
Lost in the Perils of Heartbreak (TMP2)

AuroraGraham · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Revitalizing Halts

I awoke from my slumber and startled before realizing where I was at again. I rolled to the other side of the bed, stretched and laid back down. Not ready to start another day without her. I was beginning to slip back into numbing slumber when a knock at the door startled me. "Lupus! Get your lazy ass up, it's time for initiation." Liam yelled in a very agitated voice. Who shoved a stick up his ass this morning. Another louder knock that turned into banging on the door made me mutter a "I'm coming!" The banging subsided and I heard laughter then a "that's what she said, now let's go. Hurry up before I get hangry." I scoffed at first but eventually just chuckled at his quick change in attitude and just got ready quickly. Upon opening the door, I was greeted by a smug looking Liam. "Well that was faster than I expected," he said. "I am a vampire you know,"I said playfully, punching his arm. "Whoa, slow down, at least buy me dinner first before we get physical. Although my girl won't be too thrilled either." He said laughing so hard he teared up. "It's okay, you're not my type anyway." I smirked. "Ouch, touché." He said feigning hurt. I laughed the hardest I've ever laughed in awhile. "Shouldn't we be on our way, dork." I said getting semi serious. "Right, race ya to the kitchen," he said dashing off. Not knowing exactly where I was going I kept to his heels and at the last few seconds used my vamp speed to get into the kitchen first. "Wow you totally cheated!" Liam exclaimed. "I don't know what you're talking about,'' I said. Simply grabbing a plate and piling it with food that was already set out on the counter to eat. "Whatever." He mumbled, grabbing food himself and then leading me into the dining room where a few people were already sat. One of them being Rose and of course Liam immediately sat next to her and I chose to sit one seat over from Liam. We began eating and not shortly after Harold stepped into the room carrying a platter himself. "Hello father, where's the rest of the diddly gang, did you scare them off already this morning." Liam said to Harold. "Haha, very funny Liam but everyone has already eaten and left this morning. I take it they're quite suspicious about the newcomer. I'm sorry Lupus, they will adjust and I will make introductions but for today, Liam and Rose will be your mentors. Rose does not have to stick around but I know Liam likes to stick to her like glue. So get to it after breakfast, okay guys?" Harold said as a strict parent would. "Yeah, yeah Harry." Liam exclaimed returning to his sour self once again. I wondered for a second why he was so sour towards his own father. "We would be delighted to show Lupus the ropes, pops!" Rose exclaimed excitedly. "I don't blame them for avoiding me. I would avoid me too. I can just stay in my room the whole day, no mentoring necessary. It's a win win for everyone." I said lowering my gaze to my plate. "Nonsense Lupus, you will not be getting out of this and you guys will probably have fun. I don't want to hear any ifs, ands or buts." Harold said sternly and then sent me a reassuring smile. "Fine, I guess I'll give it a try," I said. "Oh come on Lupus you're with us. We won't bore you to death. We're the power couple of the century!" Liam yelled as if he suddenly gained a burst of energy. It wasn't them causing my sour mood, it was thoughts of her. After finishing breakfast first, Harold went out of the room. Then Rose followed by Liam and then me, all still sitting after eating. I didn't have much of an appetite seeing as though I was not looking forward to meeting everyone as soon as they decided I was good enough to be around. I was not too eager about this mentoring that was about to go down. It wasn't gonna erase her from my thoughts, so what good was it and I'm not sure I want to get to know these people. Liam sat back in his chair and looked at me with this gleam in his eyes. He looked like a predator about to achieve its prey. "Sooo Lupus, you ready?" He said. "Yesss…." I said highly suspicious of what he was planning. "Oh stop it Liam, you're scaring him. Lupus, come on let's go, I'll show what we're gonna do. We tend to stray from protocol. It can be boring and we like to do it our own way. Not like it is that confusing anyways." Rose said smiling brightly as if to ease my worry. I followed her out of the room and into the hall. Liam was quick to catch up and slap her on the ass saying "Listen here you, don't go waltzing off with other guys or else." He finished with a smirk. "Oh, I don't know Lupus seems like a sweetheart compared to you." She smiled widely and winking at me behind his back. "What do you say Lupus, think you could be with a poor old gal like me?" *Laughs