
LOST Souls

Amalia Hawthorne is a girl with Echolesma , which enables her to see the ghosts of the missing dead. This enables her to be the leader of the investigation team to search and analyze the dead bodies.

Daoist1sU62A · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

Chapiter 1/Unveiled Secrets

Amalia Hawthorne is a twenty-two-year-old girl living in the city of Kronos in Einicha. Kronos is known for its mild climate, green nature, and abundant forests. Amalia enjoys reading books under the shade of trees and has a deep appreciation for nature. She is sociable and enjoys making friends, as well as expressing herself through art. Amalia is skilled in playing classical songs on the violin and finds joy in drawing and writing to convey her emotions. She is currently a fifth-year student at Kavala University of Biological Sciences and is known for being intelligent, passionate, courageous, detail-oriented, and highly adaptable. Amalia has red hair, light green eyes, and fair skin with light freckles. She lives with her eighty-year-old grandmother in a modest cottage since losing her parents a year ago.

Amalia was attached to her parents before they left, this memory left an emptiness in her heart, she doesn't know the cause or the place of their deaths, she asked her old grandma too many times, but the answer always was: don't worry about this too much my dear, forget the past, and work on the future, what has past cannot be changed it is gone.

So, the cause of her parents' death is still unknow to Amalia, but she has gotten over it a little bit with time.

A week before the exam Amalia decided to meet her friend Olivia in a library to study for the exam, the way to it was long and pass through a small forest, where she felt an unusual headache, her heartbeat increased when she saw a blurry vision of her parent's ghosts, then she fainted, Olivia tried to call the succor, but there was no one else in the forest, until she heard the sound of horses' feet and she saw a strong light coming from the front, it was the investigation team, the team leader asked in astonishment:

_Why are you here? And what's with her?

_I apologize, sir, my friend and I were heading to the library, until she felt a headache and passed out, and heard her say in a low voice "my parents", even though they died a year ago.

_I expect we have been through a situation like this, don't worry, we'll take her to Dr. Victoria Sinclair for a checkup, you can back home, the sky is starting to darken.

When Amalia was taken to the doctor Victoria Sinclair, she felt dizzy and did not remember how she got there, and she saw the team leader, and he said:

_I am detective Jan Sullivan, the leader of the investigation team, who are you?

_I am Amalia Hawthorne...

_Hawthorn?! Are your parents Daniel and Elizabeth Hawthorne?!

_Yes, but how did you know?

_They were two important members of the investigation team; I feel sorry for their death.

_What?! so, you know who killed them?

_Yes, Damian Blackwood.

_But why?

_Your parents were infected with Echolesma, which enables them to see the ghosts of the dead, and it is the same disease whose symptoms appeared on you in the forest, where your parents discovered with their ability Damian Blackwood's plans, so he tried to kill them. To impede the movement of our team.

_How did they get this disease?

_During our scientific analysis, your parents encountered a dangerous chemical that changed their blood cells, including their eyes' blood, so that their eyes became able to see ghosts.

_So that's how it began, it seems I inherited this disease.

_You can now join the team and help us with your ability, just like your parents did.

_What should we do about Damian Blackwood?

_Don't worry, he we won't show your ability to him.

_I bet he will discover like he did to my parent, whatever, how did he discover my parents' ability?

_ Ethan Reynolds was pretending to be kind and belong to our team, but he was spying on us and telling Damian everything about our upcoming plans, so he knew about your parents' ability.

_So that's why, I won't tell anyone about my ability.

Amalia took a deep breath, absorbing the weight of the truth that had been revealed to her. She was both intrigued and frightened by the prospect of joining the investigation team and using her inherited ability to see ghosts. But deep down, she knew that this was her chance to uncover the truth behind her parents' deaths and bring justice to their memory.

With a determined expression on her face, Amalia looked into Jan Sullivan's eyes and said:

_I won't let Damian Blackwood get away with what he's done. I want to join the team and help bring him down.

Jan nodded approvingly, impressed by Amalia's resolve:

_Welcome to the team, Amalia. We will train you to harness your ability and prepare you for the challenges that lie ahead.

As days turned into weeks, Amalia immersed herself in the world of the investigation team. She trained rigorously, honing her skills in combat, investigation techniques, and using her ability to communicate with spirits. She discovered a newfound sense of purpose and belonging, surrounded by individuals who understood her struggles and shared her determination to fight against the forces of darkness.

Under Jan's guidance, Amalia began to unravel the intricate web of secrets surrounding the Echolesma disease and the Shadow Syndicate. She delved into her parents' research notes, searching for any clues that could lead them to the organization's hideout. The investigation team worked tirelessly, gathering evidence, tracking leads, and formulating a plan to expose the truth and dismantle the Shadow Syndicate once and for all.

Amalia's ability to communicate with spirits proved to be invaluable during their investigations. She formed a unique bond with the supernatural realm, gaining insights and guidance from the ghosts she encountered. Together, they pieced together fragments of information, slowly unraveling the sinister schemes of the Shadow Syndicate.

However, as they delved deeper into their mission, Amalia couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. She sensed a presence lurking in the shadows, observing their every move. It was as if someone within their midst was secretly working against them, just as Ethan Reynolds had betrayed her parents.

Amalia couldn't trust anyone completely, not even her fellow team members. She kept her abilities hidden, afraid that if her secret was exposed, it would put her life and the mission in jeopardy. She knew that the slightest misstep could lead to disaster.

As the investigation intensified, Amalia's determination grew stronger. She was determined to uncover the truth, not only for the sake of her parents but for all those who had fallen victim to the Shadow Syndicate's malevolent grasp. She was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, even if it meant confronting her own fears and risking everything, she held dear.

In the darkness of the night, as the team prepared for their next mission, Amalia glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes, once filled with innocence, now sparkled with resilience and determination. She adorned the symbol of the investigation team, a silver pendant with intertwined gears, around her neck. It was a constant reminder of her purpose and the unwavering commitment she had made.

With each passing day, Amalia grew closer to unveiling the secrets that haunted her past and threatened the world she now fought to protect. Little did she know that the journey ahead would test her courage, challenge her loyalties, and push her abilities to their limits.

The path to justice would be treacherous, but Amalia was ready to embrace her destiny as a member of the investigation team. The fight against the Shadow Syndicate had only just begun, and she was determined to shine a light into the darkest corners and bring an end to their reign of darkness.