
Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Having found out the truth about the nights watch from Wynafryd Manderly, Jon snow can't help but feel his father is trying to get rid of him by sending him to the end of the earth. Jon decides if he has to leave he can at least choose where he's going himself. After stowing away on a boat heading towards Essos Jon gets caught in a rather nasty storm, that coupled with hitting his head and knocking himself out leads him to being stranded in one of the most inhospitable places on planetos. With a surprising guest Probably should've just joined the watch 200,000 words Arc 1: Sothoryos Arc 2: Basilisk Isle Arc 3: Westeros Arc 4: Essos Arc 5: Stygai Arc 6: The Long Night Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or their respective books all that is owned by the big man himself GRR Martin

TheManUnderTheBed · Book&Literature
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71 Chs

Chaos in Kings Landing



Rhaenys was touching herself for the fifth time that night, she felt the breeze from the open balcony door to her room caress her naked body. Her stomach was swelled with Jon's seed, it filled her full of joy that she would be giving her love a child. But she felt very frustrated that he was not here with her, she needed him, the way it felt when they were connected, she did not want to live life any other way. She had also been unbearably lustful while with child and not having Jon here meant she had to deal with it herself.

Especially since Myrcella and Asha both went off to gods know where with just a note saying they'd be back soon. Myrcella was always eager to kiss between Rhaenys legs, but for now, Rhaenys had to make do with her hand.

She felt herself reaching her peak as she pushed two fingers into herself while she squeezed her nipples she moaned at the pleasure that shot throughout her body, her nipples were very sensitive at the moment and recently had begun secreting milk, she had to be careful where she squeezed or it would ooze out.

She thrust her fingers into her sex harder as she imagined Jon was on top of her, imagining him shooting his seed deep inside her. But before she can make herself finish she hears a knock at the door.

Groaning in frustration she hobbles up from her bed putting on a light purple silk robe before walking to the door and opening it. Arthur Dayne is there though he looks worried.

Feeling her anger melt away she now feels concern of her own grow "What is it, Arthur? Have you heard from Jon? Is he okay?"

Arthur shook his head before entering her room and closing the door "Your cousin is here" he says to her once the door is firmly closed.

Rhaenys raises her brow "Arianne? What would she be doing at Starfall?"

Arthur pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration "It seems she caught wind of a plan to have her married off to the Targaryens in exile while having her brother Quentyn usurp her as ruler of Dorne, so in an act of rebellion she ran away to Starfall believing one of my cousins was here"

Rhaenys sighs "Which cousin? Edric? Isn't he 10 a bit young for Arianne I would imagine"

Arthur does crack a small smile at that but shakes his head "Some scion from a cadet branch, Gerald I think, he believes himself to be the new Sword of the Morning"

Rhaenys snorts at that, she'd seen Arthur fight many times and only Jon had been able to come close to matching him "Does he not know you're still alive?"

Arthur shook his head "Only my sisters and father know, rest are too young to keep it a secret or too far removed to far removed to be trusted"

Arthur's face grows more serious "Where's Vhagar, we can't let Arianne see him, I must be the size of a carriage by now"

Rhaenys nodded her head "About that big, but don't worry I've kept him in the mountains, he should be well concealed"

Arthur nods with some relief before Rhaenys catches his attention again "What will we do with Arianne? It should be fine to reveal ourselves, Dorne has long resented the king and the Lannisters for my mother and brother's death, they wouldn't let my existence be known if I wished" Rhaenys reasoned.

Arthur thought for a minute "You haven't seen Arianne since you were children, she won't recognise you, so I think you'll be safe to talk to her, however, she was around 5 to 6 when she saw me so she may remember. I'll make myself scarce you just continue your life as normal" Arthur said before heading to her door and leaving.

Rhaenys sighs and goes back to her bed lying down on it, her thick dark hair sprawled out around her on the bed. She opens her robe, feeling her stomach where her baby grew, and she smiled.


(Old Town)


Daeron was walking around town by himself, he'd been kicked out of the inn by the girls for whatever reason, so he walked the streets taking in the sights. He was filled with anticipation for the melee that would be starting soon, he knew it was frowned upon to kill in the melee but that wouldn't stop him from collecting the Mountains head and with the Lannister's sword, he had thought about changing the pommel of Brightroar many times but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

Every time he thought of slaying Tywin Lannister with his family sword prevented him from going to the blacksmiths. Once his Lannister enemies were dead, he would change it.

