
Lost soul

With the end of life came the birth of another one. As the guardian of the lost souls' returns, is next life awaits, claiming the fate of the passed one and maintain order in the universe. Disclaimer: the marvelous picture is not mine but annewipf on deviant art. annewipf.deviantart.com

Linrim · Book&Literature
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39 Chs

the emergence of the lost son

As she was about to exit the office, Healer Tonks stop here.

"While you are here, Amelia, could you give me the authorization to unbound his magic?"

"To what point is it bound, I know you wouldn't ask me this without a good reason."

"It nearly completely shut down, it this point, is barely as if he was a squib. With the past abuse, he was constantly drained, keeping as this longer would only be harmful."

"Then do it."

Nodding at this, I see the Healer turn to me.

"It won't be painful, on the contrary, with the right potions, it would help you heal fully in a few days, alright?"

Nodding, I let her perform her duty. Raising slowly her wand in order to not surprised me, she starts to wave it in a complex pattern, while muttering constantly. This seems to be a strenuous activity, seeing how she started to sweat after five minutes. On the side, I could see that Madam Bones start to become worried.

Another five minutes later, I could feel something switch in me. The previous bound was fighting off something, surely her magic, refusing to free its hold on me. Closing my eyes and sinking in myself, I grip the bound from my side, wanking on it the hardest I could.

It seems to be the last stroke, once again I could feel this marvelous feeling coursing through me, but this time completely free. Relishing in this wonderous feeling filling me, I give it free rein.

I could feel the magic invade every corner of my body, invigorate me like never. It feels like when I free my mind not so long before. The instant magic floods my mind, I could feel something appearing all around my consciousness, shielding it for any external forces.

As it settles down, I could feel my blood boil, as if something inside had finally a chance to express itself fully. At the same time, I could hear two gasps from the outside. Opening my eyes, I could see both women gazing incredulously at my hair.

Did my disguise fall? That can't be, they only look at my hair, not eyes. catching a strange color in the window reflection, I actually see that my hair has turned from sandy blond to deep dark blue.

I won't hide that it slightly frightens me when I see it. As if reacting, they immediately change to mousy yellow. Taking a deep breath while closing my eyes, I settle my emotions, calming my mind of the storm that just erupts in.

When I open them once again, my bird ness like hair has changed to a tamer waving. The previous color settling for a deep black, giving me the feeling that I return to the darkness. But the oddest sight was my eyes. The left one was of his previously deep emerald green while the right one became steel gray.

My facial structure had also changed to a more symmetrical one, showing of appearing high cheekbones. This face was strangely similar to Healer tonk, only more youngfull and masculine. This setting was what feels the most natural to me.

When I look at them again, Healer Tonks nearly faint, it was only due to the reaction of Madam Bones who catch her before she could fall.

"Sweet Merlin!"

"I think that it now a House problem, Healer Tonks, you will gain custody of the young boy here until it is confirmed that he is from House Black or not. Please notify me as soon as you had a result."

"Yes, Amelia, I will, now if you excuse us..."

"Of course. Good night, both of you."

After a few moments needed for Andromeda to gather her spirit, she courses through the long list of injuries before, wave after wave of a wand, filial exit the drawer cabinet into a rack, rapidly filling it. When she finished, they were at least twelve different potions in. She put it in a bag before turning to me.

With a few spells, I could feel the dried blood vanish, the wound knit itself close, Bruises smoothen.

"That will do for now. Evan, I need you to come with me ok?"


She smiles, takes my hand en to direct me outside the office, Tom long since vanished. I need to remember sending the man a gift for his help. I will need to ask Andromeda about this. She takes us to a small platform in the hall of the hospital, a signboard with 'St. Mungo's apparition point' written on.

"It will be uncomfortable but it the easiest way to go to my house, I not fond of the Floo, too many mishaps. When I squeeze your hand, breathe out, it will help, ok?"

