
140: I DARE YOU TO...

⚠️ warning, Not edited!!!!

Everyone in the group was a couple. It looked like two by two affairs. Vin threw is a devilish grin as he looked in Daniella's direction. I felt very uncomfortable with him around, I can't lie about that.

The statement about the threesome that Daniella blurted out during the shower once more danced in my head. I felt an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

I just hoped that he is still not taking advantage of her when she is asleep. Throwing a glance at Lady Boo, she was also grinning as she looked at Clara. 

'Can it be that the three of them! Why are they looking at Dee in that manner?' I thought to myself as I watched the glances that they were throwing towards each other.

"Come on let's go," said Daniella as she grabbed my hand and led me to a flat platform. 

The golden Jukebox that was inside the circle was still playing as some couples were dancing. Clara had already grabbed Damien and gently placed her in the middle as they grave the audience with their beautiful style. 

Clara was a fan of salsa, she stated her hips gracefully but Damien was finding it hard to accompany her. A dude from the group divided to help but Damien threw him a glance and he stood down letting the duo do their work. 

Clara had to teach Damien step by step until he had the basics before they went on dancing. 

"Why don't we join them?" Asked Daniella as she also grabbed my hands and tried lifting me. 

"Ooh, babe, I can't dance, I am really tired," I groaned seating my ass down before she garbs me again.

"Okay, I am going to dance alone," she said and quickly jumped inside the circle.

"Da., ." I wanted to call her but just let her go.

I was too tired to even dance, I wanted to engage in activities that don't need vigour. 

I didn't want dee to dance with anyone but I had no option, I had to let her enjoy herself.

Suddenly I a constant up and walk towards her.

'Not on my watch!" 

I stood up and quickly walked over to the ring and beat him at catching Dee's hand.

Vin gave me foul look as he walked back and sat bear her girlfriend.

"Wow, you came, what made you change your mind?" Sue asked as I waltz her around before holding her waits.

"You are my girl,  won't let someone else hold your hand and towel you around apart from me, so here I am," I said to her as we moved in a ski motion like manner.

"Thank you, I almost thought that you were going to let my ex twirl me around," she chicken before returning her hand on my shoulder 

I wanted to say something but I saw Vin standing with someone else inside the ring, Jane. 

I wondered what they were doing together. This possibly is not dancing they were doing, the way Vin kept whispering into her eyes and Jane's eyes kept roaming towards around out direction.

"What happened yesterday night," I asked Daniella as we were dancing.

I wanted to access and see how much can she remember because I have this bad aura about this whole deal if Dee loses her mind over some medicine. 

Bwatvjed as Daniella was trying to take her brain, remembering something's but it looked so hard for her to remember something.

"We were in the house, as usual, wait I went with my mum and helped her with office work, no, went swimming," 

I knew this was going to take her forever to answer my question.

"That's nice," I told her so that she may feel okay. I didn't want her stressing herself over that, but for me, it was stressing me and frustrating me because I don't know what's going behind those huge walls of Daniella's home.

While would the mourner still be partying and drinking all day long in their house. 

It's two weeks already, everyone should have gone back to their business but their house is still a club where everyone comes in and goes out.

I feared that something bad may happen to her. 

"Hey, let's go," Daniella startled me from my trance. I hadn't noticed that the music was off and now the hip hop songs were playing silently and Dee and I were the only couples still in the ring.

Everyone just looked at us and clapped as we settled in the middle of the ring.

The ladies were seated on the lower platform as their boyfriends were seated on the second platform.

Daniella lifted her head to lol at me before smiling. I smiled and dropped a kiss on her head before rubbing it.

"We a know the game that we are going to play. In groups of four, that's everyone with a couple will come and seat in the middle and the game will begin.

The list is already out. We are following it to the latter and no one is given any privileges.

The first group is Clara, Damien, Nathan, Linda, Fouza and Maggy."

I Don't even know anyone in that group except for, Clara, Damien and Nathan.

"What game are they playing?" I asked one of the guys beside me. 

"It's truth or Dare," shouted the dude who was acting as the Mc. 

I don't have any problem with that, I will gladly okay it without any problem.

Clara and the others walked into the other mini circle inside. I have never posted this game but I feel like it's the cheapest because we don't have any silly things like the skating game.

I usually hear Brian playing it with someone but they have never been open, they always do it secretly, I bet they are just licking themselves to masturbate their little brothers to death.

A bottle was brought in the middle, every could get only one chance to so In it around. The first to spin it was the victor and Linda.

Victor gave Linda and an opportunity and she had to spin the bottle instead of him.

"The top represents 'truth' the back represents 'dare' 

I don't know why Damien and Clara looked freaked out. This game would be fun if they are told to kiss someone. Like this is a great opportunity for someone to reveal his or her deepest desires.

The top of the bottle pointed at Nathan, though it was their turn to spin it, Lind had just lost their chance that way.

I don't get why the Mc got to ask people questions when it was for a dare but I felt like that was unfair. The people inside the circle were allowed to ask that not the Mc, this game was rigged and it felt worthless now.

Nathan held a starlight face. He didn't look displeased or afraid of anything.

"Nathan, was Clara a virgin when you first met her?" Asked the Mc with a grin on his face. 

Nathan stood up and looked at Clara, Damien stretched his hands and clasped them with Clara's. 

Clearing his throat, Nathan stood up and looked at everyone.

"I didn't even touch her sexually, we had our boundaries, I respected Clara and she did the same. I can say she is the most stubborn and at the same time a beautiful lady I know, you answer your question, No!"

Clara breathed a sigh of relief and Damien caressed her back do gently before placing a kiss on top of her head.

I knew Nathan was saying the truth because he was also forced to be with Clara.

The game went on until it fell on Damien, Nathan dared him to kiss Linda.

I knew this was going to be hard for him. He was torn on the inside, he knew this we bound to happen but he didn't imagine being told t kiss I'm done he doesn't even know. 

He placed another kiss on top of Clara's head before in a kiss from Linda"s cheek.

Everyone booed him but he defended himself by saying they were not specific on what to do, kiss the cheeks or in the mouth?

He got away with that and Clara was happy with the way he played his game.

"Daniella, David's, bin, lady Boo, can't and victor!" Shouted the dude as he called our names because we were the next.

"What the fuck?" Cursed Daniella as she heard the name of the people we were going to be with.

I told you I hated the game already, I mean why would they put it together? Were they just interested in getting us to turn against each other or we were playing a game?

I bet they will ask me to kiss Victor or Vin, the thought of inserting my tongue into their mouth made me want to puke. It was disgusting every and I hated it 

Inside the ring, the game was changed, a couple had two chances of spinning the bottle, if the mouth faced you, you were to choose between truth or dare.

And the couple spinning were the ones to ask a question.

Jane and victor were stunning at first. Daniella and I were seated opposite lady Bo and Vin. Victor placed the bottle in the middle and pinned it. I was afraid that it was going to face us, Danielle clasped her hands in mine tightly as we waited for the bottle to stop. 

It's faced Vin and his partner, I was happy that it was not us because I could imagine the question that Nathan was going to ask me. 

At the same time, I was afraid that we ought to be asked to kiss I'm done from the other side. 

"Vin, truth or dare?" Asked Victor as he held the bottle in his hands.

"Dare," he said very quickly. 

"I dare you to kiss Dee, for two seconds!"

'Fuck me!' I thought as I heard  Victor's suggestion.



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