As he walked through the streets he heard a muffled scream coming from a nearby alley, though it was so quiet he questioned whether he heard it at all. Deciding to investigate regardless Daeron made his way to the entrance of the dark alley. There he saw what looked like a young girl getting dragged away by a large man covered in filth. He had her lifted in his arms as he put a hand around her mouth muffling her screams, she tried struggling out of his grasp but he was too strong.

Daeron shouted at the man to get his attention. He had grown the past few months standing just short of 6ft but the man was still taller and larger than him.

"Fuck off kid, mind your business" he spits out in a gruff unpleasant voice, before walking off not considering Daeron a threat.

Not wanting to cause a scene Daeron walked up behind the man and grabbed him by the base of his skull, channeling some magic through his hands he impales him through the head with a sharp spike of ice. Daeron grabs the girl before he falls over, checking to see if she's okay.

"Are you okay?" Daeron asked gently as he looked at the young girl, her hair was brown and she had filth marks on her face. Daeron wipes them off for her and puts her on the ground.

She nods her head when he asked if she was okay "Where are your mother and father?" Daeron asks as he kneels to eye level for her.

She shakes her head, though Daeron understands "Orphan? Well let's take you back to the orphanage then" Daeron says with a smile as he lifts her onto his shoulders drawing a laugh from her.

'She seems to still be in shock at what had happened making her not want to speak but at least she laughed, it's a good sign' Daeron thinks to himself as he walks down the street with the girl on his shoulders.

"Come my lady you need to direct me to the orphanage, I'm your noble steed, let us make haste" Daeron said in jest as he made horse sounds and started galloping, much to the amusement of the girl who held onto his head.

She directed him through the streets by tugging gently on his hair and eventually, they came to an old building in what seemed to be a poorer than usual district. Every city had a district where the people without any coin or those who struggled to earn any went, at least this place was cleaner than others Daeron had seen.

Daeron knocked on the door the wood creaking under his fist as if it would give way. After a few minutes, a woman answered the door, though it wasn't someone Daeron expected to see in a place such as this.

An extremely beautiful woman, with thick and curling light brown hair, large brown eyes and a slender but womanly figure appeared at the door. Her face is delicate with refined features. Her complexion is fair and flawless, with a radiant glow that adds to her charm. Her lips are full and inviting, with a natural, captivating smile.

She wore a green dress that was clearly of high quality, intricate patterns of various flowers were sown into it and the bodice accentuated her curves.

Snapping out of his thought Daeron just realised he'd just been staring "I found a scoundrel taking off with this girl so I thought I'd return her home" Daeron said getting a smile and a look of relief from the woman.

"Thank goodness! The matron said she hadn't returned from going out with her friends, we thought she lost for good" the woman said as she grabbed Daerons hand pulling him inside.

"Matron! Sara is back!" She says excitedly as she drags Daeron by the hand inside. Inside a portly woman with dark hair who wore an apron and was cleaning a table looked up and gave a motherly smile.

"Did ya guards find er' then Lady Margaery?" she asks though Daerons eyes widen at her words.

'Lady Margaery! The Tyrell Rose? Shit!' Daeron thought to himself, being involved with one of the daughters of a great family is one of the last things he wanted.

"No it was this gentleman here, my guards haven't returned yet I'm afraid" she replied as she drags Daeron in front of her.

Daeron took Sara off his shoulders and put her down, she ran to the matron and hugged her getting one in return.

"My thanks milord I was filled with worry when she never returned home" the matron says with watery eyes as she hugs the young girl.

"No need for formalities Matron I'm no lord just a common man" Daeron says with a smile.

This draws a chuckle out of the matron as she stands up exiting her hug "Apologies, but you don't see many small folk looking like Valyrian princes" she said with a chuckle.

"It's no issue, my name is Lucerys Waters," He said with a polite bow.

"I'm Darlia though most around here just call me Matron" she replies with a nod of her own.

Daeron turns around to Margaery who had stood there with amusement in her eyes and takes her hand and kisses it "A pleasure Lady Margaery" he says.

"Please call me Margaery, while I'm here I'm just another one of Darlia's helpers" she insisted as she smiled broadly at him.

"Especially to someone who went out of their way to help Sara" she continued.

Daeron smiles back "Very well Margaery... now since I'm already here is there anything I can help with," he says to the matron.

She shakes her head with a smile "You've already done so much I wouldn't wish to impose on ya any more than I ave'" she replies.

"Please it's no imposition I see there are a few problems with the building allow me to have a look" he states before heading off to inspect the building, the matron just shakes her head with a sigh.

