
Lost Shadows

My name is Light Lioween. I was born into a world of magic. My family never had a history of having powerful mages or being the go-to on the subject of magic, but that all changed in one day.

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12 Chs


After arriving in town, i see Wendell in a store, sitting on a chair, while enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

"You took almost 1 whole day to get here, how long it took.... Did you manage to use your aura at least?" He said.

It would be easier to get here if he taught me instead of just leaving.

"Yes. I met a guy on the way who taught me how to use my aura. His name is Gyokei."

"Gyokei? I didn't know he lived near here."

"You know him?".

"Sure, his brother is an apprentice of Joseph Blinder, who is one of my best friends." He finishes by giving a nice smile.

"Joseph Blinder?".

"Oh, you don't know him, do you? Well, he is the Lineage of the Weapon. He was the creator of the Illusion Magic, it's a very powerful kind of magic, i can tell you that myself because i've battled an illusion magic user. He smokes all the time, so it is easy to see him. Well, we have to go get your mission, let's go!" This guy seems really nice.

He takes my arm and starts leading me to the place.

The place was a giant building. We go in there, and the place was very crowded. After a while of trying to pass everyone, we finally manage to go to a place that had 6 rooms, and each one had a letter on top.

I think it was H, Z, N... there were others but i don't remember.

"Wendell, which one do we go in?".

"Well, to be a mage, you don't have to join a family, so for those people who want to be mages or couldn't pass an approval to be accepted in a house, they take the quest here, but since you joined a house, you can take quests that give more rewards and that are harder. That's why there are these letters on the doors which refer to the initial of each house."

"Ah, so if you enter a house you get a very high bonus?".

"I don't know if "bonus" is the right word for it, but it's something like that."

After that he leads me to room H. When we entered a scanner appeared on me and Wendell.

"Welcome, Light Lioween. "Welcome, Wendell Never." A robotic voice says this

"What was that?".

"It is a protocol to verify that you are part of the house. this does not affect the Lineage." It responds.

Now it makes sense, since someone could just walk into the room.

Right after finishing the scan we started walking straight to a lady who was at the next table. The place looked like a library, probably there would be books that could help me.

While i was looking at the place, Wendell goes towards the woman.

"Miss, what are the missions that were given to Light Lioween?".

"There are five."

"Good, let's take all five."

"All five? Are you sure? They are quite difficult as far as i can see.

"Of course! Give me the missions."

"Right ...".

After that five papers appear in Wendell's hand.

"Thank you, see you next time.

"See you next time."

After taking the missions we left. Wendell looked at the five papers and chose which one to go first.

"Lets do this one, Light."

"A three-headed, ten-foot-tall dog appeared in a village."

"Wait, how am i going to defeat it? I just learned how to use my aura."

"People don't care if you are new or experienced, as long as you are in a house you will always have difficult missions. Now stop being a coward and let's go."

How am I going to beat this?