
Lost In Wounds

Sarah Lawrance is tricked by a friend into spending the night in a hotel with a strange man. The man is a new lecturer at her college and a werewolf leader who keeps his identity secret from humans. Ralfs watches over the few surviving werewolves to keep them from harming humans in the modern world. However, Luke, a greedy werewolf, wants to become the leader of the wolf pack and turn all humans into werewolves and become his followers. So does Jones, a chemist who hunts Alpha wolf blood for his research. Jones and Luke conspire to kill Ralfs. Can Ralfs defend his position and wipe out the greedy werewolves and ambitious humans?

Windersone · Fantasy
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5 Chs

He Is Alpha

Ralfs looked at Sarah as he remembered the events of that night. His memory went back three days. He remembered where everything started. He picked up the glass Dave had put on the table and drank it with a feeling of anger. He also felt the heat and met Sarah in the bathroom until they slept together.

Sarah smiled sweetly to show her friendly side to be allowed out of class. She explained her purpose by raising her hand.

"I'm going to the bathroom, sir. Sorry," Sarah said.

Ralf nodded with a cold face.

Sarah thanked him and hurried out of the classroom to the bathroom. She felt relieved and calm after getting away from Ralfs. The faucet was turned on and she washed her hands and face while she looked at her face in the mirror and remembered her heated scene with Ralfs that night.

"How can I meet him? It will be so awkward if I have to face him again." Sarah patted her cheeks and sighed.

Sarah dried the water from her hands with a tissue from the corner of the sink. She tossed the tissue in the trash and left the bathroom. Ralfs stood in front of the toilet and made her yelp in surprise. Sarah swallowed and greeted Ralfs with a smile.

"Excuse me, sir ...!" Sarah walked past Ralfs.

"Wait! You are the lady of the night, right?"

Ralfs turned to face Sarah. He walked slowly towards her and stood directly in front of her with a cold and confident expression.

Not even the wind could shake her confidence. She stood before Sarah, lowered her gaze to the woman's lips and kissed them, searching for the same feeling between herself and the woman of the night to convince her that the woman was really Sarah.

Sarah raised her hand to slap him. But Ralfs held her wrist and looked at her with narrowed eyes. Katty saw her from her hiding place, standing like a statue with her eyes wide in shock.

"Is that you? How unfortunate. I warned you not to tell anyone about what happened. If you do, I'll eat you whole," Ralfs threatened.

Ralfs let go of Sarah's hand and left the room. They went back to class to continue the learning process. Throughout Ralfs' lesson, Sarah was silent and did not concentrate on listening to the lesson.

"Help ...!" Sarah heard a loud cry.

She got up and looked around. She saw everyone with their heads down, playing with their laptops, cell phones, or tablets. They were looking up werewolf mythology.

"Where is that man?" Sarah realized that Ralfs was no longer in front of the class.

Sarah left the classroom, searching for the source of the voice that only she heard. Her feet ran off campus without her bag. She ran into a narrow alley and saw the body of an old woman lying lifeless.

Sarah called the police to report the body found in the alley. Before that, she had sprinkled white powder on the scratch marks on the victim's neck, knowing that they belonged to a werewolf. The reason was so that the police could do an autopsy and confirm that the wound was caused by a mad dog or similar attack, not a wolf.

Later, Sarah left the body to look for the werewolf. She recognized it by the scratch marks. To find the werewolf, Sarah had to go to the forest where the wolf lived.

Sarah stopped a taxi and asked the driver to take her to the Tenebris Forest, the same forest where her friends were looking for the werewolf.

20 years ago, in late 2003, a man looking for firewood saw a werewolf there. Since then, the rumor has grown and created curiosity. Many greedy people have killed wolves there to get werewolves. wolf.

Sarah paid the taxi and ran into the forest. The sound of wolves howling echoed through the gaps in the tall trees. Sarah ran up to two men who were arguing and saw several wolves in front of a stone cave, the lair of the remaining wolves or werewolves.

Sarah pulled a small boomerang from her pocket and threw it at the man Jack was fighting, the man who had killed the woman in the alley. Sarah did this in defense of the werewolf, even though he was evil. To her, humans could not punish him, only their Alpha.

The boomerang touched the man's hand as his hand held Jack's. The man looked back, revealing a very wolfish face with fangs and blue eyes. The man Sarah had hurt was Ralfs. Sarah's eyes widened in shock as she saw that the man's hands were covered in fur and sharp, elongated nails.

Ralfs used the hot fire cuffs on Jack's hands until the man screamed in pain. Then, in a flash, he had moved, standing in front of Sarah and choking her until her body was pushed back against a large tree. The man's energy was strong and unmatched by her. Sarah's lips struggled to speak through the pain of strangulation. Her hands grabbed Ralfs' wrists and tried to free him. Sarah took a dagger from her pocket and plunged it into Ralfs' stomach. She had no other choice. If left unchecked, he could lose his life to strangulation.

Their eyes locked. Ralfs removed his hand from Sarah's throat and stepped back, slowly pulling the dagger from his stomach. Ralfs' eyes widened in shock at the sight of the dagger. He saw the dagger again, the dagger that had stabbed him in the past, by the woman he loved.

"What are you doing? He is the Alpha. He's the one you're looking for. Why are you hurting him?" said Emma, one of the werewolves who had been guarding him all along.

"The Alpha? King Barack? No way." Sarah was so shocked that she covered her mouth, frozen in disbelief.

Ralf's body collapsed and fell unconscious. Red liquid oozed from the scratches on his flesh and ran down the front of his shirt.