I nod at her, focussing on her word. As the squeeze came I try to exhale all the air I can. The second later, my body seems to be pulled in a tight straw, thankfully it wasn't that much unpleasant, certainly due to the lack of air in my lungs that would have otherwise worsened the feeling of the pull.

As the faint crack resounds, I understand that it wasn't teleportation, but an apparition. It also seems that the wizard uses their wand as well for this. I would need to investigate this later, if they think it impossible to do it without a wand, it could give me yet another Ace down the line.

We both apparate in a courtyard, on a smoothed platform large enough for two raws of three people. In front of us was a small, two stories high house. Seeing the surrounding, we must be in a populated place inside a city.

While I was daydreaming at what would be my new house, for now, Andromeda pulls lightly on my hand, making me mechanically follow her.

She leads me to the floor above, in a bedroom decorated with yellow and black, a blazon with a badger on the wall facing the bed.

"It's my daughter Nymphadora's bedroom, she will start her six-year at Hogwarts in a month and won't be back until Christmas, she is actually at a friend's house and won't be back in a day or two, so for now you can use it. Here, drink this."

She takes out a vial from the rack and tends it to me. Without a word I swallow the bitter liquid without showing more than upturned lips, lighting a glint of mirth in her eye.

"Potions are made to be quite bitter, it helps people not create a dependency on them."

She takes out her wand, waving it, transforming my clothes in pajama.

"I will take you shopping tomorrow, but that will do for now."

She exits the room, leaving me finally alone. rummaging the pocket, I found that my money was still inside. Shrugging at the strangeness that was magic, I put it all on the bed cover, separating the banknotes by their value.

It seems that those men were only starting their night, their wallet still full. On the bed in front of me stood a pile of thirty 5 pounds, fourteen 10 ponds, twenty-six 20 pounds, and eight 50 ponds notes. 1.200 pounds in total, not a small sums but I still need to know how much is worth in wizard currency.

Rolling them together and hiding them behind the bedpost, I enter the bed for the first time in Harry's life, slowly slumbering after those eventful hours.


While Harry was falling asleep, most of the concerned parties of tonight's event were still in the dark as of what happened.

For the Dursley, they were still in the Hospital looking with worry after their Dudders. The poor boy had fallen in the stair when Harry has apparated away. Surprised by the loud crack, he had missed a step when he went for a midnight snack. As the light was off, he hadn't the time nor the opportunity to see where he was going. Being still at the top, he had tumbled all the way down, striking heavily his head against the wall, while broking a leg. His wailing has immediately awoken the two parents, urging Vernon to take his boy to the emergency immediately, not caring for his nephew that was long gone.

For Dumbledore, the man was away for a conference of the ICW on the possible reform to apply in the curriculum of the year to came in the education of the younger generation. When the true Harry died, the trinkets linked to his blood stop to function. When he expelled the soul shard of Voldemort in his head, those linked to it blow up, taking with them quite a few others ones with them.

The moment his magic was unbound, his last tracking device implode under the sheer power freed. When they explode, they also trigger a chain reaction that destroys quite a lot of thing in the proximity, among them were the trinkets linked to the house, taking down the wards around it, the last supply of Harry blood taken that night, and a vast majority of stored memories above the pensive.

The portraits have long since vacuated the premise, regretfully for them, some of the frame and canvas where shredded, making them useless, and barring them forever the access to the headmaster office.

For Voldemort's wraith, it had no real impact, only that he lost the only connection he shares with the previous host, banning him of any way to influence him, weakening him at the same time as one of his anchors was lost.

Another that would be concerned with this situation was one Nymphadora Tonks. The girls only night have rapidly degenerate as boys enter the House once the parents were out for the night. On itself, it wasn't that bad, but after a few bottles of Firewhisky snatched from the father liquor cabinet, tongues started to loosen and some hidden thoughts start to surface. Being a Metamorphmagus as its perks, one of them was the capacity to control one body. As she didn't allow herself to lower her guard, she used this very perk to expulse the alcool out of her blood and body.

