
Lost in Honkai, Starting the Gentleman Simulator (continuation)

Traversing into the world of Honkai Impact 3rd, Lu Yu activated his own simulator. [Simulator Activated] [As a host, please act as a gentleman and guide the heroines towards a healthy path in the simulation!] "Miss Kiana Kaslana, I am enchanted by your beauty." "Bishop Theresa, I'll be waiting for you at the church tonight." "Mei Raiden, you don't want your father to go to jail, do you?" "Queen Cecilia, tonight I am your dog!" Lu Yu: "The dog system took a bite out of me, where's the gentleman you promised?" (Note: This book is fanfiction with numerous alternative character developments. If you dislike it, please avoid reading.) This is a Chinese Translated Fanfic Author: 一只鸽子(A Pigeon) Link: https://trxs.cc/tongren/7875.html (so I decided to continue where the last translator left off, if you want to read this from the start check out: https://www.webnovel.com/book/lost-in-honkai-starting-the-gentleman-simulator_26981270505945205) also my knowledge of chinese and Honkai impact is abysmal so point out any errors and just me being a dumbass about the lore

ashenlight · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 106 - I'll do anything for you (5K in large quantities!)

"Come, come, come, I want to eat the Honkai Beast!"

As far as normal humans were concerned, here was definitely an option to go out and find a supermarket to buy a bit of zero-dollar.

But ...

Lu Yu, as a joyful person, would not stop his footsteps!

Carefully think about when Hijacker can Honkai beasts as snacks to eat, that nowadays he nibbles a few Honkai beast thighs how?

[After careful thought, you feel it's too dangerous to go out and look for food, so you decide to ask Sirin to change a few Honkai beasts for you to try!

[Unfortunately, Sirin refused your request.]

[According to Sirin, the Honkai Beasts contain a lot of Honkai energy, and an ordinary human eating the body of a Honkai Beast is no different than eating Honkai energy, and basically you'll be parasitized if you eat it.]]

[No matter what, Sirin would not be willing to let you be tainted with Honkai energy.]

[Sirin says that if you really don't have anything to eat, she'd rather have you eat some Braised Kianna than the Honkai Beast.]

"Eh ..."

Eating a human or something is really still too shocking!

If I really eat Kiana, the one who Honkai will not be Raiden Mei, but me!

You waved your hand to show that you were joking!

[You decide to find a supermarket to buy it for zero dollars!]

"Sirin, I'm going out, you and Kiana stay at home."


[You give Sirin a few words of advice, and then you go out alone to look for a supermarket.]

[Soon after you left the house, you were spotted by Raiden Mei, who had been staring at you.]

[You arrive at a convenience store not far from your apartment, and you begin to make purchases with zero dollars.] [While you're gathering supplies, you start to buy some.

[Just as you were gathering supplies, Raiden Mei came to the door.]

[The herrcher Raiden Mei meets you, and the other side is coming on strong. What are you going to do at this point?]

[Duel with Raiden Mei: It's my turn, draw a card! I'm going to summon Sirin!

[Run: This young lady, although you covet my body, truth be told, I have no such worldly desires.]


Now that this bit of ability of his own is fighting with the Raiden Mei of Rhythmization, isn't that a stupid fool?

Thinking about it Sirin could hold herself down to the ground by casually raising her hand, her current self was simply weak to the point of being unable to do so, bullying the dead and Honkai beasts would probably be fine, but when it came to really encountering a high end combatant, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to survive for a single second.

[Facing the raging Raiden Mei, you intend to run away, unfortunately, Raiden Mei had prepared for this, the weakling you weren't able to escape a herrcher, you were captured by the Raiden Mei!

"Lu Yu-san, we meet again."

Waking up from his coma, Lu Yu slowly opened his eyes.

Strange ceiling, strange place, strange voice.

Where was he himself?

Glancing around, Lu Yu realized that his current location was in an unfamiliar hut.

Lu Yu wanted to stand up, but unfortunately, he was currently tied up and thrown on the bed, unable to move.

Hearing the voice, Lu Yu raised his head, and what came into his eyes was a purple-haired girl, this girl this tall, with excellent looks, and judging from the uniform on her body, she seemed to be a student of the Thousand Feathers Academy.