Heartily* "I...uh...um…." I stuttered, not knowing how to respond to such bluntness. "You better say no bud or we're gonna have some problems." Liam said, clearly being overly possessive. *gulps* "That's a very kind offer that I will have to refuse, ma'am." *Mumbles under breath, I'm not great in the love department anyways. Thinks back to her before quickly erasing such thoughts but stays in sour mood* Liam nodded his agreement. "Oh you guys are no fun, can't take a joke." Rose exclaimed exasperatedly. "Sorry babe but you know I don't like to share." Liam said tugging her closer as if he couldn't be close enough to her. I simply followed them through the halls and out a door, that would seem to be a back door. Then we headed down a winding path and into a forest. We came upon a clearing within the forest where there hung a tire swing from a tree. Past the swing was a nice freshwater lake that had a waterfall cascading down in the back. Upon reaching the area Rose and Liam immediately began stripping down to their under garments. "We normally do this naked but since you're here and obviously a little sensitive to nudity. We decided we'd take it easy on you." Rose said, smirking as if there was a double meaning behind her words. I contemplated showing them up and going full nude but decided against it because they would probably just take it as another cause to embarrass and tease me. "Okay, fair point." I responded neutrally. "Enough of this chitter chatter." Liam exclaimed jumping onto the tire and swinging right over the water before leaping. He went in with a nice sploosh as water splashed as he went under and resurfaced in record time. It wasn't hard to tell that he'd done this before. Then Rose cannon balled in. It was just left up to me to grow a pair and follow behind. I'm not one to be a follower but they seemed to be enjoying themselves. As they splashed around and splashed each other, calling for me to join. I Pondered over if it was a good idea but then quickly threw caution to the wind as I grabbed the tire swing climbed on and swung over leaping through the air at such a fast speed. I went for a dive in but I was moving quite fast. So fast I was sure I was gonna reach the bottom but I didn't. I was able to reign in my vamp speed. I don't understand how I lost control in the first place. I haven't been myself since her. I didn't waste time worrying about that as I resurfaced with a gleaming smile on my face. I felt content for once. For once in my lonely years of life, I had begun a real friendship with people who genuinely seemed kind. As I leisurely floated on my back in the water, drinking in the warm sun on my face, it grew quite. All splashing had ceased and all that could be heard were birds chirping in the distance. It was quite peaceful. I gave a curious glance towards Liam and Rosie and here they had followed my example. They too lay on their backs, holding hands, drinking in the calming peace. That's when I understood why they had brought me here. They wanted to show me that as much as all the chaos in this world of theirs, there was also quiet, peaceful places of solitude that I could use anytime I wanted. It was like finding a new place to call home and being overjoyed about it. I began to think that maybe even after all that had happened there was still hope for me. Maybe if I decided to stay here with these people, I could turn my life around. I wouldn't have to be so alone anymore. I could have friends that turn into family. I could learn to love not only myself but others too, again. At some point we had all climbed out and laid in the grass in the sun to dry. No one said a word as Liam and Rose cuddled and nuzzled each other and we all just relaxed. It was all so serene and I loved it. When the sun began to set, the first to speak was Rose. "So, we do this again tomorrow. Perhaps we show Lupus how to cliff jump next, get his adrenaline pumping?!" She exclaimed excitedly but also trying to play it cool as if it didn't mean much if I had declined. "I think it's a great idea. What do you say, man, up for some more adventure with this band of misfits?" Liam said as he stood and stretched. Pulling Rose to her feet as well. "I say, pausing for dramatic effect, Hell yes bro!" I replied with the biggest cheesiest grin. "That settles it then, onward to bed now then children." Liam proclaimed as if he were in a play and waved his arm as if he were holding a sword and pointing us in the direction of the bed. Rose and I both laughed and with a knowing glance to each other replied, "Yes Father!" Then raced off towards the house, leaving Liam looking stupor. We had reached the building before he had caught up. He was still a ways behind as we decided to rush inside and find someplace to hide. We rushed inside and upon turning a corner, we bumped harshley