
Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Having found out the truth about the nights watch from Wynafryd Manderly, Jon snow can't help but feel his father is trying to get rid of him by sending him to the end of the earth. Jon decides if he has to leave he can at least choose where he's going himself. After stowing away on a boat heading towards Essos Jon gets caught in a rather nasty storm, that coupled with hitting his head and knocking himself out leads him to being stranded in one of the most inhospitable places on planetos. With a surprising guest Probably should've just joined the watch 200,000 words Arc 1: Sothoryos Arc 2: Basilisk Isle Arc 3: Westeros Arc 4: Essos Arc 5: Stygai Arc 6: The Long Night Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or their respective books all that is owned by the big man himself GRR Martin

TheManUnderTheBed · Book&Literature
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71 Chs

First Flight


The sun was shining on the free city of Pentos, one of the cities along the coast of the narrow sea. In the city was a manse belonging to a certain cheesemonger, he sat with someone he had known for many years, one of the only people he trusted and most likely ever trusted.

Varys his friend was one of the most composed people he'd ever met and yet right now he was angry for the first time since he was a child "We need to find whoever exposed us and kill them! They know too much! How do they know about Aegon it's impossible!"

Illyrio took a drink from his cup "Calm yourself, my friend, we need simply adjust our plan, we still have the coastal houses of the Crownlands that support us"

Varys looks to Illyrio sceptically "Will they? With the information that the other Targaryen has a dragon, we may find their allegiances shifting"

They are brought out of their conversation by a boy with silver hair walking in through the doors, by his side is a large grizzled man with reddish grey hair "Why was I not informed about the events transpiring in Westeros!" He shouted in a regal voice.

Illyrio smiled broadly "Ahh Aegon it is good to see you, do not take offence we simply did not think it was important enough to worry the King with"

"Not important enough? The realm is rising against our biggest allies and you thought it not important enough not to inform me?" Aegon spat out as he took a seat at the table.

"Dorne is resilient your grace, even your ancestors with your dragons couldn't conquer Dorne, they will outlast the usurper" Varys stated.

Aegon shook his head "I refuse to allow this to occur, we have an opportunity here to get the advantage on the usurper"

"And how is that your grace?" Illyrio asks.

"They will be taking their armies into Dorne, once they do their backs will be exposed. If we land at griffins roost we can organise our troops with the Dornish and get them from both sides" Aegon states.

"Your grace perhaps it is too soon to be taking such drastic measures so soon, we have not even secured an alliance with Dorne as of yet" Varys states.

But Aegon is young and stubborn "It doesn't matter, they are my family and I will not abandon them" he then turns to Jon Connington "Prepare the Golden Company to travel" he commanded getting a nod back.

He then looked to Illyrio "I hope you can secure us enough ships for us to make landfall" he gets a slow nod back.

Aegon nods and then looks at them awkwardly "Are my family doing well?"

Illyrio smiles though most can tell that it isn't real "These things take time your grace, just like with Rhaenys I am certain they will cool off and come around eventually"

Aegon smiled with relief, his sister had nearly attacked him the first time they met but after Varys and Illyrio had sent her away to cool off and get some peace of mind through travel she had changed. He couldn't wait until he married her, though like his namesake before him he would take Daenerys as his wife as well, once she came around.

Aegon then stood up and then left the room "He seems to be growing up fast, Serra" Illyrio says to himself with a small smile on his face.



Robb Stark stood at the window of his room looking out into the snowy courtyard of Winterfell, ever since he had sent the letter to the lords of the North he was essentially under house arrest. He supposed it could've been worse, but even so, he would have done it all again if given the choice, Jon deserved to be happy and so did his sisters and if them leaving together is what allowed that to happen then he was glad.

Robb is brought out of his thoughts by a knock on his door "Enter" he says, he looks to his door and sees Maester Luwin enter.

"Sorry to disturb you my Lord but you have a letter from your Father in Kings Landing" he stated as he holds the letter out towards him, Robb takes the letter and opens it.

*Robb, I know things between us have been strained, but know that what I do is the good of the realm. I am giving you a chance to redeem yourself for your actions and to show that you are loyal to your family. War is to be declared on Dorne and the King is raising the banners to take away the only kingdom that supports the Targaryens and to also find Jon. He has become too dangerous, he is rumoured to have used a dragon to destroy the Hightower and so he must be stopped before he turns his eyes to the rest of the realm. I, therefore, wish for you to call the bannermen of the north and make for Moat Cailin the North will be joining 30,000 reachmen under the command of Randyll Tarly. You will both take the prince's pass into Dorne and siege Kingsgrave to set up a supply line. Do not fail me Robb I do not wish to have to remove you as my heir*

Robb could not help but chuckle at the letter's content 'For the good of the realm... the cry of someone who knows what they're doing is wrong' he thought to himself.

"Thank you Luwin, please send the ravens to the lords of the north and call the banners" he commanded getting a nod from the older man as he left the room.

"Maybe Jon won't mind me joining him once I'm disinherited," he said with a small chuckle as he went back to looking outside of his window.