Purple hair female student ...

Lu Yu seems to have some memories to come.

This schoolgirl if she remembered correctly, she should be a third year schoolgirl of the Thousand Feathers Academy named Raiden Mei.

"Raiden Mei senior sister?"

Hearing that Lu Yu still remembered her name, Raiden Mei's face, which had just been somewhat indifferent, turned excited in an instant.

"Lu Yu-san, do you remember me?"

Of course Lu Yu remembered.

In the Thousand Feathers Academy, all the girls who had once confessed to Lu Yu Lu Yu remembered.

Although this senior in front of him had not confessed to him directly face to face, but her love letter filled with love Lu Yu did remember it quite well.

Lu Yu remembers that it was one morning, he went to school in a very ordinary way, and then he found several love letters in his shoe cabinet in a very ordinary way.

Receiving love letters was no longer a rare thing for Lu Yu, and the number of love letters he had received had been steadily increasing over the course of his time at Thousand Feathers Academy.

Lu Yu's own attitude towards girls' love letters was naturally that he would throw them away for being too troublesome.

However, after all, Siegfried's playboy education is still deep in people's hearts, Lu Yu under the guidance of Siegfried barely maintained a good man should have everything.

So, Lu Yu was forced to open each love letter, he would read carefully, and then Lu Yu will be a classmate in the way of a letter back to each love letter.

And out of the countless love letters he had received, the one that Lu Yu remembered the most was from this Raiden Mei senior sister.

As for why it was memorable, it was because ...

Generally, love letters consisted of only a few hundred words, and more than that, about four hundred and five hundred words.

But this schoolmate's love letter was different, from that thick bulging envelope, Lu Yu took out five whole pages of paper densely written with love for him.

"Of course I remember, Raiden Mei senior sister has always been a deep presence in my memory."

Lu Yu did not lie.

Five pages of paper, thousands of words of love letters, of course he couldn't forget.

"Oh ~~~~ Lu Yu-san is really good at talking."

Raiden Mei gave Lu Yu a meaningful look, then a charming yet dangerous smile appeared on her face.

"However, I really like this Lu Yu-san ooh!"

Looking at the sickly smile on Raiden Mei's face, Lu Yu's face did not change in any way, while inwardly, he exclaimed that something was wrong.

He had met a sickly girl?

After thinking for a while, Lu Yu slowly opened his mouth, "Mei-senpai, can I ask a few questions?"

"Of course!"

"You can ask whatever you want, Lu Yu-san."

"As long as it's something I know, I'll tell you anything!"

Raiden Mei walked over to Lu Yu, who was bundled up almost like a dumpling, and she reached out her hand to touch Lu Yu's face.

Lu Yu-san's face was so comfortable to touch!

Obviously a boy, but his skin was as smooth as a girl's.

"Then ... Can I ask, why did Senpai do this?"

Lu Yu was referring to the matter about Honkai and the fact that he had been arrested.

"This kind of question, what else do you need to say?"

"Eh heh heh heh heh ..."

Raiden Mei smiled and lowered her head to gently rub against Lu Yu's cheek.

"That's because, of course, I like Lu Yu-san!"

Receiving an answer that made people let a surprise, Lu Yu narrowed his eyes.

Liking himself? You can kidnap yourself over just because you like this schoolmate of yours?

What kind of miserable love is this!

Looking at the slightly puzzled expression on Lu Yu's face, Raiden Mei then smiled and snapped her fingers.

With a crisp sound, the restraints on Lu Yu's body were undone.

Then, Raiden Mei sat down beside Lu Yu.

"Lu Yu-san, I have a story I want to tell you ..."

"Are you willing to listen?"

Looking at the current atmosphere, Lu Yu felt that it was not up to him whether he was willing or not for fear.

Sitting up from the bed, Lu Yu nodded, "Of course I will."

"Then, let me tell Lu Yu-san the story of a girl named Raiden Mei."

Raiden Mei leaned on Lu Yu's shoulder, then began to murmur.

[A long, long time ago, there was a girl named Raiden Mei.]