into someone else. Falling on our asses in laughter, we looked up to see whom we bumped and all laughter ceased. We were caught red handed by Harold himself. Right we weren't supposed to be out. They were supposed to be teaching me something. "Well this doesn't look very much like mentoring." Harold said crossing his arms and looking down at us in a condescending way. "Well I do believe we were just finishing up our first lesson of the day." Rose said, barely containing her glee. "MmmHmm, I see and tell me, did you have fun?" He said with a hint of a smile before returning to his serious face. "Why, yes we did Harry. What you gonna do about it." Rose said, sassily I might add. I thought this interaction was extremely strange. Then when Harold burst out laughing and said, "Well I'm just gonna scold you for not inviting me. What did I tell you about not including me? You know I like to go to the falls." My mouth dropped open in shock, he knew about their spot. "Well yes we could and would of but we had to make Lupus think you were the stern, mean type. So that when the time came ...she was interrupted as Liam finished for her… We could all see that look on Lupus' face right now. Which is just priceless, by the way" They all laughed as I recovered enough to close my mouth but my cheeks still began to burn in embarrassment. "Your right, it is worth it to see that." Harold smiled down at me knowingly. Rose had already stood as I had continued to sit on the floor in shame for not figuring it out. "Don't worry Lupus, you're not the first one. We do this to all the newcomers. Think of it as initiation. You're officially one of us now. You're also the first one we have ever shown to the falls on their first day or like ever. We do indeed always prank the newcomer though. The falls, that's Liam's, Harold's and I little secret place. Originally Harold wasn't part of it but one day he decided to follow us and made us swear to include him from time to time." Rose explained to me looking semi sorry for what they had done. Although I was pretty happy to hear that I was the first newcomer they shared their secret with, I still didn't like being the butt of the joke. I rose nodding and headed off to go shower and hit the hay. Somehow I knew my way around the place without even trying, it was odd but I paid no attention. I was too tired to figure it out. Meanwhile as Lupus slept. Rose, Liam and Harold had gathered in their private entertainment room. Custom made just for their enjoyment. Honestly the house was so big due to Roses powers. She could add as much as she wanted, whether it was for her or someone else. It was so big Rose had to use her powers on everyone so that they just genuinely all remembered where they were going. Now as they all sat around comfortably while Liam surfed for something for them to all watch, Rose spoke. "You both owe me five bucks you know? I told you he would be upset about it. He seemed sensitive from the door." Liam was next to speak. "Yeah but I didn't expect him to be that sensitive, he is a bruh after all." Harold stayed quiet for a minute before saying. "We don't know for sure that he was truly offended about it. We can't mistake his silence for grievance. Perhaps he was just tired. We will find out tomorrow. As for now Liam, would you just pick something already." Liam just gave Harold a glare before selecting the one movie he knew Harold could not stand, The NoteBook. "I see what you're doing here you little wanker and it's not going to work." Liam and Rose both shushed him as they giggled knowing he was silently steaming. Then they all sat silently and watched the movie. At some point they all eventually fell asleep with tv playing in the background. The next morning, Lupus woke to the sound of..nothing. It was silent. There was no banging on the door or Liam calling for him to come to the door. It was kind of saddening. He was fine with the fact that he got to sleep in though. He got out of bed,headed into the connected bathroom and began brushing his teeth. He pondered over why no one had woken him this morning. Maybe they think that they have seriously hurt my feelings and decided to give me space, he said thinking aloud. I should tell them that they didn't and make it quite clear, he thought quietly to himself. Meanwhile, as Lupus finished up doing his morning routine. Liam, Rose and Harold laying splayed about, some snoring and sorts. Then a loud "Bang, Bang, Bang" on the door startled them all awake. "What the hell!' They all said in unison. Rose was the first to check the time and realize. "Oh shit, guys we overslept." As Rose and Harold both began to mumble about shutting off the tv and Rose going for the door. Harry going for the tv. Opening it just as more bangs began, Liam remained laying down without a care. "Well hello sweetheart," said a