
Lost in the Perils of Heartbreak (TMP2)

AuroraGraham · Fantasy
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43 Chs


I awoke the next morning and rolled over to find the space next to me empty. I was saddened at the thought that he just left me. I rolled back over and laid on my back. I began to overthink as I always do when it comes to matters of the heart. Which is like everything for me. I care way too much for other people and I need to learn to stop putting everyone before myself. Liam is the best thing that's ever happened to me but I can't help but think that sometimes he's just playing a part. That maybe I'm just filling a void but that's just my depression talking. I need to get out of bed. I need to go find Liam and we gotta go meet the new guy. I didn't move a muscle, though, just laid there staring at the ceiling. In silence contemplating what I needed to do, what I should do, what I had already done in the past and if I'm making the right choices. My thoughts going from one topic to the next and me slowly sinking into farther into the dark place I usually go to. Then the door opened and he walked in with the brightest smile on his face. He had a tray of food in his hands. "Morning sleepy head, your darling husband has cooked you some delicious food. You don't get in a say in whether you eat it or not. You must eat it. But first, kiss the chef darling." He said as he came over and placed the tray off to my side and leaned over to stare into my eyes. Man, what was I worried about again? I could be lost in his gaze forever. His eyes are just so captivating. I said nothing in response and before I could move to kiss him as I so wanted to do anyway. "What's wrong," he said as if he could sense my dampened mood. "Nothing." I smiled, trying to avoid having a talk. "Don't lie to me." He stated. He knows me a little too well. "I was just doing too much thinking." I sat up, as he backed up so we wouldn't bump heads. "What were you thinking about, love?" He asked studying my face. "Everything and nothing. I don't know, I just…" He interrupted shushing me and pulling me in for a hug. He rubbed my back. " It's okay baby, I'm here now. No more worrying. I got you, no matter what." We sat like that for a while, in silence. Him rubbing soothing circles on my back. Until he pulled back a bit. Giving me the cheekiest of smiles. "You still owe Chef Liam a kiss, madam." I laughed at his antics and pulled his face to mine. Smashing my lips to his, pressing my body as close as I possibly could. He moaned against my lips. Giving back the same amount of pressure I had given him. Before he pulled away panting. "I suggest you eat breakfast while you still can, baby girl. Cause if you kiss me like that again. I won't be able to control myself. I'll have to become you're breakfast instead." He winked. It didn't match his physical appearance which was so tense, as if he was holding himself back literally. "Hmm, what if I want both?" I challenged him. He growled. " Damnit woman. Eat your food, you need nourishment." He picked up the fork and stabbed some eggs before holding it to my lips. "How chivalrous," I smirked before taking it. He sighed in defeat before continuing to feed me. And then it hit me. I paused in between bites. "Wait did you call yourself my husband when you came in?" He's never referred to us as husband and wife before. Let alone even brought up the topic of marriage. "Yes, Yes I did, so what?" He smiled the biggest of smiles. Then leaned in and rubbed noses. "Whatcha gonna do about it." He stuck out his tongue and began chuckling. "Well then, let's see how much husband material are then mister, I demand a full body massage after you finish feeding me my food. Now put on my favorite show." I teased. He laughed some more. "I said husband not your personal, what's the word, butler? Anyway, if it's a massage you want. I can give you a real good massage." His eyes darkened with his last statement. My insides did a little summer salt. I knew exactly what he was thinking. "Please husband, come here and give me a massage." I cooed. "With pleasure, wife." He growled. The rest of the food was knocked to the floor and he was on top of me in seconds.

First, he devoured my mouth with his soft lips. Then slowly trailed down my neck with kisses. Till he reached the top of my shirt. He paused there, and looked up into my eyes, smirking. Then ripped my shirt and bra along with it to shreds in milliseconds. I gasped at the sheer force. He began to massage my chest, slowly. And then increasingly applying pressure. Until he was nipping and liking every inch and tugging at my nipples with his teeth. It didn't stop there though. Kissing every so slowly and blowing as he made his way down my stomach. He hovered just above my hemline kissing and licking. Evidently teasing till I grew impatient and squirmed. He held me in place then. "Tsk Tsk, there is no moving here baby girl. I'm treating you to a massage remember? All you have to do is lay still and enjoy." He smiled a devilish grin. Ripping the rest of my clothing to shreds as well. He slapped my inner thigh. I groaned. As if he reading my mind, "That was for moving and being naughty," he winked. Lifting my leg up as he kneeled in front of me. He kissed me from my ankle upward. Ever so slow. I groaned again in frustration. He chuckled. "Relax princess." He said massaging my inner thighs with his hands, which I so desperately desired on me. I opened my mouth to complain but before I could utter a single word his tongue was already inside my hot wet core that needed nothing more than him. I moaned loudly. Rasping out Liam please, please don't stop. Bucking my hips and gripping his hair as his pace increased and he inserted a few fingers. "OH MY GOD, YES!" I rode his face and fingers to my climax. And he lapped up every drop of my cum. Sucking on his fingers too. Only left me panting still wanting more even though I was a bit breathless. "Did you enjoy your massage, wifey?" He asked. Smirking as he laid down beside me, propping his head up on his elbow. I just shied away from him and hid under the blanket mumbling, "Maybe." He immediately yanked the blanket away from me. "Don't you dare hide from me." He said. I rolled over to face him. I got lost in his stare for a moment. As if sensing my feelings he pulled me in close, whispering, "Come here, love." Then he kissed me. My heart beating wildly for him as it always does and the butterflies in my stomach doing somersaults. I kissed him back in utter bliss.