
Lost in a New Reality

The story follows a protagonist who wakes up in a different world, confused and disoriented. As they begin to explore this strange new place, they meet a group of warriors and a wise sorcerer who explain to them that they are part of a group fighting against a powerful dark force that threatens all the worlds. The protagonist joins forces with the warriors and the sorcerer, learning to fight with swords and magic as they journey through dangerous terrain to confront the dark force. Along the way, they face challenges and obstacles, but they also develop strong bonds with their companions.

kriscrosssssssssss · Fantasy
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6 Chs

volume 1

I opened my eyes to a blur of unfamiliar colors and shapes. My head throbbed as I tried to focus, but the world around me refused to come into view. My body felt sluggish and heavy, as if I was submerged in water. Panic set in as I realized I wasn't in my own bed, or even my own room. Where was I?

I tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through my head and I crumpled back onto the bed. The sheets were scratchy against my skin, and the room had a musty smell that made me want to gag. I reached up to touch my head and my hand brushed against something soft and furry. I jerked away, startled, and realized there was a small animal curled up next to me.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. I needed to figure out where I was and how I got here. I struggled to sit up again, this time more slowly, and the animal stirred. It looked up at me with big, brown eyes and let out a soft meow.

"Hey there," I said, reaching out tentatively to pet it. "What are you doing here?"

The animal purred contentedly under my touch, and I felt a small flicker of relief. At least I wasn't completely alone.

I looked around the room again, taking in my surroundings. The walls were made of rough, gray stone, and there was a small window with iron bars across it. The bed I was lying on was made of rough-hewn wood, and there was a small dresser and a washbasin in the corner. A flicker of recognition sparked in my mind - this was some sort of medieval chamber.

But how had I gotten here? I couldn't remember anything before waking up in this strange place. Had I been kidnapped? Or had I fallen through some sort of portal?

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, wincing as the movement made my head throb even more. The animal hopped off the bed and followed me as I stumbled over to the washbasin. I splashed some water on my face, hoping it would clear my head, but it didn't seem to help.

As I looked in the mirror, I realized something else that was strange. My reflection was different than I remembered it. My hair was shorter, my face was thinner, and my eyes seemed to be a different color. I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was imagining things, but when I looked again, it was still the same.

Suddenly, the door to the room creaked open, and a man entered. He was tall and muscular, with dark hair and a beard, and he wore leather armor and carried a sword at his side. He looked at me with surprise, and then his expression turned to one of suspicion.

"What are you doing up?" he asked gruffly. "You were supposed to rest until the master arrived."

"The master?" I repeated, my head spinning. "Who's the master?"

The man looked at me like I was an idiot. "The lord of this keep, of course. He's the one who ordered you brought here."

"I don't understand," I said, feeling more confused by the minute. "What do you mean, brought here? Who are you people?"

The man's expression turned angry. "Enough questions. You'll have to speak to the master about that."

He took a step toward me, and I backed up, feeling suddenly vulnerable. I didn't know where I was or who these people were, but they clearly didn't have my best interests at heart.

"I don't know what's going on here," I said, my voice shaking. "But I demand to be released