
193:Is This What You Want?

Important, Author's notes:

I would love your opinion of how volume two is going. 

You are allowed to give suggestions for the titles of book two.

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Thank you and happy reading🤗😊❤


Davids arrived at the house and looked at it, this had been her home for almost six months since summer, partied with Brian and her parents, met new friends and when she thought that she had met a person whom she was going to spend all her life with, things were not getting better. She didn't know what to do or say, she looked at the table she left the last time, it's was still the normal table, standing in the dining room, the only difference there was no fruit today, perhaps nothing to make the house lively. She looked up the stairs, the direction towards her room, if she can't remember anything, this might as well be her last day inside this house and the last day she was seeing those stairs, her design, something she had worked on by just doing some youtube classes, and her parents took her seriously by trying it out. 

Brian tapped on her shoulder, she turned around to look at him. His eyes were moist, he has been crying. She has known him ever since she was born just like her parents but now, everyone looks like a stranger in her eyes. They don't believe the words in her mouth, whatever she is trying to say is doubtable and they feel like she is lying.

She watched as her dad went outside the patio to receive a call, she didn't need to know why he was being called, the way his mouth was moving, said it all. Davids watched as he walked back to the house but he avoided her gaze.

Davids felt ashamed, she knew she heard the right to ask her parents why they hid Brown but she didn't think about it, she is a grown-up now, with an is. In front of the court, she is a big woman though to her parents she is their little princess. She knew things are going to fall apart in this family, her dad's business is going to be burnt down to the ground, her mother might lose all the partnerships she had with various companies and Brian, well he might get away with it because he is not known as a Black though they believe they are sister and a brother that's where their boundary will be drawn. 

"Let's get you showered and clean clothes," said Brian as he led her upstairs. 

She nodded and followed him, she still had her hands crossed like a prisoner until Brian parted her hands that's when she realized that she had been that way for the whole time.

When they got to her room, everything was the way she had left it, her clothes were neatly folded and placed in the wardrobe, her shoes placed on the racks and all her ties were neatly arranged inside the drawers. 

"Brian, I didn't do it, I know I can't remember doing it but I didn't do it, I was wandering around then slept in the school store," said Davids as she sat on the vanity chair, she knew that will be her statement to everyone she explained something to.

"I believe you Davids, but your parents and the world thinks you did it, you raped her, something I feel was staged or someone drugged you and forced you to do it," told Brian. 

Davids sighed, she looked up at Brian, "do me a favour, I know this is going to be hard but if all the evidence is pointing towards me, just take care of mum and dad, I know they will be through a rough patch. I just saw dad shouting in a phone call, probably investors have started withdrawing from the company, I don't want them to feel low though I know they will feel. Try and make them happy, okay?" 

Brian looked at Davids talk, he didn't know where she was headed with her words. He was sure they will find some truth below the papers and the lies that the other team have packed for them. Her parents will make sure that she doesn't go to prison. 

Davids went to take a shower, Brian was left sitting on the bed, he tried to put himself in David's shoes but every time he wears them, he couldn't withstand it. 


Outside The Black's compound, Mr Chen had just arrived, he wanted to prepare Davids for tomorrow's case, beside him was a man in a black suit.

"Do they have anything concrete," asked the man.

"No, the good thing is that she doesn't remember a damn thing so she can't defend herself if she doesn't remember anything, plus you guys have solid evidence against her. That will take two or three working days before she is thrown in the cell and rots there," said Mr Chen.

The man next to him looked at him and smiled, he loved how things were taking a good turn. He couldn't wait to see, things break down for everyone in that house. 

Mr Chen's phone vibrated and he looked at it smiling, "nice."

"That's for the good work, be my eyes and ears there, anything they the say, you give me a heads up and you will be rewarded more and more," said the man before leaving Mr Chen to proceed into The Black's house.

Back in the house.

Brian had been sitting in the bed for almost thirty minutes, and he felt like Davids was taking long in the washroom, the longest she could take was ten or fifteen not some thirty minutes inside the bathroom.

'What if she has drowned in water?' 

Brian quickly stormed inside the washroom and found the bathroom basin was flooded with water, he couldn't see Davids inside. Brian rushed near it and saw her sinking deep in it. He wanted to shout and call their parents to come in but he thought against that idea. It will be good if this stays between her and him 

He quickly removed Davids from the shower and placed him on the flow, did a quick CPR on her body until she woke up. 

"For Christ sake Davids what were you thinking? I know it's a dead-end but what's the need of killing yourself? Your mum will die, your dad will regret it and blame himself. What about the rest of us? Are you sure this was the right decision, Davids? Killing yourself because someone accused you of something you didn't do? I believe in you and I will make sure dad and mom believe in you but don't try doing this again!"

"I am just afraid of what will happen, what if I am jailed for twenty years? By the time I will be out of Jail I will be old and I will have missed a lot of things," said Davids. 

Brian hugged him, he knew that can also happen, the evidence can turn out solid and that will be the end of it. 

"No, it won't happen, everything will be fine, okay?" 

They stayed on the floor for some time before Davids washed and they went downstairs. The food was ready but Davids didn't feel like taking anything. Not even water. She watched as her lawyer, Mr Chen was munching the food alone. Her parents were not around Annie was in the kitchen busy with her work.

"Sorry for being rude, I was not supposed to say that to you," mumbled Davids and Annie walked to her. She hugged her. 

"Don't worry about it, everything is going to be fine, you will come back home in no time and we will still have fun," assured Annie.

David's nodded and hugged her tight.

Davids was called into the study room after Mr Chen was done with his meal. She was supposed to have a preparation.

"So, Davids, I want you to narrate everything you remember, even the I'm a detail," said Mr Chen. 

Davids cleared her throat and started everything from the start till the end, since she was done, Mr Chen shook his head because he felt the story didn't match the three days.

"You have not talked about day two, what happened on day two Davids?" Asked Mr Chen.

"I can't remember what happened on day two," said Davids and Mr Chen nodded. Giving him a piece of paper, Davids scanned it and there was a list of all the witnesses who are going to testify in her favour. 

She saw Damien, Mr Marcus, the guard and The guard. Her parents were supposed also to testify, for some reason they had excluded Brian, Andrew and Annie. Her father said they couldn't testify. To some extent, she agreed with them.

After they were done, Davids hoped that those people will help make sure that everything runs on smoothly without any problem. She didn't get a chance to look at her phone, the only thing she looked at was the ceiling in her room, nothing was fascinating about it insteD., but Brian cuddled her to sleep. She wanted to believe that she is still the little child, the baby but no, sje is not the baby anymore but an eighteen-year-old who is waiting to be judged after facing court tomorrow.