
Lost memories (Ajiboye joy)

It's a story about a girl who lost her memories but found herself in a guy's Mansion. They fell in love with each other but their obstacle is their family. Will she give up her love for him? The answer of this question will unravel in the story. Common readers, let's embark on this tragic and romantic journey together.

Ajiboye_Joy · Teen
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41 Chs

Your prince charming


*Sly's Mansion*

Sly was so surprised that he stared at her speechlessly.

He wanted to ask her why she did that but her reaction stopped him.

She looked so innocent like what she just did was a normal thing.

He wanted to tell her that it wasn't a normal thing because he doesn't want her pecking anybody she sees.

What did you just do? He asked calmly.

Please grant my request, Jewel said.

Alright, he said giving up.

Let's start now, she said.

Now? He asked sadly.

Yes now please, she said.

Okay, but don't go around giving pecks to people, he said.

What is a peck? She asked.

Hmm, you mean you don't know what a peck is? Sly asked suprised.

She shook her head slowly.

Never mind, he said.

Will you tell me what it is? Jewel asked.

No, Sly replied sharply.

Okay now, let's go to the field, he said and took her hand out of the Mansion.

I'm going to be teaching you first on self defense since that's the reason of you learning martial art...

*Few hours later*

Are you sure you are okay? Sly asked for the umpteenth time with Jewel limping beside him.

Yes, she replied pained.

Should we just stop the learning of martial arts? Sly asked worriedly.

No, she said adamantly.

For now, you should relax, Sly said when they arrived her bedroom and he used the duvet to cover her when she laid on the bed.

Sly walked to the sitting room and picked his cellphone.

He has been away from the hospital since four days ago. He called his P.A and asked to have a meeting with him at his home.

A young guy came in thirty minutes later and trust me when I say he's so handsome but of course not up to our Sly's handsomeness.

Greetings to you, Sir Tyler, Caleb greeted and Sly nodded.

Sir, when will you resume the hospital? Caleb asked.

Not sure yet, Sly replied.

Wow! I don't believe you are the one saying this, Caleb said surprised.

What made you stay at home sir because you are not the type to stay idle even if you have enough money for a lifetime, I bet you won't stay idle sir, Caleb added.

Sly wanted to reply when Jewel interrupted them.

She walked towards them while Caleb gaped at her beauty and Jewel asked;

Who is he?

He is... Sly wanted to introduce him when Caleb said;

I am Caleb, your prince charming and what is your name pretty?

Jewel blushed lightly as she replied;

I am jewel.

Wow, you are indeed a jewel, blessings to the person who gave you that name, he said, took her left hand then kissed it, he smiled at her but stop when he realises Sly has been glaring at him all along.
