
Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Having found out the truth about the nights watch from Wynafryd Manderly, Jon snow can't help but feel his father is trying to get rid of him by sending him to the end of the earth. Jon decides if he has to leave he can at least choose where he's going himself. After stowing away on a boat heading towards Essos Jon gets caught in a rather nasty storm, that coupled with hitting his head and knocking himself out leads him to being stranded in one of the most inhospitable places on planetos. With a surprising guest Probably should've just joined the watch 200,000 words Arc 1: Sothoryos Arc 2: Basilisk Isle Arc 3: Westeros Arc 4: Essos Arc 5: Stygai Arc 6: The Long Night Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or their respective books all that is owned by the big man himself GRR Martin

TheManUnderTheBed · Book&Literature
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73 Chs

You Remind me of What he Could’ve been

"Call the guards!"

"Restrain him!"

"Grab his weapon!"

The patrons of the tavern that Daeron had found himself in all started to work themselves into a fury as from their perspective a man had just come in and beat a young woman to death and laughed about it 'I suppose it doesn't look too good from their perspective," Daeron thought to himself. He caught men starting to shift their weight forward and approach slowly as if Daeron were a dangerous animal "You misunderstand the situation, my friends, she was not what she appears to be," Daeron said as he tried to reason with them.

"Save your vile lies, we all saw what you did plain as day," the Innkeeper spat out as he grabbed a small hand axe from behind the counter. Some of the patrons didn't seem to have the stomach for what was about to happen as instead of approaching Daeron they left the tavern much to the jeers of the others.

Daeron didn't feel too concerned though, while the pain of his injuries caused him slight irritation he was ready to go again despite just finishing one fight "Back off and go back to your drinks... this is your final warning," Daeron said in a dark tone that even caused the biggest man there to hesitate. But it seemed that it wouldn't be enough as the advantage in numbers seemed to alleviate the bad feeling they all got from the young lad in front of them.

"Get him Vorkis!" One of the smaller men yelled as he patted a large man on the back, the man stood up from his seat and Daeron felt himself involuntarily gulping, the man reached over 7 feet and while he had fought the mountain before, if he was asked to fight him barehanded then he'd most certainly make a different choice.

Daeron scanned the room and saw at least eight people were remaining, the others had run, either during his fight with the Faceless man or the build-up to the oncoming fight. Either way, this wouldn't look good, especially if he couldn't get his sword back 'I'd settle for any weapon if I'm honest,' he thought to himself as he tried scanning for his sword.

However, he wasn't given any more time to wonder as the first man charged at him with a loud battle cry. Daeron reached over to the closest table and grabbed a small knife that a patron had been using to eat his dinner and he threw it straight at the incoming man, it hit him straight in the shoulder disrupting his charge and making him cry out. He pulled the knife out of his shoulder "You motherless whoreson!" He shouted at Daeron before charging again.

He raised the knife in a reverse grip before trying to slam it down in Daeron's face, but the young man shifted his wait and spun around while grabbing a chair, he then slammed the chair into the man which sent him straight to his back. Daeron liked to think he wasn't spiteful or vengeful, but as soon as the man spoke about his mother he saw red. On his back Daeron kicked the knife out of the man's hand before getting the chair leg that had broken when he smashed the chair into him, he stepped on his face to daze him and then grabbed him by the jaw forcing his mouth open.

Getting the chair leg he stuffed it in his mouth making him start to sputter and choke as he tried to grab Daeron and the chair leg but Daeron slammed his fist into his stomach which made him stop and it also opened up his throat. Slamming his palm into the other end of the chair leg he forced it right down his throat, only the tip of the chair leg stuck out with the rest being engulfed by his throat, the men watching winced as they saw the large bulge that pulsated.

"Does anyone else wish to say anything regarding my mother?" Daeron asked in a cold tone. There was pure silence in the tavern, the only sound was the sound of the man beneath Daeron's feet choking as he tried to remove the chair leg that was now embedded deeply in his throat, blood pooled at the corner of his mouth as splinters of the wood had undoubtedly torn up the inside of his oesophagus.

"AHHHHHHH," the men all screamed as they charged at Daeron together hoping their numbers advantage would prevent them from following a similar fate to their ally.

Daeron sprinted into action as he stepped on the man's stomach and ran towards the stairs of the tavern, the entrance was blocked so this was the only way out. He didn't want to try fighting against seven people with his injuries and without a weapon.