Doran Martell the ruling Prince of Dorne sat in his Solar as he contemplated the situation he found himself in, he couldn't help but bitterly chuckle as all of his careful planning over the years was for naught. At first, he thought it was merely a rumour but after more information came in it turned out to be true, the King had declared war on Dorne the reason being that they are hiding a traitor to the realm.

Ridiculous reasoning but the true reason made more sense, Doran had no knowledge that his nephew Aegon was alive, if he had he would've married Arianne to him instead of planning to marry her to Viserys. But it didn't matter now the secret was out and Dorne would be assumed to support Aegon which wouldn't be wrong. They would endure, Dorne wasn't conquered by the Dragons and it would survive the Stag.

Doran is drinking from a cup of wine when his brother walks in, he immediately slumps into a chair and puts his feet on his desk, Oberyn is the only person Doran would tolerate this behaviour such was the love that he had for him, though there was also a hint of resignation as he knew this was the way his brother was "Do you have news of the church" he asked as he put his cup down.

Oberyn angrily lifted his feet off the table "Fuck the church! Why do you act so calmly when the realms rise against us in arms!"

Doran doesn't reply and lets his brother rant and when he finally stops he speaks "There is not much we can do for now regarding the coming war, I wish to know what you have discovered about the church" he says calmly.

Oberyn huffs not unlike a child "They have gone, their churches are empty and whatever followers they have left, to where? I know not"

Doran raised an eyebrow "All of them?"

Oberyn nodded his head "The ones in Dorne at least, perhaps a sign they knew the war is coming"

Doran knew that wasn't right though for what reason did they leave? It was all very strange, he looks back up at Oberyn "Leave the church for now, I have another task for you and your daughters"

Oberyn sighs and puts his feet back up, he just wanted to go to a brothel with his paramour and relax but his brother had him running around Dorne these last few months "What is it? Do I have to infiltrate the silent sisters? Perhaps join an ironborn crew?" He said sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"I've heard from some of my contacts where they believe Arianne ran away to, I need you to bring her to me, she'll be important for the war to come" Doran simply says he then goes back to his work effectively dismissing Oberyn.



"Daeronnn, oooooooh" Margaery moaned as the man kissed her sex, his tongue caressed her small flaps going straight to her nub which sent shots of pleasure throughout her body as her head faced the ceiling her long brown hair sprawled out on the pillow beneath her, she already felt on edge from his simple tongue movements but she found herself squirting her juices when Daeron placed one of his fingers inside of her.

"Daeron... P-Please" she breathed out with a pretty blush on her face as she begged him to take her once again, she'd been taken by Daeron every day when they travelled by ship, sometimes even twice a day but when they arrived at Starfall he hadn't had enough time with the marriage and the birth of his children. She felt like a whore the way she begged for him but found that it only made her want him more.

Daeron climbed on top of her her breasts mashed against his muscles and he grabbed his cock aiming it at her entrance and pushing it in slightly, Daeron couldn't help but smirk as every time he'd entered her she'd finish. He thrust inside going completely to the hilt "AHHHHHHHH" she screamed in pleasure as her sex squeezed onto his cock as if it would drift away if she didn't, her legs wrapped around his back and she hugged him riding the waves of pleasure emanating from her sex, however, Daeron didn't just let her be as he started the thrust harder and harder extending her pleasure and increasing his own. He grabbed her hair tearing her face away from his shoulder as he pressed his lips against hers their tongues rubbing together as he passionately kisses her. He then goes on his knees grabbing her legs and pushes them forward almost bending her in half as he pushes his cock as deep as it will go, he doesn't know how many times she's finished and he's sure she doesn't even know herself but he is coming close.

With every thrust, his balls slap against her pillowy arse making it ripple and her other hole twitch as his large appendage spreads her wide. Unknown to both of them another person had slipped inside the room, they'd finally managed to get away from the attentions of a certain arrogant lord. She slipped off her dress and silently climbed on the bed with a smirk on her face. She pressed her bare chest against Daerons muscular back her breasts pushing into him.

Daeron smiles, as strange as it may sound he could easily recognise the woman behind him as she had the biggest nipples among those he was involved with "Did you not have to walk the gardens with The Darkstar" he grunted out as he kept thrusting into Margaery, who opened her eyes when she heard him talk, she felt embarrassed being watched by another person in her intimate moment but found her sex clenching even tighter.

Arianne leans her head on his shoulder as she kisses his neck "I decided to spend my time with a man and not a boy" she said with a sultry chuckle as she hugged him from behind her hands running over the muscles of his stomach "Mmm she is beautiful is she not, the Rose of Highgarden moaning underneath you like a wanton whore"

Daeron felt Margaery tighten at her words which made him smirk "I think she likes the way you speak of her" he said as Arianne's smile grew broader. Arianne had occasionally sampled the fairer sex but never had she tasted such a beautiful girl before. She unwrapped herself from Daeron and she crawled on the bed, Margaery had her face covered to hide her embarrassment which made her unprepared for Arianne who placed her mouth on her breast sucking her already erect nipples. She squeaked in surprise, she instinctively tried to push her away but she was already weak from the pleasure she felt and Arianne easily overpowered her pinning her arms down. All she could do was lay there and moan as she felt herself being impaled on Daerons cock whole Arianne sucked on her nipples.

