
Lost In A World Of Cultivation

How would you handle being tossed in an unfamiliar environment where you don't understand the language? People flying around on swords? I didn't think that was possible Monstrous beasts and where killing and personal strength is the only way to survive? High schooler Varian Blackwell who had a particular fascination on martial arts was transported to a world where martial artist are praised and where there are enemies at each turn. Whether he makes it out or stays powerless all depends on the choices he makes as a traverser. Guys this is my first novel so there may be problems with pacing and expressing the emotions of certain characters for the first few chapters. There might also be fight scenes that seem forced but please bear with me. I promise that it will get better and if you have any problems please leave a comment on what it is and I'll try to fix it. Thank you.

DEMMI_005 · Action
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Mei Ning

While walking away Varian's body suddenly shivered. It was like a chill going down his spine and warning him.

-[What's wrong? You sick? ...No that shouldn't be possible now, your body as of now is that of an above peak level human. Anyways it doesn't matter.]-

[ Yeah that was weird. I've never done that before, not even when I almost died.]


[ I thought the master ceremony would be interesting but it just turned out to be boring talking and annoying murmuring.]

As he thought about it he could hear the distant chatter and laughter.

[I'm never getting used to this.] Is what he thought.

Meanwhile, the woman from before continued to tail him while staring at his back curiously.

Several minutes passed while they walked back to Varian's house until he couldn't take it anymore and turned around and in an annoyed toned asked," Why are you following me?"

To which she responded while smiling, "Can't I?"

Despite being annoyed Varian still maintained an indifferent expression, clearly showing that he neither strongly cared about what was happening around himself or to other people. He would anly act when his own life was endangered.


"I'm just curious. It's the first time that I've seen someone so disinterested in becoming a disciple. Moreover, you placed second in the entrance examination despite only being in the Body Refining realm proving that you have at least some skill."

While she was busy speaking Varian had already put a lengthy distance between them, already walking to his residence.

"Ah?" The woman blushed. It was the first time in her life that someone, especially a man had shown no interest towards her.

This made her a little angry and amused. She mentally made a note that she would make him react to her one way or another.

* * *

-[How annoying.]- Both Varian and mirrored Varian thought at the same time.

-[Hurry and get another mask. Even though no one will be able to see me I'm starting to get anxious]-

"Agreed. It's been a few days since I've worn one since the last one broke."

-[Anyways, I've already finished assessing the cultivation techniques that you read and picked out the most effective and important parts and compiled them into a new technique]-

[Already? That was fast.]

-[Hmph, who do you think I am? You could do it too if you wanted although doing physically would cause a lot of trouble]-

[I see... sounds troublesome. Anyways I'll start cultivating it as soon as I get home. According to the novels I've read, whoever that person I killed is related to must be plotting to move soon so I have to get stronger to run away.]

Varian was not fool. Even if he didn't read a lot of novels his rationality would lead him to believe that someone somewhere would avenge that person.

And he was certainly not foolish enough to think that he could kill whoever came to take revenge, therefore leaving him with his only option of running away shamelessly.

After another couple minutes of walking he returned to his house and immediately striped down to his underwear. The disciple robes he had were all he had to his name and couldn't risk them getting distroyed by whatever was going to happen.

He went to the center of the room and sat down cross legged while waiting for something.

Soon he hear mirrored Varian speak.-[Since you have no dantian, whatever Qi is inside your body will be channeled by me. You just have to focus on doing what the technique says.]-

Since they shared one mind although the technique was newly created Varian didn't need to review it since it was etched inside his head the moment it was created.


-[Okay let's begin]-

For a few seconds nothing happened, but if one looked closely one could see that clear vein outline glowing under Varian's skin.

It seemed to surge with a faint white line that travelled all around his body in an orderly manner. It neither increased or decreased in speed while traveling in sequence.

-[Now get ready, I'm about to start channeling the Qi]-

After saying that, the white light travelled to the chest area of Varian clearly outlining his heart.

After settling in the heart, it started to spread every time his heart beat inside his chest further spreading itself inside his body being carried to every organ inside his body excluding the brain.

What happened next was Varian grunting in pain as he felt a horrible sensation where his heart was supposed to be.

The light that stayed at his heart started to violent attack each chamber and blood vessel of the heart.

Each time his heart pumped blood it was then violently torn apart only to be enveloped by a warm sensation afterwards.

-[Bare with it, I'm borrowing the cells from your liver to help with the healing process so you at least won't die. The most that could happen is you passing out]-

Contrary to what he thought, even while in extreme pain Varian's indifferent face didn't show any signs of changing.

His mouth was full with the taste of iron and a body full of sweat, it was only the beginning of his torture.