
Lost Memories ☁️

am2005 · Teen
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2 Chs

First day

Let's move on from all that. I have always wished that my life would be more interesting, so let's go back to the start of the year when I had just started high school.

Moon: 7:25 a.m.

Mom: "Get up! Your gonna be late for school, and it's only the first day."

Moon: "Oh my god, it's 7:35. Ahhhh I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late"

Mom: "quickly eat your breakfast, and your dad is going to drop you of to school"

Moon: "I'm done, dad let's go. Mom wish me luck."

Mom: "Go already"

Dad: while on the way to school (in the car) "Today's your first day, make sure to stay away from bad kids and always stay focused on studying"

After all the lecture, we arrive at school.

Dad: "Take care"

Moon: "Ok! Bye Dad!" God I'm so nervous, what are people gonna think of me, will they like me. Well, let's just do in.

After inside~

Moon: "Ohh, What do I do, I don't know anyone here."

Takes a walk around the school to see what it's like.

After a few min, she walks in the hall, and suddenly bumps into a person, and falls down.

Moon: "oww, ah that hurt"

Boy: "Hey, Watch where you're going." glares

Moon: "sorry"

Boy: "tch"

Moon: geez What a rude person