
Lost in the Perils of Heartbreak (TMP2)

AuroraGraham · Fantasy
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43 Chs


I heard it walking around above and then a female said, "Well looks to be empty this should be a good place to lay low for a while. From the looks of that hole, no one has been here in a while." The footsteps paused and then "Why does it smell like fresh food in here and two people? There's still food on the table, weird. Maybe they ran out for a bit. I hope they don't come back." I took a moment to consider my options. It was just a girl after all. I climbed back up, whispering for Joey to stay hidden. I waltzed back into the kitchen stating, "Well too bad for you, I've never left." She growled in surprise and took a fighting stance. She couldn't have been that old, she looked to be around Joey's age. "I'm not here to fight you. Suppose it is a safe place to stay that you want. You're welcome to stay here with us. But we're going to need to have a chat first." She seemed to consider my words. Yet still not backing down. "How do I know you're not trying to trick me into letting my guard down? And who's us?" Oh shit, I said us, I didn't mean to nor did I realize I had. "You can trust me I swear and oh it's just me, my friend, and his little brother. Jack isn't here right now. He went to get us some more supplies. I promise we're just trying to find a safe place to stay just like you. Jack and I built this place a long time ago. It needs some repairs, obviously but we're just misfits hiding out. Just like you. We mean no harm. Joey, you can come out now!" I called. He came in slowly as if he was suspicious I was lying. "Hi?" He said looking between me and the girl, confused. The girl seemed to calm down when he entered though. She also seemed to be checking him out. Well, someone has a new crush. "My name is Alessia, nice to meet you, I think. Can we do this little chat over some food?" She asked. "Yes, of course, you must be starving." I gestured for her to take a seat. I would pull her chair out for her but she seems like the let me do it myself type or I'll hurt you. We all sat down. Joey cautiously picked his food back up, splitting it into two portions before passing the second to her. "Thank you." she smiled. 

He sheepishly smiled back and said "No Problem." I watched the encounter slightly amused at the way they were low-key into each other. Or at least they were trying to be low-key about it. "Should I leave you two love birds alone for your date," I joked. They both laughed nervously and said, "It's not a date at the same time." I replied, "Uh huh, so Alessia mind telling us what brings you to our humble little shack and what you are exactly because I'm sure you're not one of us. No offense but from the sound you made coming in, we thought you were something else.