[Raiden Mei was born well, her father was the president of the ME Club, a large company, so Raiden Mei grew up with a life that was more wealthy than other people her age.]

[As the daughter of the president of the ME Club, Raiden Mei received top-notch education and nurturing, from her illustrious birth to her outstanding looks, from the way she treated people to the results she achieved, she was faultless]

[In Thousand Feathers Academy, Raiden Mei is treated by her classmates in the same way as if she was the queen of Thousand Feathers Academy!]

That's what this schoolmate has been through?

The ME president's daughter, this identity could not be described as unremarkable.

Lu Yu naturally knew about the ME Society, which was a powerful multinational conglomerate whose status and influence in the international arena was enormous.

But it was strange, why would the ME Society president's daughter become the current appearance?

And if Raiden Mei came from a prominent background, why was it that when he inquired about the news before, he actually didn't know about it?

Were those classmates deliberately hiding it?

[But all of that, changed after a certain day.]

[On that day, Raiden Mei's father lost his status as president because he was reported to be suspected of economic fraud and malpractice.]

[After losing his position as president, Raiden's father's status was in tatters, and he even suffered jail time.]

[And from that day on, Raiden Mei's life changed forever.]

[Her once close classmates and friends turned away from Raiden Mei, and throughout the school, news spread that Raiden Mei's father was a fraud.]

[The former Princess of Raiden has fallen into the mortal world and become the daughter of a swindler that everyone despises.]

"I see. ..."

Lu Yu nodded.

He probably understood why he couldn't find out anything about this aspect of Raiden Mei.

It felt like those girls had isolated Raiden Mei, but they were afraid that this news would be known to them, so they said that they had concealed the news about Raiden Mei's life.

[In just a few days, Raiden Mei lost everything, family, friends, and she couldn't even go back to her own home.]

[At that moment, Raiden Mei, who had seen through the nature of the world, fell into despair.]

Raiden Mei's expression was very flat when she spoke here, her tone did not carry any fluctuations, but Lu Yu still saw a hint of anger in her eyes.

Although it was said that walls falling down was part of the nature of humans, however ...

This senior sister's experience was indeed a bit miserable as well.

[The Raiden Mei who has lost hope is having a hard time every day, and I don't know when it started, but there are more graffiti that once wouldn't have appeared on her desk, some disgusting items have started to appear in her shoe closet, and even from time to time she receives anonymous text messages on her cell phone telling her to get the hell out of Chihayafuru Academy].

Lu Yu: "..."

Lu Yu suddenly remembered a line from Siegfried's instruction to him.

"Women are the most jealous creatures in this world!"

It was just that the family had fallen, and Raiden Mei naturally shouldn't have been treated like this, but the more the wind had once been blowing, then naturally there would be people to mess things up after the fall.

It was thought that the former Raiden Queen was too dazzling, which was why she was ostracized and loathed by everyone after her fall.

[Having lost hope in life, Raiden Mei lived a muddled life every day, and for her at that time, she didn't even know the meaning of why she was living].

[Fortunately, fate ultimately did not reject Raiden Mei, and on the day the new semester began, Raiden Mei met her salvation.]

[From that day on, Raiden Mei searched for the meaning of her survival!]

Speaking of this, Raiden Mei glanced fondly at Lu Yu.

"Lu Yu-san, the person who brought Raiden Mei hope is you oooh!"

Lu Yu: "..."

Had he done anything himself?

Lu Yu thought back carefully, in his memory, he didn't seem to have too many encounters with this beautiful schoolmate, ah?

Seeing Lu Yu's expression, Raiden Mei smiled.

"As expected, Lu Yu-san didn't recognize me."

Saying that, Raiden Mei's head tilted, her body that was leaning on Lu Yu shifted slightly, Raiden Mei changed to a position that she felt more comfortable then gave Lu Yu an answer.

"Lu Yu, do you still remember the time you helped a girl out the morning of school?"

Helped a girl out?

By Raiden Mei saying that, Lu Yu instantly remembered.

On the morning of his enrollment at Thousand Feathers Academy, he came to the academy early, and after walking into the academy, because it was still early, Lu Yu was just wandering around the academy at that time.

