
Lost in Florence

I finally asked, "Who are you?" He turned to face me, his dark black eyes possessing an almost hypnotic allure, melting my heart. Internally, I admonished myself, 'Hazel, get it together. You don't even know him. Calm down, my heart.' With a soft smile, he responded, "Alessandro, but you can call me Ale." If looks could be lethal, I wished this man would do the deed instead of the unpleasant encounter I had earlier. 'What is wrong with me?' I wondered, shaking off my thoughts as I introduced myself, "Hazel." His sharp gaze met mine, piercing my soul as he cryptically replied, "I know." ------------------ In the atmospheric cityscape of Florence, Hazel's life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters the enigmatic Alessandro. As the narrative unfolds through their intertwined perspectives, Hazel grapples with a sudden descent into fear and uncertainty, propelled into the shadows of Alessandro's clandestine world. The narrative, oscillating between Hazel's disoriented vulnerability and Alessandro's calculated poise, becomes a dance of secrets and dangers.

C_Haze · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 9: Prestige Palazzo

Hazel's POV

The taxi journey lasted about 30 minutes before we arrived at Prestige Palazzo. Stepping out of the vehicle, Isabella and I were immediately enveloped in an atmosphere of opulence. The sight before us left us speechless.

Prestige Palazzo lived up to its name, presenting an entrance that felt like crossing into a realm of unparalleled grandeur. The expansive grounds paid homage to meticulous design, featuring a meticulously manicured garden sprawling before us. Lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and strategically placed sculptures orchestrated a visual symphony, setting the stage for the sensory journey that awaited.

Navigating through the garden's winding paths, guests were serenaded by the gentle melody of water emanating from ornate fountains strategically placed amidst vibrant blooms. These soothing sounds acted as a prelude to the luxury awaiting them as they approached the awe-inspiring entrance.

The façade itself stood as a testament to architectural finesse, crafted from rare marble sourced from the most distant quarries. Its smooth surface bore the story of a thousand artisans who shaped it into a canvas of elegance, with veins of contrasting hues creating a captivating tapestry that catches the eye at every glance. 

Walking toward the entrance, Isabella showed our invitations to the vigilant bodyguards who scanned the QR code, granting us access. A host named Anna greeted us, signaling that every attendee had a personal guide.

"My name is Anna; please follow me. I will guide you to the Grand Ballroom," she said, leading us with a warm smile.

I couldn't deny being mesmerized; this was my first exposure to such luxury. As we stepped into the lobby, a cascading crystal chandelier, suspended from a domed ceiling, bathed the space in a soft, golden light. Marble floors, polished to a mirror-like finish, guided visitors towards a reception area adorned with intricate gold leaf details. Plush velvet furnishings offered a comfortable respite, inviting guests to indulge in the lap of luxury.

Isabella giggled, "Close your mouth, girl. Welcome to the most luxurious hotel in Italy!" She extended her arms as I laughed at the absurdity of her movements.

"I would be jealous of whoever owns this hotel," I commented. "I wish I could get a suit in here one day," she groaned.

"I've heard that this is VVIP. It's impossible for folks like us to get this opportunity," she added with a resigned smile. "Thank you, Lombardi Foundation."

"Lombardi Foundation, as in the one organizing the art competition?" I asked. Isabella smiled and responded, "Girl, you definitely should get out of that library a bit. The Lombardis are the wealthiest in Italy." Leaning closer, she whispered, "They are the fucking mafia," she moved back to added "there are no pictures of him anywhere, I've heard he attends in person and does not take pictures. He is the owner of this Palazzo. I wish I could meet him today" she crossed her fingers staring at the roof with pleading eyes. 

Still absorbing this revelation, Anna, our host, interrupted our thoughts, "Here you are. Enjoy your evening," she said, and we smiled in gratitude as she left.

I was still recovering from the load of information my dear friend just provided, making me realize how detached I am from this world. Deep in thoughts when Anna, our host interrupted my self blame " Here you are. Enjoy your evening" I lifted my head and both smiled at her and she left. 

"Holy crap!" Isabella exclaimed. "Yes, holy crap!" I agreed.

Prestige Palazzo's grand ballroom awaited us as a masterpiece of extravagance, evoking the opulent palazzos of Italy. The soaring ceiling transformed into a canvas for hand-painted frescoes, reminiscent of the grandeur of Renaissance murals. Scenes of revelry and cultural splendor adorned the space in soft hues of gold, azure, and ruby. Crystal chandeliers, intricate in design, descended like ethereal sculptures, refracting light and casting a warm, inviting glow over the room. Gilded moldings, inspired by Italian art history, adorned the walls, creating a dynamic interplay of light and shadow. Beneath this artistic spectacle lay a dance floor crafted from rare imported wood, intricately patterned and reminiscent of historic parquetry. Every element, from the frescoes to the dance floor, invited guests to partake in a night of elegance, seamlessly blending the contemporary with the timeless allure of Italian palazzo aesthetics.

Isabella and I, still in awe, held hands and entered the room—or, should I say, the medieval museum.

