
Lost in Florence

I finally asked, "Who are you?" He turned to face me, his dark black eyes possessing an almost hypnotic allure, melting my heart. Internally, I admonished myself, 'Hazel, get it together. You don't even know him. Calm down, my heart.' With a soft smile, he responded, "Alessandro, but you can call me Ale." If looks could be lethal, I wished this man would do the deed instead of the unpleasant encounter I had earlier. 'What is wrong with me?' I wondered, shaking off my thoughts as I introduced myself, "Hazel." His sharp gaze met mine, piercing my soul as he cryptically replied, "I know." ------------------ In the atmospheric cityscape of Florence, Hazel's life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters the enigmatic Alessandro. As the narrative unfolds through their intertwined perspectives, Hazel grapples with a sudden descent into fear and uncertainty, propelled into the shadows of Alessandro's clandestine world. The narrative, oscillating between Hazel's disoriented vulnerability and Alessandro's calculated poise, becomes a dance of secrets and dangers.

C_Haze · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 5: Unveiled heart

Alessandro's POV

My father pulled me to him and held me by the shoulders " You have to run, go back to Italy and meet Luca at the safehouse, remember what I taught you, if anything happens, you will lead this organization that me and your mother have built. Don't trust anyone except Pedro and Luca". My eyes were teary and I knew deep down that probably this will be the last time I see my parents. Pedro cursed and yelled to my father "What the Fuck Eduardo?" My father looked at him with a stern, shaky look as the ranch is supposed to be safe and nobody knew about this place or if my father was here. but yelled back "Pedro, Just leave and take Ale with you, I will handle it. Keep him safe and keep your promise". Pedro nodded at my father and turned back to grab my hand and pulled me towards the exit. My mom turned to me with a rifle in her hands hidden in a spot behind a concrete corner and muttered " I love you and see you soon" with a wide smile on her face. My father broke my trance "You need to leave NOW!!". Pedro, his men and I sneakinly left through the back door leaving in dust behind us when we heard bullets being fired at in the room we just left. 

In the midst of the firefight, I held Pedro's hand and asked him sternly " I need to go back with my parents, I need to protect them". Pedro watched my expressions in silence and uttered almost regretfully to leave "It was a setup.. We had to leave.. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go back to when your parents entrusted me to protect you". I looked at Pedro and I knew deep down that we weren't going back. So I grabbed the door handle, opened it and jumped out of the car. I knew that jumping from a speeding car was a bad idea but I had to prove my point that I'm not leaving them behind. I ran back towards the direction of the ranch when Pedro's SUVpulled in front of me. He grabbed me and put me inside the car cursing under his breath. "We will go back to the ranch!" He ordered his driver. We reached the ranch and the scene was bloody. 'The fight was pretty nasty' I thought and hoped that my parents were okay. Pedro put me behind his back and gave me a gun and ordered " Use this" while his drived put my hands up and put a protection vest down my chest. I knew the ranch upside down so I gestured to Pedro that I would be going through a secret passage that led directly to the basement. He ordered one of his subordinates to tag along. We walked through the narrow passage and reached for the stairs going upstairs where the living room and then dining area is located. I was very careful and tried to recall all the training I had. With a swift motion we were standing in the living room and we could hear a laughing voice from the dining area. We moved quickly and I saw my uncle, Andrea, my father's youngest brother, shooting the gun against my dad's forehead while my mom's body lay motionless near him. I watched in horror as my parents, pillars of strength, fell lifeless before me. The once serene ranch now echoed with the haunting sounds of violence, and my initiation into the shadowy world my father inhabited was complete. I pulled my gun and called out for Andrea. The moment he turned I put a bullet in between his eyes before he even uttered a word. The motion was quick enough that Pedro was stunned to say anything. We rushed to my parents. I held my parents' body to my chest and cried for the first and last time in my life. The trauma of that day left an indelible mark, a scar etched into the tapestry of my existence.

Bianca's voice interrupted my thoughts "She is okay, you can see her now" she put her slim hands on my shoulders reassuring me. She motioned me to follow her, I stood up and we went together to Hazel's bed space. The moment I stood in front of Hazel, the memories still haunting me from the past, I held her hand tight and sobbed. Bianca was stunned as well as Luca. I have known Bianca since we were teenagers as her mother was my psychiatrist when I came back from the incident 12 years ago. No one saw me shed a tear, I was emotionless. My black eyes held nothing by hate. I terminated my uncle's organization and killed each and everyone of his family with cold blood. I spared his only son, Matteo, just because Luca insisted that my parents will be mad at me for breaking their code [No killing rule for women and children]. 

I sobbed and sobbed my voice shaky "Thank you for staying alive". Hazel held the other hand on my face and she pulled me into a hug and whispered " shhh.. it's just a panic attack, I'm not one to kick the bucket that easily" she laughed and pulled out from the hug and cupped my face with her hands and pulled me into a soft kiss. 

I'm trying to publish as much as I can. Please comment if you have any feedback. I'm planning to publish more chapters this week. I hope the length of each chapter is to your liking as well as events unfolding. <3

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