When she sees that some of the boy's hands started to roam and give some heavy patting, she tried to stop them, only to be forcefully shoot down. When she harshly rejects him by knowcking him out, some of the true feelings of her 'friends' came out.

It wouldn't be the first time she was insulted of being a slut, taking advantage of her power to attract boys, steal them, toys with them, and throw them, but never from her friend. When some of the guys tried to use the situation as their advantage, the scene nearly turns in a rape situation.

Rather than shrink down, the feisty and sober girl had taken out her wand and turn quite a few of them unable to ever able to attempts such a thing. While they were moaning on the floor under the pain and the girls turning hysteric. She rapidly calls for the Aurors. Taking her testimony, Moody, being the man he is, the case was classed as attempts of rape, her action declared as legitimate defense and closed.

As they were all completely wasted, they were all taken to holding cell to pass the night, their parents informed to take their wards back the next morning. Her trip cut short she returns to her house, loosing again friends because of her gift. She didn't hate it, far from it, only the short-minded one unable to see past it.

Taking quietly a rapid shower, she enters her bed, dressed only in a large t-shirt and panties. She nearly screams when she feels something inside her bed, was about to do so seeing that it was a little boy. Only to die down in her throat as he unconsciously wraps around her, seeking warmness. Shocked, she was unable to stop him doing so and didn't complain when she sees the large innocent smile that appears on his face when he head rests on her chest. At the same time that smiles appar, his hair changing from black to a warm red, similar to a comforting fire.

Seeing a fellow Metamorphmagus waiting for her in her bed seems to trigger something in her subconscious. Letting her made-up appearance go, returning in her 'natural form', she scoops the boy in her arms, stuffing his face on her enlarged chest.

After those distressing events, seeing that another share her gift and accepting her right away warm her heart. She couldn't help the goofy grin forming on her face. Looking at the boy and lightly patting his body, she could feel that he was underfed. A rapid glance at her desk confirms her through as she sees the rack of vials.

Her mother would sometime bring home a young kid she needs to take an eye on. She has never minded them, on the contrary, they were another presence that would keep her mother company while she was away. But this time, she couldn't help but want to keep him. After the trying night, the sixteen years old girl was in need of emotional comfort and she was gifted with a hugable cute fellow.

She knows how rare Metamorphmagus were, and for all she knows she was the unique one, well not anymore but still. If he was in need of a house, she knows that she would come to love the boy. If he didn't turn to be a little shit after the harsh treatment he must have received, then he would become a reclusive boy and would need a lot of work.

Having someone sharing a gift with you would surely help him to open faster, and she wouldn't mind a new friend, even a younger than her.


While all of this was going through Nymphadora's head, 'Harry' was going through the last change that his entry in this world would bring. Every time he appears in another body, the ghost of their past shelves always lingers.

Thus, every time he takes over, he would fuse with them. This was also a boun for him as wouldn't need to act, only need to be. While his mental age reduce and he would lose a great deal of common sense, he will still be him, leaving him with his vast knowledge of the human comportment, making sure that he would live the longest possible without falling for most of their trap.

The ability to read others will always play a great role in his life, allowing him to differentiate the trustful one from the fakers.

This time wasn't different from the other. Harry, while an highly intelligent child, was a very gullible one and thank his relatives, deprived of the most basic emotion and common sense. This trait would regretfully be enhanced with his ability to read others, leaving him with a closed persona.

While he wouldn't easily open to others, for the one he does, they would gain a friend for life. That didn't mean he would be soft, far from it. Even without remembering it, is millennium of lives has engrained in the deepest part of his soul that enemy can't be spared. They will always stab you in the back, so the better way to deal with them was by doing so permanently.

Those through were washed away when a sudden warmness envelops him. Subconsciously, his magic reacts, scanning the presence for any treat. When he feels nothing more than a bundle of love under those thick emotions protecting those insides, he couldn't help but feel as if he found a kindred soul.

As the two drift in a profound sleep, their magic was always communicating, reacting to the other probes, taking joy into finding the other.