familiar voice. Liam sprang up and was at Rose's side in minutes. "Go away, Kol." Liam ground out. Rose stood there frozen, mouth hung open. Rose was not that easily surprised but then again it's not everyday that your ex shows up at your door. "I believe I was talking to the lady Logan, not you so excuse yourself will you." He said with a mischievous smirk, the one that used to make Rose swoon all the time. Still had some affect on her but she was with Liam now. She loved him more, Kol couldn't just come back like nothing happened. Finally gaining her bearings, she cut in, "I believed he told you to go and it's Liam, not Logan, get it right. Yanno, in case I ever decided to let the trash show to our wedding." She slammed the door in his face. Another tap came at the door, followed by a response. "I'm sorry sweetheart, I was trying to be polite, honest. I'll be in the kitchen grabbing breakfast before I go. If you want to talk you have a thirty minute window. You might like what I have to say." And with that nothing but silence followed. Liam balled his hands into fists and growled. "How dare he show up like that, like he has some place here. You better not even be considering going and talking to him after what he did." Liam's temper was just below the surface she could tell especially since his fangs were now showing. Soon his soft fluffy ears would be too. She found them so cute especially since they mostly tended to show when he was jealous or angry. Now was not the time for cuteness though. She had to calm him down before temper got out of hand and he went full wolf on some poor innocent soul in the crossfire. She crossed the room to where Liam had begun pacing and wrapped her arms around his waist. Looking to Harold they shared a knowing look and he nodded before exiting the room. Thusly leaving them all alone to work out the problem. Jaw ticking he wrapped his arms around her as well, squeezing her tight to him in a protective way. She touched his cheek bringing his face to hers and kissed him gently. "Hey, Thor, mind loosening the grip a little. I'm not going anywhere but I don't plan on cruisin for a bruisin while I'm here." She said with a goofy grin and a wink. His fangs were no longer showing. It seemed to be working, he was calming down and he did loosen his grip. Followed by an apologetic, " I'm sorry baby, I didn't realize I was squeezing so hard." Then he nuzzled her neck, kissing it gently. "It's okay, I like it rough sometimes." She said with a smirk. He couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Oh I know you do, you little minx." He said as his eyes grew darker with lust. She moved her arms from around his waist to around his neck. Just as he ground into her and moved in to capture her luscious lips with his, a knock sounded at the door. Breaking them both from their heated, sex induced trance and bringing Liam's anger back to the surface. Before Rose could stop him, Liam marched to the door yanking it open and punching whoever was on the other side. She heard a thud and then a muffled groan. "Shit, Lupus, I am so sorry man. I thought you were someone else." Liam's ears were still showing but they were down now, as well as the tail that was tucked between his legs now. As Rose approached the doorway, she heard Lupus say "Well good morning to you too." Upon reaching the scene she saw the blood that was now flowing from Lupus' nose. "Good morning Lupus, sorry for my boyfriends misdirected anger. Our morning has been a bit complicated. Ran into an old, she paused, friend. Lets just say he left Liam in not such a good mood as you can see. Sorry no one was there to wake you this morning. We had other things to tend to. But how can we help you?" She greeted, barely taking a breath between sentences. "I just wanted to make sure that you knew I was not offended about yesterday. I was just tired, I needed the rest. So i'm glad that you were preoccupied except for the fact that I just got a bloody nose out of the deal. I did so like this shirt." Liam and Rose gave each other a look before Rose gave a response. "Well good to know Lupus and is there anything I can do to help? I mean I can fix this bloody nose sitch with just a snap of my fingers." He laughed wholeheartedly before saying, "No that won't be necessary." He removed his hand from his nose. "See all healed, being a vampire does come in handy." She laughed in return as Liam stood there like a statue. "Well at least let me clean up this blood." She snapped her fingers and he was all brand new as if it had never happened. "Viola, squeeky clean." Liam grunted beside her. "You can head down for breakfast, Lupus, it should already be made and we'll meet you down there in a bit. We have unfinished business to attend to. If you run into a guy named Kol, avoid him at all costs and do not speak to