
episode one

Lina!! Lina!! I could hear mum call out to me. I annoyingly threw the pillows beside me to the floor. "Mum can't u let me have peace .' I murmured. "I think I will . I hurriedly stood up from the bed whining,kaleb is my step brother (a naughty one u no).I walked out of my room to greet my elder brother but I was shocked to see him inside a what looked Like a witch circles as I saw in a movie . His he really a wizard,if he's what his his mum then? Will Lina be able to take it easily in? What if Lina herself isn't a human.

hi,am new to thisand will be happy if my flaws are corrected on time Have some idea about my story? #shequeHave some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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