
Chapter 20

Davids P.O.V

"Did she take the bait?" Clara asked cheerfully looking at me.  

I have been with her for half day today and turns out she is chilled, funny outspoken and a foodie. She ate the half of pizza I had sneaked in school because Damien demanded for pizza. That forced me to order another pizza. It's not hard to like Clara. 

So far, she is the only friend I have talked to. I looked at her face and the smile that was dancing on it was gone, 

"Am sorry Davids, Daniella is hard sometimes." She said taking her phone. "This is not the first time this has happened," 

I was shocked, 

"So is it a usually matter to occur?" I asked her surprised.

"Not like that," she said connecting her piano to the socket. "There was this time when Her boyfriend thought that the was sleeping with Victor, Victor was interested in her, he even got her a new pair of Addidas that were new in the market for her birthday, while Vin had forgotten about it. The shoes borough issues, Vin dragged Daniella out of school and beat her up in his house. She broke a rib and an arm. That year Daniella couldn't participate in her ballet dance, her thrown as the Ballerina was snatched away from her." She did not finish.

Mr. Nossy interrupted us, I told her to wait for me in the evening so that we can head home together. I need to gather more information. It seems Damien did not tell me everything I wanted.

I moved to my position, I felt lonely here. I looked at Daniella's seat, it was not occupied, Clara being the bitchy friend told everybody that she is going to come and even if she doesn't she is still there, I smiled thinking of that before facing up and looking at Daniella.

Whoops! Her camera was on, it was black, the only thing that could be heard was her guitar. The plucking and how she was so good with the rhythm.

I know she is crying, I have seen how she is good with the guitar. It's like it is the only thing that helps her ellviate her emotions. 

"Davids," came Mr. Nossy's voice. 

"Yes sir," I replied looking at him.

He gave me a paper contains the song that we were to sing, turns out, the boy who was supposed to sing wouldn't be around because he was suspended for I don't know what?

I picked it and looked at it, 

All I did was to pray that I don't mess up anything.

Jazz has always been my thing but this this is so new, am gonna practise the part.

"Thanks sir, I will try my best," I told him sitting down.

I looked at Clara and she was thumbs up, 

I used my face sign "what?"

She in turn used her hands to tell me later.

"That is enough for today," shouted Mr. Nossy. 

He went on"Daniella I hope you will be here by Monday and I wish you quick recovery,"

"Thank you sir," she murmured quietly.

"Just a reminder, it's not 'hope' I command you here on Monday," he corrected mad everyone was all teeth.

I waited for Clara to come by so that we can head home together.

"Do you fancy tea?" I asked her.

"Do you?" She replied back laughingg.

"Come on Clara, let me ask Damien if he is around so that we can move together." 

She nodded looking at her phone.

Texting Damien, he was already at the coffee shop, since it's owned by his uncle. We moved in and he had actually gotten us a good spot.

Their coffee shop is the most expensive in town, it's in the lake, but you don't have to climb a boat to get there, it's just by the shore.

"So how was your practise guys," began Damien reading the menu as if he doesn't know it.

Clara being the talkative one shouted, "Exciting, now that Davids got an opportunity to sing," 

"What, is that like a funny thing?" I asked her.

"Yeah, because you will be doing it with Daniella, she used to share the part with Salim," she shouted picking her fingers.

"What, can we please order something now?" I asked changing the subject.

Damien left the table to go an get us something to eat.

I was lost in my thoughts, 

Me with Daniella?

I really need to be good with my voice, I don't want to disappoint her, I don't want to be the reason she is empty once again, I want her happy, and cheerfull.

"Davids, Davids," I heard clara shouting my name and I gave her my attention.

"What? I asked her,"

" I have been calling you for some times, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Sorry, I was thinking about what you told me about Daniella, can you please pick up from where you left?" I begged.

"If am getting two extra doughnuts with honey top and berry I will gladly trade that for information." She replied eyeing Damien who was bringing our coffee to the table.

"That's true girl," supported Damien, "Free food for free information."

What's wrong with these two with food as payment? Will they demand that from me whenever am asking something?

"Okay, extra two for both of you," I said to Dmaien so defeated.

They were both excited leading to Clara placing a peck on Damien's cheek.

On the second thought, they all became embarrassed 

"Sorry, " murmured Clara.

Damien just sighed and went to get the doughnuts with his cheeks pink.

Why is everyone hiding around here?

Why can't people express themselves how they want to?

That is what I don't understand.

Why would every cheerleader date a soccer boy?

Fame? Money?

Clara looks like someone from a well off family though I haven't asked her, 

Then that is not money,

But why?

"So," Clara started off, "After she was dethrowned, Daniella had nothing of her own, she hadn't registered for music classes, the ballet dance used to be a good side gig for her, she could get money that sustained her. Do you know she even had rented a house and paid for it monthly? " she asked sipping her coffee.

"Really?" Asked Damien.

"Yeah, that was when she was fifteen, she felt like no one liked her at home, so she moved out.  After all the drama she couldn't manage to pay for her rent anymore, " she said pinching the hole of a doughnut.

"But I heard all this time she was dating Vin," said Damien.

Chewing her food, Clara looked deep in her cup of tea, then up, " yes, it turns out Vin was a family friend and he was the only one interested in Daniella, Daniella knew that Vin loved her," she finished and swallowed the food in her mouth.

"Because she believed that Damien is showing her love than anyone." I added, they both nodded. 

"That is soo....," Damien started

"Tragic, and sad," added class.

I wanted to ask her about the relationship between cheerleaders and soccer team but decided against it, I will probably ask Damien, but for a second thought, No, I will figure that out on my own.

"So why don't you guys confess the love that you have for each other," I laughed looking at both of them.

"What love?" They both chorused as Clara chocked on her coffee.

"Nothing, lets get going," I assumed and walked out.