Arianne licked from her nipple up to her neck and then face, their breasts and nipples rubbed together causing a small spike of pleasure from both girls "Such a delicate rose, you already look as if you're drifting away" she whispers as she places her lips upon Margaery surprising her and making her eyes widen, her arms are still pinned down so she's helpless but to just accept it as her tongue forces it's way down her mouth.

Arianne's lips are soft and her mouth feels hotter than hers, she can't help but sink into the pleasure and she stops fighting. Daeron feels himself getting close to spilling inside her so he starts to thrust even harder into Margaery making her moan even more. Arianne snakes her hand down going through the bush of hair that hid her sex and rubbing her nub "OOOOOOHHH UHHHHHHH" Margaery screams as she finishes her body feeling as if it was on fire. Daeron almost struggles to move his cock inside of her she's clenching him so tightly.

He loses control and he starts to spill his seed inside her, Margaery clenches the sheets as she feels Daerons seed fill her. Arianne's mouth encloses on her own silencing the moans of pleasure while Daeron holds her legs tightly. Soon they both feel their peaks declining and Daeron moves himself off her and next to her breathing heavily. Margaery feels herself make a noise once again half in surprise and half in pleasure as Arianne makes her way between her legs licking Daerons leaking seed from her sex.

Daeron looks at the scene and feels himself stiffen once again, Arianne's large behind looks too enticing and so he starts to crawl towards her only for someone to knock at the door, Daeron silently curses at the interruption and gets to his feet throwing on some breeches as he opens the door slightly. He sees Myrcella there with watery eyes and he immediately slips out of the room and pulls her into an embrace "What is it Myrcella?" He asks gently as he strokes her hair. She doesn't reply and only holds up a letter addressed to him.

*Daeron by the time you read this letter I'll be on a ship going back to the iron islands. I appreciate all you've done for me, you saved me from a fate worse than death and even gave your life in the process. I'll never forget that, but I feel like I've overstayed my welcome, you have women and a family now you don't need a sailor anymore. I think the time I spent with you all was the best of my life and it's sad that it is ending but we all have to move on*

Asha Greyjoy

Daeron was already walking down the corridor the letter falling to the floor.


Ashara Dayne watched the two babes sleep with a gentle smile, she was happy that Rhaenys and Daeron allowed her to look after the babes when they needed rest but at times it did hurt a bit. It reminded her of her babe that her not made it into this world alive, she wondered if she would have had the same colouring as Jaehaerys or perhaps she would have the grey Stark eyes. It was questions such as these that kept her up during the night of what could have been.

Perhaps she could've given birth to a strong and healthy daughter or perhaps she could've married the man she fell in love with. Or perhaps she wouldn't be heartbroken at seeing the same man become broken and bitter. The last time she saw Ned she almost flung herself from the tower and let the waves take her, she had told him the fate of their child and yet he had said.

'It's for the best, I have a duty to my wife now'

It was as if Ned had died during the war and a faceless man stood in his place. Her heart broke that day and if her brother had died as well then she would've gone with them, at least they could've been together in the place beyond where they were now.

Ashara say and held the babes in each arm as she hummed a sweet melody, she had found that you had to hold them both or they'd cry in the absence of one another. She hoped that Daeron and Rhaenys would let her look after them more, maybe it was selfish of her but she felt at ease when the babes were in her arms, she understood why Rhaenys insisted on nursing them herself, if they are Ashara's she would have wanted to as well.

Ashara is brought out of her thoughts by someone walking in through the door, she looks up "Gerold? I had no idea you'd come from High Hermitage" she says with a small smile, she didn't very much like the man but she'd still be considerate towards him. He doesn't say anything and just smiles as he looks at the two babes in his arms.


'Shiera I think it's time' Daeron conveys through their link, she understands immediately as excitement courses through her veins.

Daeron wants to leave as quickly as possible so instead of going down he goes up to the tallest tower, the adamantine tower, there he stands on the balcony waiting for Shiera. As soon as he sees her he stands on the edge and with a deep breath he jumps, he falls through the air and quickly grabs onto Shiera's neck as she pulls up and they fly high into the air. Daeron couldn't help the large smile that painted his face, he had wanted to experience this again ever since he rode the Wyvern in Sothroyos.

Shiera took him higher and higher breaking through the clouds as she dove again "WOOOOOOOO" he shouted as the wind rushed through his hair, he'd never felt as free as he did now, It made him wish he could be a dragon himself.

'Shiera take me to Asha' he commanded as they headed across the coast towards the sunset sea.

(AN: Another chapter done, this one just giving ya some updates on what's happening to some characters, Ashara shows up finally, she's not like Arianne so she won't be sitting on ya boys face immediately)

If you like my work consider supporting me give me ideas for any fics you think could work, atm I'm rereading fire and blood for my next fic.
