
Chapter 12 The dark aura

Seeing the two kids happily playing without worry in the world Cue felt a little pang in her heart. What if she is with her parents? What if she is a young rich heiress? What if someone is silently watching her? She can't help but think of those what ifs.

Luna Jacqui's children are really healthy and lucky. They grow up in a peaceful environment.

Bali and Sorairo never hide secrets from Cue, except about the dark aura. Now that the girl is in marriageable age they should tell her about it so that if the husband-to-be appears she wouldn't be too shock.

"A mango for your thoughts?" Bali asked and offers a mango it is Cue's favorite fruit but it is very rare in the whole world. That's why it's only once in a while they could have it.

"Thanks. Why seems serious what happened to the two of you?"

"I've been trying to tell you about this but I don't know where to start... Do you know why I didn't eat you that time?"

"Hahaha of course! That time you are a coward and you can't kill anyone! Hahaha" Laughing and kicking her feet in the air the girl is really in high spirits when a while ago she's so down.

Ah I still have them... I have a family!

Seeing her laughing for the first time the too was so surprised because Cue's face is very beautiful when she laughs! It's the very first time her face has an emotion! Looking at her they could easily tell that she's laughing hard but deep inside she is really sad.

They let her laugh till a tear falls down from her cheeks. That's when they reach out to her and hugs her.

"You sh*t! If you want to laugh just laugh hard don't let your tears fall!" He said this but he didn't mean it he just doesn't know how to comfort the girl. Cue punch his shoulder softly.

"Do you have any idea about aura's?" Sorairo asks when Cue seemed to be ok.

"The other reason why I didn't eat you is because of the dark aura that keeps following you. The other is because I'm too full that time!"

"Oh you mean the one that provides us meat before!" Cue already knows that an Aura keeps following them she just doesn't know why it keeps following. She only chooses to ignore it because for her it seems annoying.

"I see... so you know but you didn't tell me that you already know about it. Traitor! What are the things that you are still keeping from me?"

"I found a tag that says name changer? Hehe"

Bali eyes instantly widened and Sorairo chokes on his drink. They quickly search Cue's pockets for the tag especially Sorairo he badly need that tag! It's a very rare item and he wanted to change his name! "Where is it! Hurry let me see! let me see!" the little zombie is tugging Cue's clothes that it's almost close to ripping.

"It's already gone I didn't know how to use it but it suddenly disappeared."

"What's your name before?" the two asked at the same time they already guessed that she probably accidentally used it. Sorairo face suddenly looked like he ate something sour.

"Tein! So tell me now why you suddenly talked about that aura?"

Tein so that's her name before... Which is better Tein or Cue? Still both sounds like shit to me hahahahaha! Bali grinned and he dodged the mango seed that Cue threw at him. Bali cleared his throat. Ahem

"The aura is from the Black district it's the place where we are going to. Also I know it's impossible for us to go there but at least we tried. That place is out of this world!" He paused and imagined how amazing that place is.

"Also that aura is sent to watch over you by its master your husband to be. The Black district have this custom to send someone to watch over their betrothed. I don't know how they choose their bride or anything but yeah you're already engaged when you are born."

Black district... impossible... out of this world... husband...

Those are the words that Cue pickup from Bali's explanation. She can't believe this. "WHAT HUSBAND?!"

"Hey! You come over here! I didn't mind you cause you don't have ill intent towards me but I think you are the only one who can clearly explain this to me." she points the dark aura and she crossed her arms and legs looking like a boss and the aura condensed.

Stratled at first, the aura took shape like a shadow of a man and then he bowed in front of Cue. "I'm sorry Milady but only the Master can tell you everything I am only a lowly servant."

Lowly servant? Hmp who will believe you. Sorairo murmured at the side. The shadow heard him but he is still bowing to his Milady and is haven't allowed yet to look up. He is very strong and seemed to be someone with high position who will believe him being a lowly servant?

"Then bring him to me." She said looking down at the shadow. She wanted the shadow to look at her while talking but since the shadow doesn't want to look at her she didn't mind it. That's what she thinks.

Milady is really perfect for the Master they both have strong personality. And this is what the shadow is thinking about Cue. "I will contact the Master right away."

The shadow disappeared shortly then appears. "Master will come and meet you tomorrow." He said still bowing his head and curtsying in front of the girl.

Just waiving her hand the shadow leaves immediately but not too far away from them.

Cue's face came back to being poker face again. I will meet my husband to be tomorrow! It's too soon! I am only thirteen! Wait it's already in the right age for marriage! Arrgh!

When the aura sense his Master he instantly flies back to where his body. Upon seeing his body's condition he can't help but wonder why he is this unlucky. Pale and almost like a skeleton neither muscles nor fats can be seen in his once perfect body now it's only skin and bones, lucky his body still have a pulse. He need to move quickly and attend to his Master.