
Prologue (1/2)

"Hey how are you!...urgh shit I'm talking to myself again…" A somewhat pale youth who wore no shirt was currently glancing in a mirror topless, was indeed talking to himself, he suddenly ruffled his own slightly dry hair signaling he had just finished a shower.

By no means was he muscular or skinny he was average in every way, short black hair, brown eyes, some freckles and some hair on his body he seemed no older than 17 which was the case because he was precisely 17 as of this very day his birthday December 31, 2099.

The youth let out a disappointed sigh as he looked at his phone the screen was cracked, and metal sides had some dents on it. This was a phone made in 2087 made by sungsam. He had managed to buy it second hand at a local op shop for a steal. The bathroom didn't look anything to fancy it was barely 2 meters wide, and 3 meters long it had a little sink a mini bathtub that doubles as a shower.

As for the toilet well considering he lived in an apartment complex that housed dozens of families and was one of the lowest concerning living standard With the sound of arguments and children crying. Well, this young man had to share a public one with the other male residents which was never a hygienically good idea.

Well, look il cut the crap and break the 4th wall or something for a little. I'm the dude currently talking to myself I don't have any cool or fancy name im called Impar...Impar Liaus. I was born under what those ancient folks would call an unlucky star.

My Mum said I didn't cry at all and looked as if I had been wronged after being born into this world..it was so bad my dad who is apparently some big shot in a company or some shit, divorced her after calling me Odd an omen of sorts and called her bad luck as well, so after he left my mum in the hospital and his newly born kid we never saw him again. My mum decided to call me Impar though maybe it was her way of showing a bit of love towards my lame dad.

Raised as a single kid just me and my mum we managed to pull through although barely, I don't know how to be sad or at least I think I didn't at the time?... I don't know? Nevermind.. anyway things were hard growing up barely food on the table or clothes.

But at least I had my mum she helped me a lot whether it was me getting bullied or beaten up or homework or that one time I was rejected by the school bell and was so pissed off I didn't want to go to school for a week...damnit why did I ask her in the first place?... I guess that's what being young does to you...

Despite all these obstacles in life when I was 16, I got thrown a curveball. My mum passed away due to Brain cancer, up until then I didn't know what sadness was but I know its something that's invisible and stabs at your heart and makes you cry making you wish to kill someone or yourself and yell in frustration cause a ruckus enough that you get kicked out of the hospital where your mum is laying deathly still in.

Its a useless emotion il leave it at that. When my Mum died, I managed to scrounge out savings we both had from her two jobs and my part-time job. I bought her an ok spot in a graveyard not many prime locations in the year 2099, but I did my best. My Dad never showed up and just sent some goon to offer a cheque for 50k, but I tore it right in front of the guy and walked off I really regret that right now.

I'm barely getting by, I have enough money to last me 3 months, and that's if I stick to ramen noodle cups. My Deadbeat father never even showed up for her funeral anyway screw that guy I don't need his money, the further he is from me the better.

Though I guess I shouldn't be complaining because one should always know that life has a plan for everyone no matter how insignificant you are, you should always push on. Life isn't a novel, but at least you're still breathing so there is always a chance for a comeback.

- Having finished scratching his hair, Impar put on a school uniform with black, white and blue coloring, as well as a simple symbol of a gate, adorned on the right chest, he continued to prepare himself before he was fully dressed.

Combing his hair a little he put on a pair of scratched glasses and left the cramped bathroom to enter into a small apartment room it was around the size of an average house's bedroom an old tv that was on and reporting the news in one corner a desk with an old laptop in another as well as a small mattress the kitchen itself was nonexistent there were only a tiny sink and some plugs for electrical cookware.

someone would expect a place this small would house a slob, but surprisingly it was all clean even the cement floor seemed spotless in the bits that the antique carpet didn't cover Impar did his best to look after it.

