
Chapter Sixteen

"And that's why," Cross said as Makina mopped up the remains of her stew with a hunk of bread. She chewed leisurely before speaking.

"So really that story could have been summed up quite nicely by simply saying you are an idiot and that is the reason for her scarf."

"Yes, I was an idiot."

"Are. You are an idiot." Makina corrected him. "There are a few things about your story I have trouble believing."

"Oh?" Cross said, reaching out and tearing a piece of bread free. "Like what?"

"Well, you do not seem like one who is adept with a sword. I can't picture you being very good at it. Or even being able to mange holding a blade without causing harm to yourself."

"Heh. I wasn't that bad. Mistress Jiana is a master swordswoman, she taught me and Lex... Servilia can handle a blade too. That was a long time ago though, back when I was training to be a Hunter, like Lexi."

"But you are a courier now?"

Cross nodded. "I ended up changing paths."


"Hurting people can make me... uncomfortable." Cross shrugged.

"It sounds rather like you are a coward." Makina slapped his hand as he reached for the bread again. He scowled and sat back in his chair.

"I suppose it does." Cross smiled slightly. "I became a courier instead."

"Hmmmm." Makina rocked from side to side in her chair. "So this Lexi is pretty? Tell me, who is more beautiful, my divine self or the simple mortal girl?"

Cross sighed and turned back to the window.


"I think you have enough," Cross said as Makina handed him another bag to carry. "This is more than I own."

"Of course," Makina said, walking ahead of him. "It is only natural for the master to own more than the servant. If you continue to complain, I shall smite you."

"Right, then." Cross sighed, before perking up as he heard someone call his name. Turning, he saw Romeo running through the crowd, his arm waving over his head.

"Yo! Cross!" He came to a bouncing stop next to Cross and threw an arm around his shoulder and roughly jostled him. "You sly devil."

"What?" Cross said, trying to keep his balance.

"I saw it," Romeo said with a grin. "Or saw her. Keeping a girl in your room? Does Lexi know?"


"Servant, who is this man?" Makina said, approaching the pair. Romeo quickly pushed Cross to the side and dropped down to one knee. Reaching out he gently took Makina's hand.

"Such a creature must have descended from the heavens to grace us with her presence. Tell me fair maiden, from where-guh" Romeo let out a yelp as Cross smacked him hard across the back of the head. "Hey! I'm just introducing myself."

"I know exactly what you are doing." Cross sighed. "Makina, this is Romeo Lovejoy. Romeo, Makina."

"A pleasure to meet you," Romeo said, a smirk on his face as he turned his attention back to Makina.

She stared at him for a long moment before looking back up at Cross, then back to Romeo, then back to Cross.

"He is much more attractive than you are," Makina said. Romeo's face lit up and Cross let out sigh.

"Beauty and brains!" Romeo said with a small chuckle. "What are you doing out here, if I might be so bold as to ask."

"My servant is assisting me in purchasing a new wardrobe," Makina said before Cross could speak. "Despite his incompetence he has been doing an almost acceptable job."

"Servant?" Romeo's smile grew for a moment as he looked up at Cross. The smile faded almost instantly as Cross flicked his left ring finger and a small metallic ping rang out. Romeo returned to his full height and punched Cross weakly in the shoulder. "Ah, don't be such a killjoy, Cross. You get to spend all day with a beautiful girl. That's the dream."

"Our dreams are vastly different." Cross said. "What are you doing here?"

Romeo patted the large sack he had slung over one shoulder. "Needed to pick up more powder. Did you know that in the Kingdom Servilia was born in, they have powder that burns different colors? She helped me get in contact with a few suppliers there. I can't wait to start crafting."

"I'm sure we all could." Cross shook his head.

"There's that patented Cross killjoy attitude, here to rear its ugly head yet again." Romeo slapped him hard on the back. "Just enjoy the day man! I'll see you back at the guild."

"Yeah, see you." Cross turned back to Makina, but the young girl was gone. A groan started to form in his throat when a sharp pain stabbed through his temple.

He followed the pain, his eyes snapping to the left and landing on a man who was staring at him. He was holding something tightly in his fist, partially concealed by his coat.

"Hey…" Cross said slowly, his eyes flicking down to the object in his hand. "Awkward question, but were you about to try and stab me? I've already been stabbed once recently and I really would rather not have it happen again."

The man hesitated, staring at Cross, unsure of what to do. Finally he took a small step forward.

"Forget about the girl and we will forget about you."

Cross's shoulders slumped and he let the bags slide from his fingers and drop to the ground. "As tempting of an offer that is, I'm afraid I can't let that happen."

"You do not understand what is happening here."

"That's fair," Cross said as he glanced around. There were more people around than he would have liked, but… "Right, then."

Cross lunged forward, crossing the distance between them in a single step. He caught the man's wrist before he could lift it up. Cross's other hand cams up and stopped against the side of the man's head.

He flicked his ring finger.


The flashbang exploded directly into the man's ear, blowing out his eardrum and sending him convulsing to the ground. The loud noise, and accompanying shriek of pain, sent the crowd into a chaotic uproar. As the people began to swarm, Cross gave the man a good boot to the head for good measure before heading in the direction he had been blocking.

Through the panicking crowd Cross saw two men walking shoulder to shoulder at an awkward pace. Loading in a fresh cartridge Cross followed after them. From the street he watched them turn down an alleyway. He waited a beat before following after them.

Their footsteps were loud in the empty alley and Cross was able to track them easily as they came to a dead end.

