
Lost Princess Conquers the World And Becomes a Goddess

Charmaine's parents were assassinated, and their throne and empire were seized. She was abducted and transported to a faraway realm, where she was taught and reared by a great grand master, but her parents' assassins discovered her whereabouts, forcing her to flee once more. Charmaine gets married to a king from another country and assists him in governing over his people; yet, being queen is difficult for her because she is not the king's only wife and the concubines dislike her. After she is slain, a god descends and raises her corpse to life, but other wild spirits descend and take the girl's soul, making her perpetual and an interesting entity via hybridization. ••• Calhoun was left alone when his brother stole the woman he loved away. His brother, Bronson, also abdicated the crown for him and set out to discover the world with the woman he adored. A pandemic has plagued the globe, and the five major kingdoms must band together to discover a cure. Secrets are revealed, tasks are established, new acquaintances are introduced, and true love is discovered. Calhoun encounters a princess whose power is unknown to the rest of the world. She is a fierce fighter. Once he sees her, he can't take his gaze away from her. But pleasing the powerful woman, whose previous life was difficult, is difficult. You just cannot defeat fate!

ChristineWalter2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Reappearance Of The Empyris Kingdom Mortal Enemies pt 2

"These individuals need to be reminded that we are still here and active. After we had taken out the royal couple, they made several attempts in the past to launch an assault against us and seize the kingdom from under our control, but they were all unsuccessful." Anirab spoke up.

"In that case, we need to organize an army that is capable of competing with the armies of our opponents. We cannot afford to squander any of our own energy on dealing with their inept army; instead, we must direct our energy toward defeating their royal families and ministers." Oceania stated.

"It's possible that we could win over some ministers to our cause. When the royal family finds out that their own ministers are capable of betraying them in such a way, I want to be there to see the drama and the agony that ensues." Lumi said with a grin on her face as she peered through the ice-covered window at the wintry landscape that was located on the other side.

"However, before that can happen, I have to track down that young girl and consume her heart." Lumi uttered as she shifted her position so that she faced the throne.

"Sister, it has been many years; that young girl is no longer a child but an adult today." Anirab responded by saying,

"If only you had given me permission to pursue her while she was younger and she was still in her vulnerable years, we wouldn't be in this predicament right now. Who can say for sure where she is or what she's doing at this point?" Oceania made the request.

"Oceania, please stop trying to make us anxious." Anarib noted.

"I'm not trying to aggravate you in any way; all I'm doing is pointing out the facts!" Oceania exclaimed. "She is an adult, and none of us know where she is. It should come as no surprise that she could have bad intentions toward us after we took the lives of her parents."

Lumi sighed.

"I'll get someone to look for her on your behalf." As she stated.

"You ought to have done that immediately after murdering her parents many years ago," Oceania murmured.


"This is incomprehensible to me. Your Master wants you to train for immortality, but he has sealed your real powers and won't let you travel down the mountain to the mortal world for extra training?" As Lucy and Charmaine ventured further into the forest in search of more plants for their training in the refining of medicines, Lucy questioned Charmaine.

"Unfortunately, that's the case." Charmaine provided a response. "But there is nothing I can do to alter his attitude; ever since he took me in, he has always been so tough on me,"

Lucy let out a sigh as she stooped down to collect a few leaves from a little plant that was only a few inches tall.

"I really wish there was something that I could do about it. Perhaps he has the mistaken impression that I am unable to look out for myself, and this is the reason why he is so overprotective of me." After that, Charmaine continued.

"Perhaps, if I acquire more tactics and skills, he will give me permission to leave the sect and go out to train in the mortal world like you people," She continued.

"However, how long will it take to accomplish? We'll be gone for two years to the mortal world, and by the time you finish acquiring new talents, it may take you four or five years!" Lucy retorted as she glanced upward at Charmaine, whose gaze was intently focused on an unidentified tree that was in front of them.

"By that time, we will have returned, and at that point, our status will have changed to that of sect members rather than that of sect disciples. You will be the sole member of our group left behind to being a sect disciple!" Lucy said this as she straightened herself up from the crouched posture she had been in before.

"Just thinking about it causes me a great deal of anxiety. It would be dishonest of me to say that I don't feel envious of you guys at times." It was revealed by Charmaine.

"But you are his apprentice and well ahead of all of us in terms of martial arts and abilities... why is he doing this to you?" Lucy questioned as they continued on their stroll.

This time it was Charmaine's turn to let out a sigh, but before she could respond to Lucy and tell her what was going through her mind, another disciple came rushing towards them from behind while calling out Lucy's name.

"Lucy!" said the male student, causing them to come to a halt and turn to face him.

He eventually came to a halt one meter away from them, bent down with his hands on his knees, as he attempted to regain his breath.

"Why are you running? Is there someone or something that's after you?" Charmaine asked as she looked in the direction from which the guy had come.

He went by the name of Morris. He served as an apprentice under the same master as Lucy did.

Their closeness occasionally made other disciples assume there was more between them than sharing the same guru.

"It's not like that at all!" Exclaimed Morris. "I've looked for you in every place I can think of."

"Why?" The two women inquired at the same time.

"I hope you were not seeking for me in order to play some kind of hoax on me or to ask those ridiculous inquiries about where your things are." Lucy made a statement as she gazed at Morris while placing her hands on her waist and doing so.

"No..no.. no! It was the master who tasked me with coming here to find you." The response came soon from Morris.

"If I go and find out that you have been lying, you will be doing my laundry for the whole week!" Lucy responded with an exclamation. This was sufficient evidence to indicate that Morris was used to doing this, which included playing pranks on Lucy and lying to her, and that this was the reason why she was so angry with him.

"Okay then but I'm not lying to you. You had best go check it in order to prevent being punished." The response from Morris