Impar gave a soft smile as he walked over towards a small table with a picture of a middle-aged woman in an aged photo frame. The woman was his mom from before she passed who although looked a little sickly was smiling as if she had all the joy in the world, besides her a happy young boy with innocence in his eyes.

"Hey, mum another day for me il be back at the usual time." a rare smile appeared on his face as he glanced at the barely working clock on the left wall in surprise "s..shit 8:50 I'm gonna be late again!"

Impar couldn't blame anyone but himself, he couldn't say that he had started his second job yesterday night at a small gas station and barely had time to rest let alone do homework, as much as Impar tried his grades weren't anything special despite that, he still kept trying hoping for some luck.

Grabbing the tv control in a rush he quickly turned it off not realising that currently being reported was a strange occurrence in the weather with expanding lights of Aurora around the world with a meteorologist invited to give his thoughts on the situation referring to it as a once in a million year freak phenomenon then went on to blame global warming.

Grabbing a piece of toast in a cliche manner, he dashed out of the apartment but not before taking his nylon duffle bag he could have sworn he had been promised a canvas material duffle bag by the seller on Bbay. After locking the door he bolted down the corridor passing by the elevator with a red dented out of order sign on it and passed a 4-year-old boy on a tricycle, Impar even saw that the kid had snot all over his smiling face with a dumb look.

Eventually, he had made it down the building and into the open after giving the door a strong push the air of reality welcomed him outside filled with some smog. Towering skyscrapers in the distance yet a no mans land where he was. One would expect this sort of density only in a place like India or China in the early 2000s, but that wasn't the case anymore.

Eventually, the western countries caught on, and well profits were profits, thankfully wars were a thing of the past, humanity had managed to come together and colonize the moon and even set towards mars, nothing beats anything then the prospect of robbing the god of war for his resources.

This was the city of Fae in Australia with a population of 9 million, located within the former Simpson dessert after it was tinkered with terraforming technology.

Eventually being a beautiful place before the real estate agents got their grubby hands on it years ago, now its just another pimple on this dimming planet the world had gotten even more packed smaller countries like Australia that once had a small population of 24 million had jumped to nearly 800 million. America had reached a 1.3 billion.

Europe a total of 6 billion, China 2 billion, India also 2 billion give or take. The middle east after so many wars had it better with 1 billion the others for a remainder of 3 billion, the world was packed really crowded. Global warming and overpopulation a real threat that was slowed due to advancement in technology meaning colonization was essential and had made good progress.

humanity had realized they had screwed up, but habits are hard to break if a car is moving a 100 miles an hour if you suddenly press the breaks hard something is bound to happen it was best to slow it down first bit by bit.

rushing down the sidewalk Impar was frustrated hoping he wouldn't have to stay after school again which would make him late for his first job AGAIN!. "damnit damnit damnit...." he quietly muttered to himself to annoyed to focus on other things.

To his side, people were gathered at a window looking at nice Tv's that were currently showing the situation in Europe and Asia the aurora lights were colorful and dropping rainbow snowflakes. That seemed harmless, so no panic worldwide was caused.

when the streetlight showed the green man, Impar dashed madly towards his school which thankfully wasn't to far only a 4-minute walk or in this case 2-minute run.

He eventually made it to the gates of the school. The school itself seemed quite tight in the sense that it was crammed between two large buildings there were plenty of kids may be a bit more than the school should be able to handle. Apparently, the positioning of the school was one of many in the city, a thing of convenience. Impar had managed to enter with a tired sigh walking casually with no real worry at least for now.

College life was tough it didn't matter where you were the same cliques existed everywhere. The popular kids the smart kids the tough kids the nerds the Goth group and then there were the losers that didn't fit into any and stuck together as a magnet meant for impurities.

"Yo Imp!!! " a voice called out from the side. Turning his head, Impar spotted his friend Ratan he had been Impar's friend since middle school both of them having been teased for their names with nicknames that stuck they somehow turned it into a joke between themselves. "Hey, Rat! what's up today."

