
[4]: The Path (2)

Chapter 4: The Path (2)

Marco continued to stare at the stars in the night sky. They had been silently watching them twinkle for some time after they properly introduced themselves.

He gets shivers every time the cold wind blows, it's chilly and freezing. He mentally sighed. 'Ah, I miss my hoodie already! But this girl beside me needs it more than I do.'

'She still seems to feel cold even with my jacket on.'

The girl, Ayesha, has already worn his jacket properly a while ago. Her arms were crossed over her chest and tightly clutching on the hoodie.

'I guess I'll be hanging with just my white t-shirt then.'

With his hand in his jeans pocket, Marco shuddered under the autumn's chill.

"Until when are you planning to stay here?" the freezing young man couldn't help but ask. His sudden question broke the achieved comfortable silence.

It was already dark, and the only thing that's illuminating their surroundings were the bright stars and the moonlight that's helping them see in the night.

"Uhm… Do you have a watch?" Ayesha asked while fidgeting with her fingers. Marco was baffled why she sounds a little nervous but still nodded and looked at his wristwatch.

"Could you tell me what's the exact time now?"

"It's already 7:14 in the evening. Why?"

"Oh my god! Lagot ako!" she exclaimed. ¹


Marco tilted his head, confused by her reaction. He didn't understand what she said last.

"Is there something wrong?" the bewildered young man asked.

Ayesha was visibly panicking and just blurted out, "I need to get home before Dad arrives!"

After saying her reason, she didn't waste any second and started running towards the dense forest. Marco was perplexed by her sudden action but, he was mindful enough to understand that she's in a hurry.

'I wouldn't mind lending her a hand.'

"Do you need to be home by now? I can drive you home," he offered while walking towards her.

"Thank you, but no thanks! Our house is just near this area!" she politely declined his offer despite shouting almost on top of her lungs whilst still running.

'She lives by this area?'

Marco halted with his step and suddenly got reminded about his purpose of coming to the cliff.

'Oh, right! I totally forgot that I came here to ask for directions!'

"Hey, wait up!" he called out and run after her. "I essentially need to ask for directions!"

'This is tiresome!' Marco complained to himself. He wasn't really feeling tired but didn't want to exert effort and just wishes to drag his feet.

'I'm, really, a bloody idler. Haven't even run for a few meters.'

Gladly, the swift young lady stopped running and turned to face him. There were a few small distances between them that Marco then crossed while catching his evenly unbothered breathing.

'She's fast for her tiny figure, or maybe that's why she's agile.'

"You're new here?" Ayesha's eyebrows furrowed as she asked. Marco was just about to answer when she unconsciously nodded like she got that the answer was so obvious.

"Follow me. I'll show you out of the forest," Ayesha commanded and continued walking. The lost young lad obliged, silently following her a few steps behind.

Marco observed his surroundings while narrowing his eyes but still could barely see a thing around him. The dense forest was tenebrous, and the moonlight seeping through the gaps of trees wasn't that helpful.

'It's highly possible for me to get lost if I don't follow such bonnie lass… Ah right, Ayesha,' he thought to himself, glad that there's someone to guide him with his current predicament. ²

"How did you end up here?" Ayesha curiously asked him while walking at a fast pace. Marco took notice of her steps and confirms that she's really in a hurry.

Marco did not think much of it and answered without removing his gaze from his own feet, "Well, I followed you."

He was so focused on their steps that he didn't even realize how dumb his answer sounds.

The gap between them was not that big, and it was not hard for him to catch up with her pace. Ayesha's walking briskly, almost running, but Marco's steps were much vast than hers. It's probably double or triple, as he noted.

Ayesha stopped walking and turned towards him, looking quite complicated but decided to shrug it off. She smiled fondly at the child-like behavior of the distracted young man, who also halted when he noticed her action and finally gazed at her.

He was rendered, mesmerized with the sight before him.

Within the darkness of the forest, there was a young lady seemingly glowing. It was enchanting how her light-brown hair sways wind the wind, her hazel-colored eyes glistening with a hint of green hue, and her lips formed a warm smile. Different colored fireflies were flying around her, which made it more magical.

'Maybe she's really a fairy or any magical entity,' Marco thought.

"It's not that," Ayesha lightly shook her head, and that made Marco regain his focus. "I meant here. How did you get in this side of the town?"

