
lost in transition

Have you ever felt like you're supposed to be somewhere? Anywhere but where you are? Like you're constantly falling and moving back up to the top And there's no end to It?You feel like a raindrop that's falling but never actually reaches the ground. It was made only to disappear before it actually got to be where it should've been. And there's no end to it. This is the story of a seventeen year old girl named Emma who is confused about her feelings, but basically about who she is and who she wants to be. The story about a girl who had to drown in herself to find out who she truly is, without any external circumstances attached.

lewannabestar · Teen
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5 Chs


"Hey,wake up!!"I heard somebody yell while I was lost in my land of dreams.

"Go away!"

"Hey get the heck up!"


"YOU'RE PROVOKING ME!" The voice had a hint of mischief in it. What?

Seriously?I just slept like 5 mins ago.Ugh what the heck.

"Right okay I'm aw-WHAT IN THE WORLD?!"I felt cold liquid being poured all over me,my face ,my hair,geez it even found its way under my shirt,places it shouldn't have been.

"Somebody is gonna get murdered today." I murmured.

I opened my eyes only to see my best friend, scratch that , 'former' best friend grinning at me.

"You know I hate you right?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Hey it's not my fault, I've been trying to wake you up for like 40 seconds" she said shrugging.

"Why?"I raised my eyebrow but just then I realised... this wasn't my comfy bed or my room. Heck this wasn't even my house.


"Why didn't you wake me up?!"I shouted.

"Uh,that's exactly what I did ?"

"But I'm all wet!"

"Yeah,you're welcome. But honestly,

I just went to pee and look at you."she chuckled and I wanted to smack her.

"Yeah,I couldn't really sleep at night.I explained stretching my arms.

"Oh." She gave me an understanding look.

"Okay let's go, make sure to take a shower btw". She said with amusement on her face.

"I showered before coming!"I said.

Her smirk got wider and it made me arch an eyebrow" WHAT??"

"What do you think I woke you up with?"

Then it hit me.

I sniffed my shirt ,it smelled like..lemons??

I instantly checked my glass of lemonade---it was empty.

I gave her a deathly glare "Leah Collins ,we're officially done being friends ! Why on hell,heaven and earth!?"

Thats when she burst out laughing and let me tell you, her laugh is like a donkey having influenza ,its contagious.I started laughing too.

And No, I was not gonna let this slide .



Leah drove me home and she couldn't stop giggling the whole time.

I hate the word giggling.

I went straight to my room leaving her in the living room with my mum.

Before I could hear their conversation, I closed the door shut.

[My 19 year old nagging brother was out with his freinds].

I took a quick shower, rinsing my hair with shampoo and conditioner. I put on a gray hoodie with black sweatpants and headed back outside barefoot. It was mid August, no I might not get sick. Its Costello.

Pushing the 'sickening' thoughts aside (literally) I sat on the couch next to Leah . My hair still damp.

"I think it's time you get a haircut, don't you agree?" Leah inquired eating her cookie

"Yeah I think I should, I've had long hair for a while now.Maybe I should dye 'em too."

My hair fell to the mid of my back. They're not black and straight like Lea's but I actually like my hair. Chocolate brown and wavy just like my mum's.

"I am so NOT letting you do that just yet plus I think your haircolor suits you perfectly fine-" I interrupted my mother's debate.

"Okay mum I know I know I can't dye them yet, I was just saying."I won't do it " I said giving my mother a hug."Whatever you say." I smiled at her.

She smiled back at me.

"Excuse me ladies , mum just texted me,she wants me to come home and help her choose the new interior.So I'll have to go" She got up from the couch and took her bag.

"Bye sweetie say hi to Amanda for me."

"Yes I will Aunty."

My mum isn't technically her aunt but we're quite close so it works.

"Message me when you're there okay?"I say making a face at her.

Yep we might be seventeen but honestly we're still little kids , arguing and fighting but always there for each other , she's like my sister. The best I could ask for. I remmeber day vividly back in kindergarten when there was this girl named Melissa in our class who used to say that she had a crocodile in her basement , locked in chains and whoever messes with her is eaten by it. Leah stood up to her and said that her dad loves hunting and killing a crocodile is easy peasy( quoting 5 year old Leah). Melissa never used her crocodile threat again.

Later that day she shared her lunch with me and asked if I liked Daffy the Duck.

That's right, we've been best friends ever since.

"Will do lady em."She bows teasingly and makes her way out of the door.

I got some sandwiches from the kitchen and turned on the T.v making myself comfortable on the couch.

"Oh, Emma?"

"Yes mum?"

"Did I tell you Laurice and Paul are coming tomorrow? Tyler will pick them up from the airport,would you like to go?"


Hold on.


"You mean Aunt Laurice and uncle Paul?" I say, surprise visible in my voice

"The one and only. Its been so long right? Almost 4 years."

Heck yeah, its been more than four years , yes I know that... I counted days for a while. Don't ask me why.

I hesitate. "Are they coming alone orr.."I let my sentence hang in the air.

"Oh the whole family ofcourse, the kids are coming too ."

I froze.


My little bear Max is coming but...

So is he.

And I'm not ready to see him again.

Not yet.

I turned on my phone and texted Lea:

Emergency. Call me. NOW



//Authors note//

After avoiding to do so for so long, I've finally decided and mustered up the courage to post the first chapter here. I still might make slight edits in the early chapters as the story progresses but let's see.

This is my very first book, but I hope this won't disappoint you.

Thankyou so much for choosing to read this !!

Until next time, have a great day/night!


lewannabestarcreators' thoughts