Ratan was the nerdy looking kid with a tie despite the uniform not having one. He liked to stick to trends hoping to get the girls to like him he went through the Fedora and Mlady phase that was ancient and made a comeback for a whole year before he realized that he not only didn't get any girls but he was called the Fedora wearing Rat for 2 terms before people forgot, no doubt his life was like Impars or at least a bit better considering his parents were both alive and he was somewhat well off.

"Quite a bit mate! Did you watch D3 Yesterday? Tempest announced that they were focusing on Mobile gaming for the new Angel game! Can you believe those bastards? I've been waiting for 3 years for Angel 4, and they went on to do this weird thing I swear to god this is bullcrap! "

Impar laughed quietly "at least you have your video games I still have that old Zsus that can't run anything but Nitrosoft word."

Ratan shock his head in pity before reaching over and pating Impar's back "cheer up buddy, once my dad gets me the new Humanware rig il give you my old one free of charge hehe! "

"psh.." Impar ignored him and walked forward in a chill manner "all good you're my friend i won't leech off you, once college is over il have more time to work my focus is to move out of that crap hole at the very least."

Ratan had a serious look "at least tell my dad! you know he deals in properties he can get you a great deal!"

Impar nodded before heading towards the building with Ratan that was until a small commotion occurred the whispers of a crowd sounded from a distance both the boys looked over to see a slight scuffle a tall young man with blonde hair was currently gripping onto the collar of a small kid half his size nearly raising him off the ground.

"Seriously you little radish you bumped into me!" the one holding him roared out onto the boys face he was built as an Ox one could easily guess which clique he was with.

"uh oh...Lin is in trouble...il go get Mr-. " Ratan was cut off as impar walked forward ignoring him "hey!! impar where are you going hold up!" he panicked before turning back and forth then rushing away to look for help.

Impar made his way through the crowd just as things were going to escalate. "Fend put him down...." Impar called out, his heart was beating quickly this was precisely how a movie plot went down except he knew where this would go but at least he had a plan or at least he thought he had an idea.

"huh?...HAHAHA, dude put him down! Sure ok " Fend dropped Lin before rushing over to Impar like a bullet train without hesitation. Impar, of course, expected this he knew fend was known for his rushing in fights he at least had a chance for this but he also knew fend had a wealthy background he was in shit no matter how you put it but one thing ticked Impar off, and that was this guy's smug look the last day of the term he was determined to make him eat shit or at least dirt.

there wasn't one person that didn't have an expression of shock in the crowd right as Fend was charging at Impar, the former suddenly sidestepped while he stuck his foot out causing fend to trip and tumble down to the ground like a crazed gorilla.

Impar wasted no time before rushing over as fend was trying to get up and gave him a few kicks to the gut causing him to grunt in pain and cough violently and curl into a ball, excitement lit up in Impars eyes. Inside he felt like he could vent. This occurrence was too sudden and too early in the day, so when he got on top fend after managing to get the guy down he started throwing punches to his face, right hook, left hook then right again until Fends face was bloody.

As Impar was soon roughly pulled off by a teacher that got through the cheering crowd, impar blanked out and realized that it didn't matter how strong you were, in the end, you could still tumble down given the circumstances.

Fend managed to get up with blood in his mouth and face he roared at Impar with fury and was about to rush over to get revenge before he was also grabbed by a teacher that Ratan had called over.

"This isn't over you scrawny SHIT!..!" Fend with bloodshot teary eyes screamed out as he was dragged away by the teacher to the medical ward.

Impar was left there being held by the neck with a stunned look as the students looked with surprise and some with pity knowing he was in deep trouble.

Their voices faded for a moment as he glanced into the sky "Mum was this the right thing to do?..."

Nice to meet you all I'm LostInFantasy. this is the first of two prologues there is no real release schedule I guess it's when I feel happy to write I would prefer quality over quantity.

Arzeliumcreators' thoughts