However before he could reach the stairs Vorkis managed to get there first blocking the way, lifting his large leg he sent a kick that collided with Daeron sending him back and knocking the wind out of him. As he stumbled back he was hit in the back with a chair which sent him to the floor "Shit!" He groaned as he pushed himself up, though as he did he managed to see his sword which was on the ground by the bar.

However, he soon lost sight of the sword when he was kicked in the stomach by one of the patrons, rolling with the kick Daeron gained some distance between him and the others and pushed himself up from the floor. One of the patrons launched a punch that was aimed at Daeron's face, he sidestepped it before sending a jab of his own followed by a kick to the centre of his chest which sent him colliding with another patron.

Daeron ran towards the man who was in the process of falling to the ground and he jumped pushing off his chest and launching himself over most of the Patrons, as he hit the ground he curled up and rolled before coming up and immediately having to fuck underneath the hatchet of the innkeeper. Daeron caught the next swing of the small axe but due to the leverage of his crouched position, he was slowly being pushed to the ground. Seeing a person charge at him from behind Daeron thought fast and pulled the innkeeper forward while rolling onto his back, he kicked his feet into the innkeeper's stomach and rolled him over his body before launching him into the man behind him.

Daeron got up and blocked a chair that was smashed against him though it made him stumble back which was enough for the man who had hit him to connect a punch, Daeron took the blow before sending one of his own back crunching the man's nose under his fist. However before he could capitalise on his advantage he felt himself being lifted by the back of his neck "Oh fuck..." he said aloud before he was thrown across the room, he was thrown so high that he hit his head on a bar of wood running across the ceiling which caused him to flip before he landed on a table breaking it under his weight.

Daeron felt his chest throb with pain as he stood up, grabbing a broken piece of wood he started throwing them at the approaching giant, though it didn't do anything to slow him down. Vorkis approached Daeron in a slow walk that quickly morphed into a run and Daeron was soon tackled by the man as he wasn't able to dodge in time. Daeron was slammed through the tables and chairs as he was run across the room by Vorkis, he was even smashed through a supporting beam before he was slammed into the bar creating a crater in the wood.

Vorkis then starts to punch Daeron over and over again, the sounds of fists hitting bone reverberate over the tavern until suddenly Daeron moved his head slightly and Vorkis punched through the counter. Daeron then launched himself up onto the large man and took a bite out of his neck "AHHHHHHH!" The man boomed out as he threw Daeron back to the ground.

Daeron groaned as he leaned himself up against the bar watching Vorkis groan at the damage he'd caused, however, his gaze drifted and next to him, he saw a familiar and most welcome sight.

One of the smaller men gave Vorkis a cloth to hold against his neck, something he snatched out of his hands before pushing him back. All the remaining men stood with him as they looked towards Daeron who was now stood up with Brightroar in his hands.

"You guys are dead..."


The guards that had been called during Daeron's fight with the Faceless man had finally arrived though they took their time coming as they didn't much care whether the people fighting were alive or not. They arrived at the area that was given to them but they found nothing, however they did hear screaming.

Going to the source of the screaming it led them to a shabby-looking tavern, inside they could hear the clattering of metal against wood, the screams of men and the sound of footsteps running. The guards looked at each other as if daring someone to enter the tavern first but no one moved, the leader of the squad found himself shaking at the ear-piercing screams that came from the tavern, but what scared him more was how they abruptly stopped and it all went dead silent.



The heavy sounds of boots could be heard as they drew closer and closer to the guards outside, whatever had caused the commotion was now coming towards them. A few of them thought to flee but if they did so then it's likely they'd be hung as traitors or cowards. However they all seemed to relax as a boy no older than fifteen name days walked out of the tavern, his age seemed to detract from the fact he was soaked in blood and had one hand behind his back.

Daeron looked at the guards in front of him before throwing the object he had behind his back in front of him. The guards backed up as they saw the head of a large man rolling towards them leaving a trail of blood in its wake. The head came to a stop and the guards were treated to the shocked expression of the now-dead Vorkis "Do we have an issue or will you join these men here..." Daeron said as blood dripped from his body, his hair, his sword and even his face.

Daeron took their silence as a no and so he walked straight past the guards while they stood there trying to process what had happened to them.


"You foolish foolish boy," Ashara said as she slapped Daeron's arm multiple times causing his bruises to be irritated. Daeron had met the group back on the ship where they waited, Arthur and the others were still away getting the Wheelhouses sorted so only Ashara and a few guards remained on the ship. Needless to say, she was not happy when she saw Daeron come back to the state that he was currently in.