Margaery watched the stranger walk off deeper into the building, before letting herself relax and her composure drop. As soon as she opened the door she was enraptured with this man, as a daughter of a High Lord she had been to many cities and met many Knights in different tourneys but she had never met someone as handsome as Lucerys. His hair was like molten silver that had a shine to it that not even she could match, and his eyes glowed a soft blue of which she had never seen before.

If it hadn't been for grandmother's many lessons she would've acted like a fool in front of him, it warmed her heart that the girl had been found, she didn't want to think about what horrors would befall her if she was taken.

'Lucerys Waters, perhaps he's a bastard of House Velaryon or Celtigar, he looks like a hero straight from the books or perhaps a villain, Daemon Blackfyre was said to be very handsome' Margaery thought to herself as she stood there staring at the corridor Lucerys went down.


(Kings Landing)


Petyr Baelish stood on a balcony in the Red Keep overlooking the location of his warehouse, he couldn't quite see it but it wouldn't matter as the explosion would kill any men or children Varys sent to try and steal his gold.

Baelish couldn't be happier as he enjoyed the cool night air, he held out his glass and one of his servants refilled it for him. It wouldn't be long now he'd deal a blow to Vary's funds and his manpower. Once that happened he'd have the advantage and he'd beat him easily.

On another balcony overlooking the same warehouse only a few levels below Littlefingers, Varys also stood there smugly with a drink in his hand. He knew it was a trap though he planned to capture a few of his men, they'd know something of value, he'd thought about simply ignoring the trap but letting Baelish believe he had the upper hand was important as it would make him arrogant in his later moves.

Vary's smile disappears as he sees the building go up in green flames destroying it and the surrounding buildings. He knew this would be a possibility but hoped that his men would be able to stop the wildfire from being lit.

Baelish however is overjoyed as he smirks looking at the explosion believing Vary's men had been killed.



(A few moments earlier)

Varys men had just entered the building, they had weapons and armour fit for a knight concealed under their heavy cloaks. They saw Baelish's men waiting inside unaware that they were about to be ambushed.

They went in blades drawn silently as they approached the group unaware as about a dozen of them sat in various places relaxing. Though one did unfortunately spot the group and shouted in surprise, Varys men decided to forgo stealth and charged the men.

A clash of steel unfolded as the groups fought for dominance, Baelish's men seemed to be well suited to fighting face-to-face but they had little to no armour while Vary's men seemed to be suited to stealth and were well equipped. Blood and steel with the occasional scream was the only thing that could be heard in the warehouse until suddenly a dozen goldcloaks burst through the main door.

"Stop this madness in the name of King Robert Baratheon" The voice of Jon Arryn shouted out as he stepped through the line of goldcloaks.

The men not wanting to be arrested or executed all put down their weapons. Jon Arryn was concerned, he didn't recognise a single person in there. The letter he got stated Lords would be meeting to discuss support for the Targaryen lad across the sea. Something was wrong.

Meanwhile, outside a tall long legged woman with short dark hair wearing a cloak approached a puddle she had a torch with her that she held near the puddle only to discover it was green. This was a puddle of wildfire and it led straight to the warehouse.

Sighing the woman drops the torch before running hoping not to get caught in the explosion.

Inside Jon Arryn still thinking about the situation and what could be the real motives of the person who wrote the letter sees in the corner of his eye a line of wildfire being ignited through an open window. In that split second, he sees where it is head, to a group of other barrels.

With his eyes widening he turns around "RUN!" But before he can get out anymore the whole warehouse explodes and the Hand of the King is no more.


Varys was more than a little concerned as none of his spies had updated him on the situation after the explosion occurred. Sensing something was wrong Varys went to the wall adjacent to his desk and felt around until he heard a click. He then grabbed a torch and headed into the dark tunnels, making his way towards the city to obtain the information himself.

Though he pauses in his steps as he sees a light coming from a junction in the tunnels, dropping his torch he hugs the wall and makes his way there softly stepping to not make any noise. Arching his head around the corner he sees at least a dozen men dressed in crude armour with swords and axes, classic mercenaries. Varys thinks for a second before he puts it all together, this must've been Littlefinger's plan from the start.

He silently curses at the fact he had not seen through it, he had underestimated his enemy again. Though his thoughts were interrupted by the clatter of armour and feet coming down one of the tunnels.

It was the last person Varys expected to come down here. King Robert Baratheon armed with his Warhammer, though still red-faced from drinking appeared out of the tunnel into the junction. Behind him were Ser Barriston and Jaime Lannister as well as a dozen guards of the Red Keep.

"KILL THE TARGARYEN SUPPORTERS!" He shouts as he runs and crushes a man's head with a swing of his hammer, as they clash it is very clear the mercenaries do not stand a chance, not only are they outnumbered but three legendary warriors are amongst their number.