Marco snapped out of his enchantment and gazed around his surroundings. He found that there were numerous fireflies now in the forest, illuminating it with their little lights. A few were swirling around him, and he followed a specific yellow firefly with his eyes.

He faintly smiled and removed his gaze from the little glowing creature to the girl.

"Honestly, I just drove without knowing where I should go," he answered, and they continued walking.

Ayesha didn't have any feedbacks or what. She just nodded her head a little and remained silent throughout their walk. Maybe she was satisfied with his answer, or she doesn't want to rub her nose on someone else's business. Marco was inclined that the latter is much probable than the former.

"We're here," Ayesha declared once they got out of the woods.

They found themselves with the asphalt road right in front of them. It was the very same place where they passed when they entered through the forest.

"Oh, there's my bike!" Marco exclaimed and let out a sigh of relief. He could see his black motorcycle parked along with his neglected bag that he uncaringly threw earlier due to his haste, not that far from their position.

'Glad it's still complete.'

Marco then turned to where Ayesha is, lowering his gaze. He was definitely taller than her. The crown of her head was barely reaching his chin.

"Uh, about the directions…" he doesn't know how to properly bring the topic up, but he was glad that she caught up to where he was heading to.

"Well, the town's heart is just a few kilometers away from here. Just follow the road straight ahead. You'll get there within five to ten minutes with your motorcycle when you hit the road."

'I should have just continued driving earlier. If that were the case, then I probably wouldn't have caused her trouble.'

'I nearly cut off her life when I followed her on the edge of the cliff. If I weren't there, then she wouldn't have almost fallen off. She also wouldn't have cried.'

'I thought she's going to jump. I thought she wants to end her life. Turns out, I misunderstood.'

"Ah, thank you for your help…" Marco shyly muttered while rubbing the back of his neck. "And I'm, really, sorry for causing you trouble." His awkwardness resurfaced again as he muffled an apology.

Ayesha gave him a warm smile in return.

"You're welcome. And please don't worry about it. It's fine."

'Oh. The temperature suddenly feels warmer now,' Marco thought, neglecting the cold night breeze.

"You're in a hurry earlier… I can give you a ride if you want," Marco offered while motioning his thumb towards his motorbike.

"Ah, no need," the young lady refused while waving her hands. "My house is just near. I'll reach it in no time. And…"

Marco knew that she's trying to find the best choices of words so that she wouldn't offend him. He understands that she's wary and does not trust him, and Marco was glad that she doesn't.

'Well, if I were her, I won't accept it either. We're practically strangers, and it's not safe, especially for a girl to entrust her address and be accompanied by a random guy alone at night.'

Ayesha was still roaming her eyes around while fidgeting with her fingers, still preoccupied with her thoughts. Marco stared at her and lightly chuckled while witnessing that scene.

'She's cute.'

The young girl was stunned for a moment, a faint blush creeping on her cheeks. After recovering from the shock because of his reaction, she then runs across the road while saying her farewell, "I should really head home now. See you when I see you! Have a safe drive!"

'Will I ever be able to see you all again?'

Marco waved his hand and smiled at her.

"Get home safely!"

Ayesha waved back and kept a smile on her face. "Bye, Marco!"

Marco watched her vanish from his sight as she entered through the woods on the other side of the road. He silently wished for her to find her way home safely.

"Hmm… Bye, Yesha."

Marco walked towards his two-wheeled vehicle and hopped in it. He felt the cold metal on his skin that made him shiver a little, but he just shrugged it off. The neglected backpack was then picked up from the rear side of his motorbike and made its way back on his shoulder.

He took a last glance at the beautiful sanctuary that he accidentally found and finally put his helmet on when he felt contented. The sound of the bike's motor roared in the area after he ignites the engine.

Under the illumination of the stars and the moonlight, a lone figure drove off at last.

The road was still by the edge of the cliff, as it goes on, accompanied by the glistening water of the sea that's reflecting the dazzling night sky.

As Marco drive, the wind blew harder, which made his shirt rustle up. He felt the cold night breeze again that he just ignored earlier.

"Ah… It's cold."


[1] "Lagot ako" is a Filipino term that means "I'm doomed".

[2] "Bonnie Lass" is Scottish slang for "Lovely looking girl" "beautiful" "pretty" or something good in appearance referring to a girl.