
171: Let The Game Begin!

After weeks of searching through, Mike and the team were left with nothing. They thought that the files they gathered from the building will be of use but they didn't provide enough information.

The documents were manipulated for them to know what is real and what was wrong. Looks like The Clank's were very keen with their work and they didn't leave any stone unturned. 

They couldn't stretch their hands further because the wall they encountered was so strong to allow them to move. 

Mike was frustrated and they gave up on everything, Brown knew what happened but he couldn't remember everything, his memories reappeared to him in fragments mixed making it hard for him to understand whether they were real or just some images he had in his mind. 

They had shut down the operation and focused on maintaining tight security around the place for their safety. 

Brown had travelled to the island, he wanted to try something new, collect himself together and be the man he had always wanted to be, though his daughter, Daniella is in danger, he knew he can't jump and do anything right now, he is not in the right state of mind and that is what he is trying to correct.

Mike supported his idea and assigned him two of his best men who will help him and someone he trusted to take care of his health while he is away.

Back in town, the family were doing fine, Brian had visited surprising Mum Vicky in her office, they spent some little time with Davids before flying back to New York.

The school musical was going on fine, with the lead stars, Davids and Daniella being all romantic on the set. 

Clara and Damien would always spend their time together, weekends were for camping on their own or they would invite Davids and Daniella when they needed company. 

Schools were not forgotten, Davids and Damien were making sure they make it in their class presentation. They went for interviews in different universities. Damien has always wanted to join Havard, Yale or Oxford but Rice, no, that was not what he wanted but now he was having second thought about it. He felt the need to be around so that he can protect Clara. They were a thing and they knew they won't manage to go far from each other.

He chose to go for the rice interview though he also got interviews in other world-known universities. 

Davids, the big joker, wanted to join Rice University, but when she got an interview in Newyork she couldn't decline she was risking anything to be near the people she loved. 

Her parents also suggested she take the local university and the top ones.

When they got their letters, they asked their family members not to show them the University they were accepted in. Mr Marcus and The Black's family honoured their wishes, they didn't tell them anything because they were waiting for them to wait to graduate high school, go to their prom with happiness before they are told where to go to. They are high graders their parents had no fear about it.

Though things were not going right in a certain circle, a little meeting was called and all the people responsible for it were called in. 

The two young girls were seated in the washroom, mumbling to themselves. They have been friends for so long but things escalated right now they had a deal to plan.

"How are things going for you?" The girl in a blue sweater asked.

The other girl in yellow top looked at her in fear, they knew this light go west and everyone will be affected, they will lose everything but they had to do it. 

"Everything is going okay, I am supposed to get married and I don't want to, I wish everything was okay, I don't even know why they are pushing for it? I Want to study and go places not just being a Housewife," she said. 

Her friend looked at her, she knew they were going this with a price and the pay was worth risking everything.

"What about you?" The girl in the blue sweater looked at her friend, "everything is fine, he is too serious that I fear. But it's men what do you expect, he is focused to make sure everything runs smoothly. Even when I do something bad, he corrects me and doesn't shout," she said and looked at the small ring on her finger. This was the promise ring he had bought for her. It was engraved his name and her name, twisting in her fingers she knew she will throw it out. 

"So I have everything planned out, we will use the end of year musical drama as our collection day, we will collect lots of clothes and then after that sort them out later before the real action begin the following day," said the friend in a yellow sweater.

Her friend in a blue sweater just nodded to agree with everything, she is not good at planning, she moved with everything she is asked to, the desperation kills her and the truth be said, he loves her man so much but the fear that if she doesn't work with her friend yet she has the power to get her something she has been wanting is killing her, she has to let love go, she can still find it in another place not necessarily just in one person.

After making their final preparation, they were waiting for the day to arrive, they had their fears, the fear of what might happen after their plan works, the chaos that is going to happen around the whole truth will be revealed the impact they will have to bring to everyone.

"Hey, you know this is for the best, you don't have to fear, plus don't back out the last moment because everyone you care about and the one you are looking for will be gone sweetheart," shouted the friend in a yellow sweater.

Mrs Tamima was busy in her office, her roll burning out slowly. Taking in the puff, she held it in her lungs for a while before releasing it to the air, a sudden knock on the door startled her and she choked on the smoke a little. She put the roll out before spraying the room. 

The knock came again and she rushed opening the door, her face showed displeasure after seeing the person on her office door.

"Why the face, aren't you happy to see me here?" Asked Clara as she walked in and sat carefree in her office. 

Sniffing through the area, she felt the trace of weed in the room, Damien we against them taking alcohol or drugs because they are still children, though he is eighteen, he didn't want it for her though they once took it with Daniella the urge to take a puff was killing her but she was not going to do it.

"You know, I just dipped my joint inside the toilet because I thought it was someone else, you will have to pay for that," she lied to her and removed the joint she had put of and re-lighted it making Clara surprised.

"I thought you dipped it in the toilet," Mrs Tamara looked at her and went on smoking. 

"What are you here for?" Clara was asked and she removed some pictures from her bag. 

"This," she said and Mrs Tamima looked at the pictures, she put the rollout and keenly looked at the pictures, she remembers the faces very well, they were names of people but nothing more to give a clue. Most of them were dead and for others, she couldn't quite tell where they are. These were students from twenty-five years ago and her brother was behind them he could be thirty this year.

Clara saw the change in her face, and she lost hope. They had tried this for weeks but nothing was making sense. 

"I am giving up, I don't want to do this anymore!" Said Clara in anger. 

Mrs Tamima watched the change in her voice and felt sad for her, she knew how hard she jas wanted to find out what happened to her brother but seeing her life the hope she didn't know how to feel. 

She has also been trying, and she could see that all the hope was dying and the sign of seeing the face of the energetic boy was all finishing and things were falling apart. 

Maybe they held to his memories so much that they can't let him go. They had to agree that it was for the best. Mrs Tamima didn't even try to push the issue. She just let her be.

"In case of anything, just come back, okay?" She told her and she nodded. 

Clara stood up and walked out of the room, leaving the room. 

Someone stood by the corner and took a picture, "let the game begin!"