
Lost in the Perils of Heartbreak (TMP2)

AuroraGraham · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Lupus DesVampirque

I had the best sleep I've had in a while. I awoke to the sound of my father talking. My father who was not dead as I had thought for so many years was alive and breathing as well as my mother. Who was still immobile and imprisoned in some weird tube. My father was in the corner of the room on his phone whisper yelling at someone. Not sure what they were talking about but it didn't sound good. Yet this scenario seemed so familiar. When I was a kid I could just chalk it up to work and stress. Now this seemed something entirely different. I sat up in bed, nothing ached. I could do this, no problem. I cleared my throat. "Dad." He looked over his shoulder at me and abruptly hung up on whoever he had been talking to. That was new and strange. He walked over to me. "Come with me, there's so much you want to know. I know. Just it's easier if I show you." He said. He seemed more anxious than excited. It felt more like I had done something wrong and was about to be disciplined than celebrating the fact that we're both together again after so much lost time.