Those who tried to surrender did not have the chance as they were crushed by the mighty king who took no prisoners when it came to Targaryens. Varys quickly made himself scarce running back to his office and leaving the torch there.


As all this chaos was unfolding Ella walked through the Red Keep with a skip in her step. She'd had a really good day and everything seemed to be working out for her. Right now she was delivering a tray of food to the Crown Prince as he often did take his food in his room.

Approaching his room Ella sees the Kingsguard Ser Meryn Trant diligently guarding the room. Ella bends her knees and slumps her shoulders making herself shorter before she approaches.

Meryn Trant had a thing for younger girls, and he smiled as he saw the frail petite form of Ella's approach. The things he would do to her made him hard, something Ella noticed though her expression didn't visibly change.

"Food for his grace" Ella says quietly in a submissive tone, something Meryn liked a lot. Though he was still diligent in his duties, he had to inspect the trey before he could let her through. Though she was so short that he had to bend over to check what was in there.

As soon as he bent over and touch the rounded lid for the food, Ella stood up straight grabbed a knife from the tray and stabbed the kingsguard in the throat. She then hops out of the way as he tries to grab her, she watches with a smile as he falls on the floor blood clogging up his lungs as he struggles to breathe.

The puts the tray on the floor as she grabs Meryn's dagger he had on his belt, the sword would be too heavy for her. As she did she entered Prince Joffery's room, he could be seen slicing into a cat he had found on the floor, he chuckled now and then as the cat seemed to twitch after death.

She snuck up behind him and whistled catching his attention, but as soon as he turned around she hit him as hard as she could with the butt of her dagger, she heard the crunch of his nose as he cried out in pain sprawled out on the floor.

"DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO I AM!?! MY MOTHER WILL SEE YOU HANGED FOR THIS" Joffrey shouted enraged that someone had dared touch him.

"Mmm please enlighten me as to who you are" Ella says dreamily as she twirls the dagger around in her hand.

"I AM THE CROWN PRINCE, I WILL BE THE KING!!!" He shouts out still in pain.

"Wow, that certainly is very impressive, though I wonder if your father will still keep you as the Crown Prince when he finds out you can't have children" She replies to him with an innocent smile on her face.

Joffrey no longer holding his nose looks up at the girl "Can't have children!!! What foolishness are yo-"

Ella takes her dagger and stabs him in the groin right where his cock and balls lay. She does it multiple times each time making Joffrey howl in pain louder and louder, tears are coming out of his eyes at this point and he begs her to stop.

"For King Aegon Targaryen VI of his name the rightful king of the Iron Throne" She shouted with a manic smile as she repeatedly stabbed him completely turning his cock and balls into paste.

She then stops before dropping the dagger and kneeling next to Jofferys head and pats him "Don't cry, you should be happy, now you can't spawn any more evil cunts like yourself" she says with a smile before standing up and leaving the room.

Skipping down the corridors she stops before a door, her face is completely neutral with no expression until it suddenly morphs into one of panic, tears drip down her face as she starts shaking. She then opens the door hysterically, Grand Maester Pycelle had just been enjoying an Arbour Gold after fucking a much younger woman when he was snapped out of his relaxation.

Ella was hysterical as she made her way into his office "The Prince is hurt!!! The Kingsguard is dead!!" She manages to get out through sobs. Pycelle immediately gets up as he grabs his kit and heads towards the prince's chambers thinking the girl would be right behind him.

Though she watches him leave, she doesn't follow and she's no longer hysterical her face morphing back to a neutral one. She then heads to one of the secret entrances to the tunnels that were located in the Maesters solar. This was far from the junction where Baelish had stationed his men so she should be okay. Though it was close to something else that Ella was interested in.

Going through twists and turns she finally makes it to a dead end where around 20 chests lay, opening one he could see it was filled with gold dragons and precious gems. She smiles as she closes it.

(AN: chapter finished, this isn't the end of the chaos unfolding in Kings Landing. You'll learn why the king was in the tunnels, and you'll learn what the master plan was. Anyway, I'm still thinking whether to add Margaery to the harem I'm not sure yet so I'm gonna write her like I'm going to and then later I can change my mind. Anyway, imma focus on my other fic for a bit cause I haven't updated that in a few days and the next chapter is probably gonna be another 10,000+ words. Though I'm interested if anyone can guess what'll happen just based on the chapter)

*Lost Artefacts Chapter 11: Which is

Bigger 5 or 1*

Also check out the first chapter of my new fic: The Wondering Dragon.