
Lost Oceanus System

A young man lives an overworked life which leads to his ultimate demise. He then awakens in a new body underwater with a hologram telling him that he needs to get strong to avenge his race...so much for living an easy after life.

Dayto_Potato · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Captain’s Treasure

Caspian was confused at first, why would he want to be the captain of an old and rotted ship? The notion seemed ludicrous until he thought about the part where Nathaniel mentioned that if Caspian took care of the Aurora's Crown, it would take care of him. He could only assume that the ship was hiding a few hidden magical properties, which would be beneficial for Caspian, since he needed a home anyway. Caspian decided that accepting the title change was going to be worth the risk since he had nothing to lose by denying it.

"Yes, I accept the title change"

Caspian felt his consciousness begin to expand immediately, but not in the way that it did during his Intelligence upgrade. He felt his mind growing closer to the ship, as if he was getting a mental tour of the Aurora's Crown. All together, there were four floors, the deck, the guest quarters, the crew cabins, and the storage facilities. Caspian felt his brain expand to fit knowledge about how to operate the ship in it's entirety. He now had the nautical know how of a sailor with decades of experience, with that, he also felt the ship's magical properties. There was also a small voice in the back of his mind telling him to fix his newfound dwelling, which Caspian intended on doing. Caspian opened his status screen and examined its contents.

Name- Caspian Munro (Captain of the Aurora"s Crown) Lvl 2

Essence- 9,200

HP- 25/25

MP- 25/25

Strength- 13/20

Agility- 13/20

Intelligence- 12/20

Skills- Venom Spike/ Venom Spike Shot, Lightning Breath.

Status Points- 0

1 Status Point = 3,000 Essence.

Satisfied, Caspian decided to familiarize himself with his newest skill, Lightning Breath, making his way outside the ship as not to damage it. He activated the skill, aiming at the nearest cavern wall, he let out a short one second burst, checking his MP, Caspian could see that one second of the attack took off one point of MP. This meant that he could use the attack for a maximum of 25 seconds. The lightning Breath also dealt out a fair amount of damage, it left the wall with a scorch mark the size of a bowling ball. The lightning itself did not look normal, coming out as red streaks of light.

"This skill along, with my spikes will make me a formidable long range fighter." Caspian mused to himself, reveling in his newfound power.

Caspian made his way back onto the ship, navigating toward the treasure room that Nathaniel had written about. Once he arrived in front of the door, he took the key from his inventory and unlocked the door. Unlike the rest of the sunken vessel, this room was completely dry, not a drop of water could enter as if being held at bay by an unseen force. At first, Caspian thought that the room looked worn down and wrecked like the rest of the vessel surrounding it. However, upon closer inspection' Caspian could see many bright colors shining through ragged cloths on shelves lining the walls. Walking to the first shelf, Caspian pulled the cloth off of the first shelf and found a row of about twenty different crystals, all differing in size and colors. Caspian placed each crystal in his inventory, gathered the information on them, and removed them, placing them back on the shelf.

[Blue Ether Crystal- Common crystal in Eradith, In terms of value, one blue crystal is worth 10 silver coins.] x6

[Yellow Ether Crystal- Common crystal in Eradith, in terms of value, one yellow crystal is worth 50 silver coins.] x5

[Green Ether Crystal- Less common in Eradith, in terms of value, one green crystal is worth 100 silver/ 1 gold coin.] x6

[Orange Ether Crystal- Rare crystal in Eradith, in terms of value, one orange crystal is worth 500 gold coins.] x3

[Purple Celestial Crystal- Extremely rare crystal in Eradith, has no set value, is worth only what the owner desires. This crystal is used to upgrade a weapon by up to three ranks.] x2

Overall, Caspian had acquired quite the bounty, with his crystals coming out to 2,300 gold and 10 silver. On top of that, the three purple crystals were next to priceless. While the wealth he had been gifted didn't matter much for the time being, when Caspian eventually made his way to the surface world, it would prove extremely valuable.

Upon revealing the contents atop the next shelf, Caspian was disappointed as they were only dried up old books. Not understanding why these books would be in the treasure room, he cracked one open. As he began flipping through the pages, Caspian grew more frustrated as he couldn't read the books at all. Depositing them one by one into his inventory as he did before, Caspian soon saw that these books were as valuable as his crystals, if not more so.

[Secrets of the Shadow Dwellers- Journal penned by adventurer Ellis Freeman, detailing the physiology and secrets of the tribe known as the Shadow Dwellers. Written in an ancient code, it is protected from prying eyes. This journal even details the steps to become different types of Shadow Dwellers, along with strengths and weaknesses to their different species as well. Most fascinating though, is the hidden skill lurking within these pages.]

[Fairies and the Science Behind The Magic- Journal Penned by adventurer Ellis Freeman, detailing the physiology and wonderful land of the Fairies. Also featured, is the science of how the Enchanted Emerald Bark works and suggests possible substitutes. Written in an ancient code, it is protected from prying eyes. This journal is harboring a skill and, if decoded wrong, a curse.]

