
Chapter 10

The detention was not full that day. Eight pupils each one sitted in their corners. Daniella was quietly standing at the door looking through the transparent glass. Her maths teacher had told her that she had lied about her whereabouts because someone came in to report that she was not feeling well and not that she had overslept the way she had reported to Mrs. Tamima.

The mystery of the house in wood lock needs to be unveiled, she thought. She was feeling weird about the detention. 

           " Is that person also in detention ma'am?" 


She had asked Mrs. Tamima who inturn shooked her head to mean 'NO!"

She wondered why was that person not placed in detention the same way she was. 

        "Why is she unfair?"

        She had asked herself still standing at the her room before Mrs. Tamima "shooed' her from her room.

        " maybe it's somebody else," she thought while biting her hands. "Maybe that person is not from there school."


        She hated detentions, the reason she is ever in one is because one, a friend might have messed the class and she was in the company of that friend or two when she accidentally cursed in class which happens when something annoys her. 

        Peeping through the glass door, she saw her friend Clara sitting on the corner looking through her phone, she knew how bored clara felt when she is alone in detention. And if she goes right in, it will be chaos till the detention ends and she might have a week more to make it three weeks.

      She hated herself right now, she has cancelled her Chinese date with Vin, she will miss the practise.


"Get in, why are you standing by the door Daniella," called Mrs. Tamima who was now standing at the door with pile of books in her hand.

"Sorry mum," she mumbled before twisting the door knob.

"Would you mind?" Mrs tamima requested showing her the books in her hands. 

She got the books from Mrs. Tamima's hand and entered into the classroom.

Clara lifted her head up and was all smiley, 

        "Bestie!" She shouted.

        "Enough clara, you are here for detention the bestie time can be done in the field," she glared pointing at Clara.

Clara coiled back in her corner and kept quite, earning a laugh from the other pupils with her actions.

"Detention is not a prison," started Mrs.Tamima "this is a place for you to rectify your behaviour and build a better you. While in here I would love you to keep in mind, the better you keep up with your progress the earlier it will be for you to tell this place bye," she finished and everyone was silently looking at her, faking attention so that they can be noticed.

Daniella scanned the room, moving them eyes clockwise and anti-clockwise, then they landed on a familiar figure, "why should her locks always cover her face?" 

"She is cute, isn't she?" Clara asked cheekily.

Daniella caught off guard for ogling over her, 

"Eeer..., I mean yeah, wait, why would you even say that," she asked her friend.

"Clara chuckled and smiled at her then looked at her, feigning a drool, "She makes every girl wet, ahaa, you saw those eyes, the peach eyes, the way she bit her lips in the music classroom and the line like scar that runs from her left eye down to her lips, in addition," she pointed at David's "Her dressing style, every girl dies for her." 

Daniella swallowed hard, and snatched her eyes away from David's. Her heart felt congested and she felt like she couldn't breathe, what's wrong with her, she started rubbing her hand on the position of her heart, 

"You okay?" Clara asked

She nodded to clara and later lifted her head up. The contractions, they are normal to her, her heart sometimes does that and it's never serious.

"Davids, your hair please let it back on the neat bun it had," Mrs. Tamima warned.

Davids picked her locks and piled them together into a bun, it was not neat but it made her look cute.

Daniella decided to take a good look at her through a peripheral vision but was distracted by Mrs. Tamima's voice.

"I would love you to go into groups of two. We have three boys and five girls so pair up," 

Everyone was rushing to pair up, two girls were already in Davids direction, 

       "what the f," Daniella stopped her mouth before she could utter the word.

       Clara in turn was all smiley and turned to Daniella, "who do you think will get laid between the two?"

       "For Christ sake Clara, focus and let's do what we are supposed to be doing, I hate this place and I want to get the hell out of here,"  


Mrs. Tamima was busy looking at the two girls who were now busy fighting for Davids attention. She chuckled and summoned everyone's attention. "Why are you guys so fast to pair up, Clara, Daniella is already your bestie why don't you look up for someone else? Okay, this is how it's going to be." She pointed a name and where everyone was supposed to sit. The two girls who were fighting for David's were paired up with boys, clara never minds who she is paired with, she is always mouthy, she can talk and form new friends everywhere. 

The only person who seemed to be uncomfortable was Daniella. She was placed with Davids. Daniella knew this was trouble, she sti remembers the last word she had uttered to her when Davids offered a hand to help her learn the saxophone, and guilt run through her head, the battled the urge of wanting to look at her face up close but cloudn't bring herself too.

"I am sorry," she mumbled softly and quietly. 

"For what?" She heard Davids talk, she thought she was not even paying attention to her, but suddenly she shot her head up to look at her and all the feelings came running through her, the same way she felt when someone sang to her, when someone plucked those guitar strings all came back to her, she tried to shook her head up, she tried to close her eyes and re-think again but she couldn't. She lifted her hand to hit the table but it was caught mid-air. 

Davids caught her hand, rubbed it gently and she opened her eyes, don't do that, you will hurt yourself. Davids stretched her hands to touch her, she leaned close, bringing her cheeks up, closing her eyes just to feel her touch but was disappointed when she opened her eyes, Davids was stretching to pick a book from Mrs. Tamima who was giving them some work t help out with.

Daniella shooked her head, "what's wrong with me," she asked herself silently," why the sudden feel towards Daniella. She felt a knock on the face, and catches. a paper that Clara had thrown on her direction, she read it "bitch, what are you doing? Are you falling for her just in one second of being paired up? Remember I said I want also to be laid, so don't do it before me," she tore the paper and tossed it on the bin took a book and shoved it in her face.