"I'm sorry! There's no need to hit me!" He said as he caught her hand preventing her from hitting him again.

Ashara just sighed and pulled her hand back before grabbing him by the hand and leading him below deck and to her cabin "You were only meant to get supplies what trouble could you have possibly gotten yourself into," Ashara said as she sat Daeron down on her bed before fetching a bowl of water with some cloth.

Daeron chuckled "You can blame Arthur for that one, it was him who insisted that I take some guards with me," Daeron stated, though Ashara didn't know what he meant by that causing her to shoot him a look of confusion.

"One of the guards was a Faceless man, he tried to kill me on the bridge and as you can see he got a few good hits in," Daeron explained causing Ashara's eyes to widen.

"Are you well? I know they are known for coating their blades," Ashara said her voice full of concern as she traced her hands over Daeron's now shitless body. Daeron couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed as he was treated to an eyeful of Ashara's large breasts when she bent over.

"I am fine Ashara, the assassin is dead and I am alive," he said as he averted his eyes. Though Ashara grabbed him by the chin as she inspected the bruises and cuts on his face "What about these, they do not look like the wounds you'd obtain from an assassin," she asked.

Daeron laughed once more "It was a simple misunderstanding, but it wasn't life threatening," he replied.

Ashara sighed as she sat next to Daeron her thick warm thighs rubbing against Daeron's own. She lifted the cloth from the bowl as she started to wipe and clean Daeron, the cold water might've made people tense but not Daeron, he welcomed the cold like an old friend and revelled in the feeling of it against his skin, but also the feeling of Ashara's soft hands against him 'I shouldn't be thinking such a way," Daeron thought to himself as he sat still as Ashara cleaned off all the blood and made sure his wounds were clean.

Ashara frowned as she came to a rather deep cut on Daeron's back. All of the deep wounds that Daeron had were no longer bleeding which she found odd as none of them had scabbed over, they were all open and yet nothing dropped out 'He's like a corpse...' she thought to herself. For reassurance she ran her hand across his chest before settling it on his heart, she felt relief wash over her as his heart still beat slowly.


Ashara snapped out of her thoughts as she met the pure blue eyes of Daeron, they were barely an inch away from each other now, and she could feel his cold breath wash across her face and she found it hard not to lean in and kiss him. She reminded him so much of her first love 'No that would do Daeron an injustice, he's so much more than he was,' Ashara thought to herself as she unconsciously started rubbing circles in Daeron's chest.

'He's what my first love could've been if he hadn't gotten lost along the way," she thought to herself as she tried pulling herself back from the temptation.

However, she spent too much time worrying about herself and not enough worrying about Daeron who closed the distance and pressed his lips against hers. She moaned intensely as she felt herself explode with passion, Daerons tongue slid into her mouth and danced with hers and his hands started tracing the curves of her body 'Nooo not again,' she thought to herself but it was too late, Daeron's hand squeezed her breast and she found herself having another explosion of pleasure even more intense than before, she could feel her small clothes begin to soak through as her juices gushed out of her womanhood.

Daeron moved from her lips to her cheek and then downwards to her chin and then to her neck where he bit and sucked on it like a wild animal 'No no no no!' Ashara thought as she peaked once more spraying her small clothes with her nectar and whipping her head back in a moan she couldn't conceal.

However, his erect cock poking into her side seemed to sober her up as she pushed Daeron away and stood up "Daeron we must stop!" She said unconvincingly.

"What is happening between us is not right, and it can't happen again," she said as she tried to sound stern though even she wasn't convinced by her own words. 

Daeron just sat there watching the beautiful woman in front of him, a sheen of sweat graced her forehead making her even more beautiful and he could see a droplet of sweat travel down her chest and between both breasts "Daeron I am serious!" She shouted as it seemed as if Daeron wasn't paying attention.

"Of course Ashara if that's what you want," he said politely to her. Though this didn't seem to be the right answer as she looked pissed off, she turned around on her heels before opening the door to her cabin and slamming it after walking through.

'I'll never understand women' Daeron thought to himself as he lay back on the bed with an uncomfortably large erection straining his breeches.

(AN: The Start of Ashara and Jon's romance, wooooooooo. And also if it wasn't clear the reason Jon basically tanked so many injuries is that now his body is much closer to being a corpse than it was before so that comes with new abilities such as not bleeding out and a lot of stamina. The dead never tireee. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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