After strolling around, Lu Yu strolled to the side of a certain house in the academy, the door of the house was open, it was the sports room where the equipment was stored.

"School sister, I would have thought that you would have dropped out of school, I never thought that you would still dare to come to school?"

"Elder sister, this is not a place where a swindler's daughter should stay."

"School sister ..."

Lu Yu remembers very clearly, that morning, when he passed by the gym, he heard someone talking inside, so out of curiosity, Lu Yu walked in.

After walking in, Lu Yu saw about five or six girls inside surrounding a girl talking about something.

Lu Yu could see what was going on at a glance, so he spoke out to help the girl who was surrounded.

Lu Yu: "Senior sisters, today is the day of the school year, what are you doing here this early in the morning?"

"Who are you?"

Seeing a boy wearing the academy uniform suddenly appearing in the girls' school, several girls were wary.

"Me? My name is Lu Yu, I'm a transfer student from East Siberia, and I'll be attending the Thousand Feathers Academy from today onwards, a few of you should be schoolmates, right? Please teach me more in the future."

"Lu Yu?"

Hearing Lu Yu's self-introduction, one of these girls remembered the news she had received, that this year there would be a very outstanding student in the academy who had broken the rules to enroll in Thousand Feathers.

That person, is the boy in front of her?

Thinking of this, several girls took a closer look at Lu Yu.

Handsome appearance, charming temperament, not bad conversation.

In just an instant, Lu Yu had captured this group of girls with his appearance.

"So what are a few school sisters doing here?"

Hearing Lu Yu's question, the faces of the several girls instantly changed, they naturally couldn't say things like they were bullying other students.

"Nothing, nothing, we are communicating with our classmates!"

Listening to the words of several girls, Lu Yu smiled, these several women can't even lie.

Lu Yu's face that was just smiling turned cold in an instant.

"So ah, exchange is a good thing it, but then immediately is the opening ceremony, now time is not early, school sisters or early back to the classroom is better ooh."

In the face of lying girls, Lu Yu has always not given any good face.

Seeing Lu Yu's appearance, a few girls blanched and then left one after another.

Having relieved that poor girl, Lu Yu naturally didn't intend to stay, so after confirming that the few girls had gone far away, Lu Yu just glanced at the girl who was crouching on the ground without saying a word.

"This senior sister, they have already left."

The girl did not speak.

Seeing that the girl did not speak, Lu Yu could only shake his head.

"Senior sister, it's about to be the commencement ceremony, I might have to leave first, of the name you've heard, if you need help you can come to my class and find me, I'll help you."

Dropping this sentence, Lu Yu left the gym room, and this girl who was bullied from beginning to end Lu Yu never saw her real face ...

Ending his recollection, Lu Yu finally realized what was going on.

Lu Yu looked towards Raiden Mei? : "Raiden Mei-senpai, that girl from that morning was you?"

Raiden Mei nodded, "That's right, Lu Yu-senpai, the girl you saved that morning, was me."

So it's like this ...

Lu Yu finally knew when he met this schoolmate, and he also probably knew why he was liked by the other party.

In terms of how likable he was, Lu Yu was very clear.

A grasshopper and a puffer fish at home were almost casually captured by him.

So to say that Raiden Mei, who had lost everything, had met herself when she was being bullied, then it wasn't surprising that she would fall in love with herself.

"I know about senior sister's feelings for me, but I want to ask senior sister, why did senior sister tie me up here?"

He was aware of Raiden Mei's feelings for her, but to just kidnap her or something because she liked herself wasn't quite right.

"Because ... Classmate Lu Yu was deceived by other women! I'm going to save Lu Yu-san from the hands of those swindlers, I'm going to protect Lu Yu-san, and I definitely can't let Lu Yu-san be cheated by those women in Thousand Feathers."

This senior sister was afraid that she didn't have a good impression of the girls in Thousand Feathers Academy, and thus felt that all the female students in Thousand Feathers weren't any good?

Raiden Mei's tantalizing body leaned towards Lu Yu's body, and her pair of large eyes looked towards Lu Yu with a delicate look.

"Lu Yu student, I like you a lot, let's go out, okay?"

"As long as you promise to go out with me, I'm willing to do anything for you!"