
Lost in His Love

Diana Stewart the girlfriend and future fiancee of Aaron Sterling had a one night stand with Ethan Sterling (Aaron's cousin). After her family found out, she was abandoned and sent on the streets but a kind family took her in. After a few months Diana became pregnant and flee out of the country with her new family while Ethan Sterling till this day had been looking for the lady he had a one night stand with. Diana Stewart came back 4 years later with twin girls and got a job application in the Sterling group and her boss was no other than Ethan Sterling. What will Ethan do when he finds out Diana was his one night stand and it ended up with three kids will he claim the kids from her or love her and the kids?

Alabi_Titobiloluwa · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 18: Meeting the twins

"what did you do that for?" Olivia shouted angrily.

"I'm sorry, I just can't do this anymore I'm going to end this relationship."Stacy said calmly.

"wait, what you can't just end things with Fred he loves you." Olivia yelled at her friend.

"but he's cheating one." Stacy cried.

"and how do you know did you see him with any other girl?" Olivia questioned.

"no but... I'm sure of what I'm saying, he's always busy and he's not picking my calls I'm so fed up." Stacy says.

"don't worry I'll be fine, I'll go speak to him when I'm free okay?"

"okay." Stacy replied.

"then cheer up baby girl besides I need an outfit for my next date." She giggled as she strood over to her wardrobe.


"Miss Peters the boss said I should hand you this file." Oscar says as he narrowed his hand to give the file to Diana.

"sure thanks." Diana says as she grabbed the file from Oscar.

"since that's all I'll leave know." He smiled akwardly and left. Diana opened the thick brown file to see her first assignment. She was to go over the drawings the workers had made for a client's dress. She took a deep breath as she flipped through the various drawings looking for the suitable ones.

Beep! Beep! Diana's phone rang as she picked it up.

"hello David what's the matter?"

Diana asked.

"the kids are bored so I'm taking them out for lunch if you don't mind." He says.

"sure why not besides I'm kinda busy so I'll see you later bye!" She replied.

"bye!" He replied as Diana cut the call.


"Oscar prepare the car I'll be having lunch out." Ethan said as he swiftly turned off his laptop and stood up.

"yes boss." Oscar replied.

"sir before I forget I'll like to remind you of the weekend family out." Oscar says looking down at his feet.

"you already know my answer why ask, it's no I won't be attending." He says as he adjusted his suit and leaves the office as the nervous Oscar followed suite.


"welcome to fancy cuisine sir." The doorman greeted as he handed sweets to the twins.

"thank you!" They both said in unison.

"this way please." The man said asyou he led them to their table and left so afterwards a waiter came.

"good day can I take your order." He said handing them menu cards.

"uncle I want spaghetti." Ciara wined.

"okay dear, what of you Kiara?". David asked.

"I'm not really picky about food anything will do." She said slyly eyeing her sister.

"okay we'll have 3 plates of spaghetti and a glass each of apple juice." He said as he handed the menu back to the waiter.

Immediately the waiter left, Ethan entered the room and was welcomed by the manager to the VIP room. He sat down at the right angle where he was able to see everywhere and everything that was going on downstairs, the waiters served the food one by one as they laid them neatly on the table, Ethan held his fork and knife about take a bite when a particular group of people caught his eye.

"isn't that Diana's children?" He thought to himself.