
lost in hell

What can you do when you wake up in an unknown, dark and lifeless place as far as the eye can reach. This is the situation posed with our protagonist, who, unable to remember anything, not even things as small as his name, searches for answers and signs of life in this sinister place called hell.

Rafael_Barraza · Fantasy
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7 Chs

It's huge.

Looking in a particular direction I reply "I can't just throw away my only food supply, worst case scenario I'll run out of bullets in my gun and get more meat, avoiding the need for food for a while."

I stayed rooted to my place with a somewhat nervous but determined look, after a few moments I began to listen to what he meant by running.

The bat seemed to grow more nervous and anxious with each passing second.

"Hey, hey, don't fuck with me, if you want to kill yourself that's fine, but don't drag me down with you, that thing that's coming is much bigger and more dangerous than a simple hell hound." I scream with a tinge of crisscrossing fear. But for that moment their screams only seemed like an indistinct murmur in my ears that was fading slowly, I didn't know if it was the adrenaline of the moment, some primal human instinct or even the fear that made me enter a state of concentration total, where only the forest ahead mattered, from the direction the sounds of heavy footsteps came from.

As the seconds that seem like an eternity pass, beads of sweat form on my forehead from the effort my brain is making to stay calm.

Just when the footsteps were heard very close, the sound of them stops, as if that thing had suddenly stopped running.

I watch the bushes move to the side, calming me down a bit, considering how the bushes move it must only be a little bigger than that dog. However, my eyes widen and almost pop out of my sockets when I see that what is looming is not the animal I was expecting.

"What the fuck, is that thing a claw?!" I exclaimed stupefied.

This scene snapped me out of my immersive state only to hear the bat's murmurs slowly turn into full-throated screams.

"RUN RUN, FRIEND PLEASE GET OUT OF HERE." these desperate screams flooded my right ear, bringing me back to reality completely.

Without hesitation I turn around and start running, out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of some trees being forced to the sides allowing that huge thing to pass.

"Curse" A curse comes out of my mouth unconsciously, I know why this bat told me to run, with my gun maybe I could tickle it or give that thing a little discomfort.

"Hey fucking bat, you didn't tell me this thing would be giant!" I yelled at whoever was sitting on my shoulder as I ran around the branches and tried to find a way out of this situation.

"I've been yelling at you since the start, you just stood there like a fool waiting for it to come in front of us!"

His screams fall on deaf ears, I'm much more focused and worried by the loud sounds that have resumed behind me. Although these sounds are intimidating, they sound different from before, as if they were just taking a short walk in the park, without any concern that they might escape.

"Hey bat, if I throw this meat away will it stop following us?" After pondering for a bit with my brain at full power I ask the partner on my shoulder.

"That would have worked at first, however, you saw us, we are much more appetizing prey than meat from an animal that is already dead." He said while somehow, with his bat face he conveyed the feeling of despair.

"There's no solution? Are we just going to die like this?" I asked with a hint of reluctance in my voice.

What answered me was silence, I looked back desperately and looked at the bat, who seemed to be doubting something.

"If you have an idea, say so, this is not a time to be doubting" I scolded him for doubting in a moment of crisis like this,

After hesitating for a moment more, I finally explain.

"I can fool that guy, even though he's much stronger than both of us put together, even with your tool we couldn't do anything to him, the plus side is that he's a purely physical strength guy. I can make him hallucinate and make him believe that the meat he What you have on your back is us. This will only give us time to run, nothing else, if we manage to get him out of the trance in which he will fall, we will be dead meat."

"And why didn't you say it before?!" He exclaimed breathlessly as he kept running at full power through the woods. At this moment I am grateful that my body is in very good condition.

"The problem comes after I make that move, it's not as simple as I said, I'll fall into a coma for an indeterminate time and I don't trust you enough to leave you with me in a coma for a moment, who knows what you'll do with me ."

"This is not the time to think about things like that in our current situation, if you don't we'll both die right now, I promise I won't throw you randomly after we escape!" I told him with a somewhat helpless voice for the situation.

"I need you to sign a contract ensuring my shelter so I can be completely comfortable, it's not that difficult, humans often sign contracts with demons so you don't have to worry on your part"

I was hesitating for a little while since according to my fragmented memories contracts with demons never go well for the human side.

"Shit, right now I can't stop to consider everything, at any moment I won't even be able to choose." I scolded myself under my breath when I heard that those footstep sounds were getting closer to us.

"Okay I'll sign that thing, but if you're playing a trick I won't hesitate to leave you to your own devices. What do we have to do?" I tell him coming to my wits end, even if I'm in good physical condition, sooner or later I'll end up getting tired and get hit by that thing.

"Just put your hand in front of my face so I can do it" Following his instructions, without stopping running at any time I feel a pang in my hand.

"Aouch" I check my hand and I have a small wound, apparently it has given me a bite. I instantly feel like something runs through my body and takes root near my heart.

"Don't worry, that feeling is normal when signing a contract, however, if you break the contract, that harmless energy will become a knife aimed at your heart."

My countenance becomes darker, at no time do I speak about this effect of the contract.

"Well, what's done is done," I say under my breath, trying to comfort myself a little.

"Do that thing about hypnotizing him quickly" I exclaimed with a slightly harsher tone, because of the trick I had just done.