"Excuse me," Cross called as he came to a stop at the opening of the alleyway. "I think you've taken something that doesn't belong to you."

The pair turned on him. The taller of the two had Makina held firmly by the shoulder, a thin blade pressed against her throat. Cross's hands tightened into fists.

"Cross." Makina started to reach towards him, but the blade kept her from doing any more. Tears began to drip down her cheeks.

"Move aside." Tall's voice was raspy.

Cross did not move, his eyes never leading Makina. "Hey, don't worry. It's going to be all right. Keep your eyes on me, alright Makina."

"You cannot save her," Tall said. "We are taking this monster with us. There is no other outcome."

"I'm inclined to disagree," Cross said, spreading his arms. "Your friend back there caused quite a commotion. The guards will be here soon enough to find out what happened. I would say watching both of you getting arrested and thrown into the prison is quite a different outcome."

"Cross don't! Balan will ki-" Makina's voice died as Balan smacked her hard on the side of her head the butt of his knife.

"You dare to speak my name you filthy creature," Balan hissed. His hand moved up to grip her hair. He wore a large, golden ring on his middle finger. He turned his eyes back on Cross. "Now you will move aside. We do not wish to harm you, but if you force my hand, I will fill the streets with this girl's blood, and then yours.

"If you kill her, you lose the only leverage you have," Cross said as he lifted his hand and aimed it squarely at Balan's head. His head tilted ever so slightly, his eyes going in and out of focus as he stared at the trio in front of him. "And there will be no reason for me to keep you alive either."

"I have no more time to waste speaking to you," Balan said as the man beside him drew a short sword from beneath his jacket. "You are outnumbered, and alone. You will let us pass or you will die here, and I will take your head as trophy.

"Counter-offer." Cross said, bending his ring finger ever so slightly. "You let Makina go right now, and retain the ability to walk."

"We shall see. Corbin, deal with him, quickly."

Corbin nodded and took a step forward when something dropped in front of his face. With a flash of black smoke he was sent flying backwards and into the wall. His head cracked against the stone and he slipped down to the ground.

Cross darted forward through the smoke, his hand out stretched. As Balan moved his free hand from Makina's hair to protect his face, Cross grabbed Makina by the front of the dress. Wrenching back, he pulled Makina free from Balan and sent her tumbling the ground. Continuing forward, he slammed his shoulder into Balan's chest, lifting him off the ground and knocking him against the wall.

Balan's knife came arcing down, but Cross knocked it away with his arm before striking Balan hard across the face. Balan started to slide down, but Cross caught him, pulling him back up and punching him again, and again, and again. Blood burst from Balan's face and the knife slipped from his fingers, clattering to the ground. Cross continued to pound the man's face with precise strikes until Balan's legs gave out and the bloodied man dropped to the ground.

Cross followed him, his hands move easily to Balan's throat. His fingers dug into the soft flesh, his fingers squeezing against the slight resistance. He felt nothing as he stared down at Balan, the man's face beginning to change color.

"What do you want with Makina?" Cross said softly. The words sounded so strange in his ears, as though he was hearing them from very far away. He relaxed his grip ever so slightly.

"You have no idea what you are dealing with." Balan could barely get the words out. "The danger that she will bring. The destruction she will cause! That they all can cause!"

"Tell me."

"You vile, disgusting Users can never understand." Balan wheezed. "Soon it won't matter. Your reign is over. This world… We will not allow it to stagnate and decay. I will see that little bitch dead, her and every one like-"

Cross tightened his grip until Balan ceased to speak. The skin under his fingers began to darken and bruise as Balan's face turned from red to purple, droplets of blood and spittle passing over his lips.

He leaned into Balan, squeezing the life from the man. It was so easy.

So easy.

A sob to his side drew his attention. Makina was staring at him through wide, watery blue eyes. Her new dress had been torn and marred by the grimy ground. A small trickle of blood was slowly dripping down her leg from where she had landed on the ground.

"Oh." Cross held onto Balan for a moment longer, before letting out a breath and letting go. Falling back into a sitting position he looked up at the roofline. After a moment he closed his eyes. "Romeo."

"You got it!" Romeo called as he dropped down from the roof. Dropping down to one knee he gave Balan a quick punch, knocking him unconscious.

"Can you deal with this?" Cross rubbed roughly at his temple.

"No problem." Romeo said, already working on securing the Corbin and Balan's hands behind their backs. He glanced up at Makina and gave her a cheery grin. "Don't worry kiddo. You're safe."

Makina slowly turned to look up at Cross who finally opened his eyes. He looked her, his shoulders slouching as his body relaxed.

"Are you okay?" Cross said as he stood up. He held out his hand.

Makina stared at him for a long time before finally wiping her hand across her eyes and scoffing. She accepted his hand. "Of course I am. I am not so easily swayed by common riffraff, you know."

Cross pulled her up to her feet with ease. "Of course."

"Now, you must retrieve my bags!" Makina said. Cross let out an amused puff of air and nodded. "Then you shall take me home servant. I have grown weary of walking and you have allowed me to become filthy!"

"As you wish." Cross said, giving Romeo a nod. "I'll tell Servilia to report this. You mind waiting for the guards?"

"Actually… I have a better idea." Romeo said as he stood up. Cross noted a new, shiny gold ring on his right hand. Romeo pulled out two small spheres from his jacket. He gave Cross a giant smile. "Do you know anything about the stomach lining of the bearpig?"