[A Mage's Handbook to God-like Strength- Journal Penned by adventurer Ellis Freeman, detailing the physiology of a mage as well as the secret experimental techniques to becoming a mental and physical type Mage. Written in an ancient code, it is protected from prying eyes. There is a hidden skill lurking within these pages.]

[Orcs: Brawn to Brains to Prosperity- Journal penned by adventurer Ellis Freeman, detailing various theories on the Orc Species, suggesting that the Orcs have hidden untapped mental abilities that have become overshadowed by a focus on physical power and mindless savagery. Written in an ancient code, it is protected from prying eyes. There is a hidden skill lurking within these pages.]

[Elven Prodigies and Weaponry- Journal penned by adventurer Ellis Freeman, detailing the various methods that the Elves use when making their signature weapons. Also detailed is the customs one must adhere by when entering their lands. Written in an ancient code, it is protected from prying eyes. This journal is housed by a spirit in slumber. There is a skill lurking within these pages.]

Caspian could not believe his eyes, he had just come across a free ticket to five different skills and a plethora of knowledge on the top tribes of Eradith. The only problem being, of course, that Caspian could not read the code. Taking in a deep breath, Caspian addressed the system' "System can you decipher the code?"

"No, the only way in which you can decipher the code is to find someone of something in this world that can decipher the code for you." The system stated.

Moving on to the next shelf, Caspian removed the cloth to find six weapons in pristine condition. One was a spear, all black in color. There was a fiery red hilted sword that was imposing in design. Next was a dagger that resembled a fang of a snake like monster. There was a pair of gauntlets that were silver in color and pretty plain looking. Nearing the end of the line was a scary looking tomahawk that gave Caspian the creeps. Lastly, a giant hammer the size of a fully grown man that had a strange insignia on the handle in the shape of a face.

[Obsidian Spear of Time- A powerful one of a kind spear with a legendary skill crafted into it. Upon blade impact, target will be frozen in time for three seconds. Note: Effect only occurs once every ten hits.]

[Sword of the Berserker- A sword crafted from the soul of a legendary beast in its final berserk form. Using this sword against a legendary beast will boost all of your stats by 15%.]

[Dagger of Absorption- A dagger that has been deemed The Token of Life. It has an extremely potent absorption effect, allowing the user to absorb the life out of its victims with a slight cut.]

[Gauntlets of Reflection- A pair of gauntlets that reflect 100% of the damage from a single attack back at the attacker without the user retaining any damage from the original attack. Note: Skill must be activated BEFORE attack lands on user.]

[Astral Duplication Tomahawk- Tomahawk that grants the user with the ability to wield any secondary one handed weapon as long as the Tomahawk is being wielded at the same time. The weapons are limited by the technologies of this world, no guns will be allowed as they haven't been invented. Secondary weapon can range from shields to chains to swords.]

[Warhammer of Ganthral the Mighty- Warhammer once wielded by an Orc from history, it is said that in times when the user is overcome by extreme bloodlust, the spirit of Ganthral will appear to wreak havoc on any nearby foe. The weapon also grants a 5% increase in strength.]

As Caspian slowly read through all of the descriptions, he felt his jaw hanging open for a while and was brought back to reality upon closing it. With these weapons, Caspian would be a walking army with destructive capabilities. As Caspian wasn't proficient in any weapons in his past life, he felt no particular attachment to any of them. this was good as Caspian now got to experiment with them to find out what his preference was.

Standing in front of the last shelf, Caspian felt that nothing could possibly top all of the things he had seen thus far. Even so, he couldn't help but get excited for what was next. After removing the cloth, Caspian could only three objects: a pair of armored boots that extended to the knee, an armored chest piece with a glowing white orb on either shoulder, and a small ring seemingly made of Enchanted Emerald Bark. As usual, Caspian read through all the descriptions in his inventory.

[Boots of the Whispered Winds- A pair of boots that grant the user invisibility for a short time, also coming with a passive effect of muted footsteps.]

[Chest Piece of Slumbering Fears- An armored chest piece that charges energy while the wearer is sleeping, when fully charged the wearer can project the fears of any lower leveled foe onto the battlefield.]

[Ring of Transformation- Wearer has the ability to transform into whatever they wish for six hours up to twice a day. After the second six hours are up, the wearer return to their original form.]

As Caspian finished reading the descriptions of the items, he felt like the richest little fish boy in the world, which, he was. After taking stock of his new treasures, the little fortune inheritor began crafting a plan to bring his new ship back to life.

HELLO EVERYONE!!!!! I apologize for being home for so long without an update, I was on vacation for the last three days so today you get an extra long chapter!!! Please don’t forget to leave reviews and power stones if you enjoy the story so far.

Dayto_Potatocreators' thoughts