"Ms. Garcia, Ms. Rossi, I'm glad you are here," a familiar voice greeted us. We turned our heads to see Andrea, our senior.

"Thank you, Mr. Moretti!" We responded in sync. He chuckled, "Please call me Andrea, no formalities." Smiling, then added "Come Mr. Zimmer and Madame Marou are here, you can say hi and then attack the buffet and mingle with the guests" he winked at us and led the way "This event is really important for our university, therefore, i will tell you the same thing I mentioned to other students, MILD DRINKING, don't indulge with the drink" her added in a stern voice and glanced at Isabella. As if he was talking to her alone, she shrugged her shoulders and lifted her hands in surrender "Okay, okay. I won't touch a drink, promise" he smiled as we approached the group of professors. 

Andrea was our senior, he had a tall muscled body, his brown eyes extending a formal yet comforting aura. The first time I met him at the orientation, I felt at ease, he has that vibe. I never saw him angry or frustrated. He is always calm and the smile never leaves his face. The thing you need to know about Andrea is that he is Isabella's crush. The girl crushed over him day and night and to be honest, whenever we were in a room with him, he kept stealing glances at her.

Mrs. Marou or Madame Marou jumped excitedly and pulled me into a hug the moment she saw me "You made it ma jolie!" I smiled at her "good evening Mrs Marou" and turned to my left smiling" Good evening Mr. Zimmer" 

Mr. Zimmer's eyes were glazing at my body with lust. I can swear he was undressing me with his eyes 'perv' I cursed in my mind. "Hello Isabella, Hazel you are looking quite .." He paused, still reeking his eyes over my form before he added "Different". I smiled while Mrs Marou cleared her throat but Mr Zimmer still didn't understand the hint as his eyes were fixed on my boobs. Though covered, I feel as if he could see through the fabric. I flushed. 

As if sensing my discomfort, Andrea cleared his throat "Hazel, Isabella, come with me, there is someone I want you to meet" he pulled both of us towards another direction. I glanced at Andrea to see through his lie but thankful that he saved us from Mr. Zimmer perverted eyes. "Thank you Andrea" I whispered while he nodded.

He led us to the buffet, encouraging us to indulge in the wide variety of finger foods. While Isabella loaded her plate and excused herself under the pretext of mingling, I stayed close to Andrea.

After a moment of silence, Andrea spoke in a serious tone, "I might be stepping over my boundaries, but be careful of Chris. Never go to his office alone; I think you might be his next target." I nodded, acknowledging his concern. "I know. I try my best to avoid his office; he invited me for a meeting multiple times, but I didn't go due to my busy schedule."

Andrea and I had grown close due to my work in the library. As a Ph.D. student, he often came to me for research articles and book requests, appreciating my efficiency without prying into the reasons behind his requests. I had willingly bent the university rules to request books outside his major, covering up his tracks in the system.

"So, still a bookworm and a nerd?" he asked teasingly. I rolled my eyes, "Come on, not you too. I expect you to understand, given that you are a nerd too." We laughed, enjoying our food and drinks. "You're not going to mingle?" he raised a brow. "Nah! I think you know me by now. Besides, we are mingling ," pointing at him and me. He chuckled. 

I never enjoyed mingling with others; people asked too many questions, and I preferred to keep my life private. Andrea and I clicked due to our similarities.

Suddenly, the room fell silent, and everyone stiffened as the music stopped. Someone had entered with bodyguards, and my view in high heels couldn't discern who it was. I glanced at Andrea, questioning, "What is happening? Who's that?"

"That's Mr. Lombardi, Alessandro Lombardi of the Lombardi Foundation, and my boss," he responded. I gasped in surprise, "Wow, what an entrance!" still fixated on the commotion Alessandro created. Turning to Andrea in question, I asked, "Wait, you work at the foundation?" He smiled, "I am the CEO," wiggling his eyebrows proudly. I gasped and commented teasingly, "Damn, Andrea, why didn't you tell me? I could've asked you for an internship." We both laughed, drawing glances from others. 

All of a sudden, Mr. Lombardi halted his steps and turned towards us. Our gaze met. And he smiled. Andrea whispered in my ear , "He never smiles. Do you know Ale?" I looked at Alessandro, striding towards us, and nodded yes, then shook my head no. Andrea, watching my shocked expressions, raised a brow, waiting for me to clarify as Alessandro faced us.

"Hazel!" I snapped in his direction, my eyes wide. Everyone was watching us.

He looked at Andrea, who stood straight with a puzzled look and nodded in greeting "cousin". While Alessandro's expressions darkened. If looks could kill, Andrea would have been dead by now. I frowned 'cousin? What the F, are they related?' my mind was processing so much and jammed like a printer needing ink. I stared at the two before Alessandro grabbed my hand, leading me towards the door without uttering a word, passing everyone at the Gala. Some had puzzled expressions, while others were in awe or jealousy.

I followed him through, and he opened the door to a room, dragging me in and closing the door, while his bodyguards stayed outside.