him. He's bad news." Liam said. "Alright, cya guys." He fist bumped them both before walking away with a "I'm starving, anyways." Liam shut and locked the door turning to Rose. "Now can we get back to business or would rather go flirt with him some more." Liam said, folding his arms. "Mmm, Jealousy looks good on you babe." She said tugging him forward by his pants. "But you're forgetting that I only have an interest in you and…"she trailed off. Pausing only to move closer and cup him. Giving his member a small squeeze, she said "And this, you know how I like it, rough. Perhaps doggy-style." She reached into his boxers and began to stroke him, as he closed his eyes and let out a moan. Then quickly removed her hand, brought her flush with his body and kissed her hard. Only pulling away shortly to say, "Time to finish where we left off." He lifted her off the ground only to lay her down on the big fluffy rugged portion of the floor. Then grabbing and pinning both her hands over her head. Using one hand to hold her wrists, he used the other to remove the bottom half of her clothing in a slow sensual way. Still holding her hands pinned, he lifted her leg and began kissing slowly up from the ankle to her inner thighs. She knew where he was going with it and still her breathing began to increase as she began gasping with want. He reached her inner thigh just before her most sensitive area, pausing to increase the suspense and blowing lightly over her. He looked into her eyes just before he took her into his mouth and began licking, sucking and nipping. Becoming so overwhelmed with her sweetness, he forgot about teasing and had released his grip on her wrists. Devouring her p**** with such hunger as his wolven side took over. Her hands gripped his hair as her moans grew louder in pleasure. Quickly she grew so close to her release. As if sensing this, he tore his mouth away and began stripping instead. Ripping away the rest of her clothing, her chest heaving with each anticipated breath, he drank in the sight of her nakedness first. "Liam…" she trailed in a husky voice filled with lust. That was all it took before he was upon her, sliding in and out of her slicken walls, wet with need just for him. He began slowly and then quickly increasing speed as the wolf craved to fuck her hard like the mate she was to him. Their bodies moved in rythme, dripping with sweat and mouths connecting them further. He kept his mouth on hers to keep her quieter and from screaming his name for all to hear. After a few more rounds of extremely kinky, rough sex, they both lay on the floor, side by side, panting. Liam caught his breath first, rolling on his side to face her. Pulling her closer to nibble on her neck and squeeze her ass. She caught her breath not long after and rolled towards him, throwing her leg over his. Stating as she nuzzled his neck, "your never sated are you." He continued to nibble her neck leaving hickies and replying, "I could never get enough of you, you're so deliciously beautiful especially when you call my name. You're mine." He finished with a low growl in the back of his throat, his more primal wolf side showing through. She relished in his primal urge to stake claim to her. She liked his possessiveness to a certain degree. It was kind of a turn on, if she was being honest. "You know we can't stay here, all day right, we still have to show Lupus the ropes. He still doesn't know his purpose for being here." Liam grunted and sighed, biting her shoulder. "Way to kill the mood, princess. I don't want to think of our responsibilities as I lay naked with you with a hard on." She glanced down as if to fact check that he was telling the truth about being hard. Then looking back up at him. "Well I can fix that." She said stroking him, this time giving him a hand job as they locked lips and their chests pressing close together. He came all over them both. "Time for a shower, we should clean up." She stood heading for the bathroom. He followed behind, thinking of something more than just showering. After fucking in the shower some more and finally cleaning off and dressing, they headed down to eat. It was definitely past morning and noon. We grabbed some food to eat, we were pretty hungry after all that sex and then went to look for Lupus. We found him sitting in the downstairs lounge room watching some weird show on the T.V. Upon our arrival he turned and looked at us with a mock scowl. "About time you two love birds came down. I've been waiting all day." Liam laughed and said "It's all her fault, for being so attractive." Rose slapped his arm saying "It is not, you know darn well it is your fault and secondly, I don't control my genes." Lupus stood from the couch. "Alright so what shenanigans are we getting up to, today?" Liam and Rose looked at one another. It would seem they had no idea.