

People were shouting, about the house parties that they could hold this coming weekend. The road trip they will take during their summer holidays.

"Who the heck talks about road trips which are in six months?" 

The nerds were at their corner arguing about the person who will talk to the board of directors about their budget.

They had recently come up with an idea of planting crops, the idea of Agriculture nerd student, in the abandoned section of a soccer field. So they were arguing who was going to defend their budget this coming week.

Damien has not touched his tray. He is still putting on a deadly glare at the cafeteria paying station. 

Davids was busy munching her food without any problem. Tackling her steak and some fries.

Suddenly all the noise stopped, not even a whisper. Damien noticed the change in the environment and lifted his head to see who had made a grand entrance into the hall. 

This always happens when an important person happened to have entered the cafeteria.

As much as he did not need to be told who the important person was, he was interested if THIS so-called important person still had her dogs who follow her and responds to her beck and barks every minute.

To satisfy his curiosity, Clara was not with her.

Daniella was accompanied by her boyfriend who was holding her tray of food while Daniella was displaying her long slender legs as her blue orbs flickered and made other boys mesmerised.

After not seeing Clara, Damien dialled his phone to call her for the hundredth time today. But she didn't pick up the call.

Damien looked at Davids, she was very busy with her meal giving it all the concentration. 

In her life, she has never seen a girl so absorbed and concentrated with her meal like Davids. She even wondered how did they become friends in the first place?

She was almost done and of all the girls she knew, they would leave food in their plates but not for Davids, she would joke about wasting money if she doesn't clean up her plate and make it as new as ever.

"If not for these jerk heads, I would have licked my plates, but you all will judge me and think am hungry or come from a poor family," she once voiced jokingly.

Damien patted her on the shoulder, earning a scornful look from Davids.

"What?" Did she retort?

Damien pointed his finger and Davids followed the direction of his fingers.

Davids watched as Daniella was being escorted to her sitting position. With Vin by her side carrying two trays. One was filled with salad and a bottle of water while the other one was filled with steak, fried rice and juice.

"You disturbed my peaceful eating for that?" Asked Davids irritated.

"Are you jealous now?" Mimicked Damien while lifting a slice of fries into his mouth.

Instead of Davids replying she opened the bottle of water beside her and drank from the whole bottle and threw the empty bottle to the ground earning a look from other people.

Daniella look in her direction rolled her eyes before sitting down facing her direction.

It seems like her appetite had suddenly disappeared through the roof, she pushed the tray apart and shifted her focus to the table in the middle of the school cafeteria.

She watched as the girl with who she shared a bed of cardboard with pretending to be happy amid her teammates. She eyed as the girl who loves food pretend not to love food and ordered some salad and a bottle of water. She watched as she munched down the salad but deep down she knew, she was eyeing the steak, the fries that her so-called boyfriend had.

"What a pity," she thought to herself.

After what seemed like minutes of waiting, Clara showed herself in the cafeteria. Her blond hair was let loose today, she had worn a black leather jeans skirt reaching her mid-thighs and a mustard sweatshirt.

Looking at Damien to alert him of Clara's arrival, 

Damien's eyes were already up, her scornful look was replaced with a peaceful look while staring at Clara, she watched as he swallowed every step that Clara took.

"Waste having goosebumps now?" Davids wondered looking at Damien's neck.

He was lost in her glamour she couldn't even tap him to bring him back to his real senses.

"Are you missing something?" Asked Daniella while eyeing Clara.

Clara looked at Damien then back at Daniella, "This is my sitting position Dee," replied Clara taking a seat but was blocked by Vin's hand.

Daniella stood up and was facing her, she threw her tray of food to the ground "whoopsy?' 

Damien was about to stand up but Davids pressed him down, 

" Don't do it," 

"Come on Daniella, we always sit here, this is our position," said Clara trying not to sound rude.

"Our position? You think I would love to sit next to you?" Daniella asked.

"Tell me Clara, who are you Judas Iscariot or Pontious Pilate? Are you a friend or just some disgusting bitch who always thinks that she can get what she wants?" Asked Daniella sneering at her. All the other teammates were just looking at them not saying a word. Nathan was afraid to stand up and defend Clara, Damien felt useless where he was. Davids had pressed him down for his good but he was itching to stand up and slap Nathan for not standing up for Clara!

Every student in the hall was now eyeing the drama that was starting to build. Soon people will be encouraging them to fight and break each other up.

Davids on the other side, as much as she was holding Damien down, didn't know if Daniella is mad at Clara for hanging out with them or....... The other reason she doesn't know about. She didn't want to let go of Damien to get involved because he might end up being suspended or the rich guys might sue him for what she doesn't know.

"Clara, stop pretending to befriend yet you were fucking Damien during the weekend!" Shouted Daniella.

"What?" asked Nathan as he stood up "is this true Clara?" Clara couldn't bring herself to answer any of their concerns.

She knew it was a bad idea to hang out with Damien and Davids all alone but she didn't think about the consequences.

She was happy being around them. During the weekend, she was with Damien, spent time bowling, skating and attended a family birthday party. It was then that Clara realized her feelings for Damien but she couldn't bring herself to tell him.

Looking at Damien, she wanted to rush and throw herself to him and confess how she feels about him, kiss him, hug him and cuddle with him the way the did during the weekend but she couldn't.

"Yeah, look at him Clara, " Daniella pushed her to where Damien and Davids were sitting, "look at him Clara, how did she make you feel mmh?" Asked Daniella sarcastically.

"We didn't do anything Daniella, we were just hanging out, nothing more," said Clara with tears in her eyes.

"Dee, can you please let this go, it's not fair on their sides," requested Davids still holding onto Damien's.

"Don't Dee me, in here, we have a chain, and we have a way of treating liars. So don't come here feeling like you can change anything, we RUN this town and neither you nor your fucking family doesn't have the authority to run this town, don't come here with your pathetic voice because even that is not your real voice, you are fake Davids, everything about you is fake! Do you think you come here and want to change everything because you want to make things right? Sit down and learn Fucking tourist!" Retorted Daniella with every word echoing hatred from her.

Davids couldn't hold it anymore, she let go of Damien, this allowed Damien to stand and move to Clara! 

"Dude, don't even dare," shouted Nathan throwing a punch towards Damien who ducked it.

"If you were a man enough Nathan, at least fight for her, don't fight me and you are acting like some motherfucking asshole towards her!" Said Damien fixing his shirt.