt path was running along the river. The group hears the sound of a female yelling, they very quickly take cover and hide their presence.

P.O.V. switch ?????

"Let me go!!!" the girl yells

"HAHA why should we let you go? Your gonna become our new plaything. this is what happens when your village refuses to pay its protection fee."

"Why should we pay bandits a protection fee."

*smacks* The rouge bandit, slaps the girl before him and 10 buddies, roughly throws the girl back into the wagon.

P.O.V. switch Axeland Company

"Do you have a means of taking them out silently, my guess is that smoke in the distance is the bandits camp"

"Yes Sir, we do have silencers, we should be able to take out most of them before they realize what even hit them."

"Okay, let's hit them before they get too close to the camp. Hopefully the girl is alright and we can save her.*

The group very silently and quickly moves around the bandits to position themselves up for an ambush. Kairi sets up slightly further ahead of the group to take out the 3 in front. While the other Ron and Jacob set up on opposite sides of the road to be able to hit both sides of the wagon. Ron however, having the riverside covers himself in some brush nearby concealing himself the best he can with his camouflage outfit. During this time Axel summons himself his own 9mm, setting himself slightly behind the group. To hit the man sitting in the back further in the back. The summons wait for Axels to deliver the first shot on the rear guard to begin their first operation. However, before they could begin....

P.O.V. switch ???

*How can I save the girl, this is no way how a 16year girl should be treated* He slowly drifts back to the bandit all the way in the back. "Hey, I'll take watch you can get back into your position around the cart."

"Oh? Tha...." his mouth covered and throat sliced, Without a sound. The man tossed into the bushes.

*One day nine more to go.* as they slowly walk forward another bandit comes expecting.

"Hey, I thought Larry was guarding the back. Where did he go?"

"Larry said he needed to run to the bathroom and that he would catch up after he finishes." the traitor lightly smirks thinking he fooled the other bandit.

"Ah okay, tell him the boss wants him." Just as the other man turns around he of course is immediately killed and tossed. However, this time.....

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! HE JUST KILLED BILL! KILL THE TRAITOR!" 7 of the 8 remaining bandits drew their swords and started walking towards the traitor, soon when they were all close. A bunch of *ping ping pings* and 8 dead bandits drop over dead never knowing what happened to them.

P.O.V. switch Bandit Traitor

Axel and crew emerge from the wilderness, surveying the dead bandits the 3 soldiers weapon drawn walk towards the traitor. "Kneel, hands behind your head."

The traitor, confused by the sudden demands, stares blanking at the group approaching him. "I said KNEEL AND HANDS BEFORE THE HEAD" as she fires a warning shot at the ground.

Still shocked the man stumbles doing what Kairi ended up demanding. "What's going on?" after some time passes, and sees Axel walking up with the girl. "Who are you?"

Axel only stares at the man for a moment before turning to the girl. "This man here tried to save you, despite going against 10 other bandits. However, since he attacked your village with them and kidnapped you I'll let you decide his fate. However, for now let's escape this area. Ron Jacob grab us some supplies and let's get out of here." The two quickly run and grab any food and shelter they can, before disappearing into the woods with the rest of them.

P.O.V. Switch Bandit Leader

"What?!??! our men were attacked on the way back from the raid? Who? When? ANSWERS GIVE ME ANSWERS!"

"YES! About 2 days ago south of here we had 10 dead, the carriage looked lightly raided. Only food and camping supplies were taken. As for who Sir we don't the attackers did not have any deaths''

"Send out the scouts, however do not fight, i want to take them out personally."

P.O.V. switch ???

*One minute I was tied up and being kidnapped by a group of bandits and now I'm saved by this man and his group of 3, and the strange weapons that they carry, are they mages? Wait what? When did there become 5 of them??? I swear when I was saved there was only 3? Nevermind that. The Leader Axel was it? Told me I was allowed to decide the fate of the man who attempted to save me. In the end after we settled down, he handed the little weapon they all were using a so called 9mm? and brought me over to the bandit traitor. Axel told me so I wouldn't miss that I would need for the gun to get close, so i held the tip of it to the back of the man's head. I struggled internally on what decision I would make. Revenge? or Forgiveness?*