
Lost in Florence

I finally asked, "Who are you?" He turned to face me, his dark black eyes possessing an almost hypnotic allure, melting my heart. Internally, I admonished myself, 'Hazel, get it together. You don't even know him. Calm down, my heart.' With a soft smile, he responded, "Alessandro, but you can call me Ale." If looks could be lethal, I wished this man would do the deed instead of the unpleasant encounter I had earlier. 'What is wrong with me?' I wondered, shaking off my thoughts as I introduced myself, "Hazel." His sharp gaze met mine, piercing my soul as he cryptically replied, "I know." ------------------ In the atmospheric cityscape of Florence, Hazel's life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters the enigmatic Alessandro. As the narrative unfolds through their intertwined perspectives, Hazel grapples with a sudden descent into fear and uncertainty, propelled into the shadows of Alessandro's clandestine world. The narrative, oscillating between Hazel's disoriented vulnerability and Alessandro's calculated poise, becomes a dance of secrets and dangers.

C_Haze · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 2: The chase

Hazel POV

In the blink of an eye, the stranger put his hand on my mouth and started dragging me towards the depth of the alley. I struggled to free myself and then I hit him in the crotch to hear a wince and see a smirk form on his face. I realized I need to hit harder if I want to get out of this. 

"Did you think that would hurt ha?" he smirked while holding my hands behind my back he added "you look like a fish trying to get back to the water, I like that you are struggling , it makes things fun" and he burst into a loud laugh followed by the other men with him. 

I was trembling, unable to process what would happen next. Tears broke in the corner of my eyes. I tried to blink multiple times not to give this ass**le the satisfaction of hurting me.

My mind raced as fear gripped me, but I refused to let it paralyze me completely. I scanned my surroundings, searching for any sign of help. The dimly lit alley offered little solace, and the distant hum of the city seemed worlds away.

Summoning every ounce of courage, I gathered my strength and kicked my head backward, connecting with the stranger's shin. He winced, momentarily loosening his grip. It was a brief opportunity, but I tried to seize it. Using my freed hands, I clawed at his arm, leaving red marks in my wake.

"You're gonna regret this," he hissed, tightening his grip once more. The other men circled, their laughter growing louder. Panic threatened to engulf Haze, but I focused on the anger building within me. I refused to be a victim.

In a desperate move, I swung my head backward, connecting with the stranger's nose. He recoiled, momentarily releasing me. Seizing the chance, I twisted away and sprinted down the alley. Adrenaline surged through my veins, my heart beating so fast that I felt my chest rip open as I heard the men cursing behind me.

As I reached the alley's exit, relief waId over Haze, but it was short-lived. The alley opened into a desolate street, and the city's noise felt muffled in the distance. My heart pounded, realizing I was still not safe.

I darted down the street, glancing behind to see the men giving chase. Fear fueled my legs as I sprinted through the labyrinthine network of alleys and side streets. my mind raced with thoughts of escape, and I made a split-second decision to duck into a crowded market.

The unfamiliar surroundings provided a momentary respite. Gasping for breath, I melted into the bustling crowd. I dared not look back, fearing I would spot the stranger and his accomplices. The market offered a blend of aromas, sounds, and colors, providing a stark contrast to the darkness of the alley.

I kept moving, weaving through the market stalls, trying to blend in. I knew I couldn't stay there indefinitely, so I continued navigating the maze-like streets, making random turns to confuse my pursuers.

Eventually, I found myself in a more populated area, with brightly lit streets and people going about their evening. I dared to glance over my shoulder, relieved to see no sign of the menacing strangers. Catching my breath, I realized I needed help. While I continued to walk in the crowded streets, I put my hands in my pockets searching for my phone and the fear started to engulf me when I realized that I lost it somewhere while running. my steps slowed down and felt the cold breeze hitting my sweaty face and body. 

Suddenly, I hit a hard surface and winced "aww!" I opened my eyes while rubbing my forehead to see a well-built muscled chest, I looked down and then up into the eyes of the man I just bumped into. His piercing gaze met mine, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. I felt heat rising in my cheeks and looked down and apologized in my hoarse voice "Mi dispiace, signore [I'm sorry, sir]" with my eyes down and still catching my breath from all the running I tried to move forward when I felt a grip on my arm and a jacket dropped on my shoulders. My legs threatened to give away as my mind raced with negative thoughts. "I don't think catching me here in front of so many people is a good idea" I put together that sentence with so much effort trying to look as confident as I could in an attempt to open a negotiation so the person will let me go. 

"Yeah that's a bad idea" the man responded. Stunned, I lifted my eyes to meet his gaze. He then lowered his mouth to my ear and whispered "just so you know, you didn't lose them, they will find you. I can help you lose tail" his lips tucked into a soft smile.

I was taken back by this stranger but I was getting the feeling that he is harmless. I decided to trust my guts and just nodded "Just get me out of here"