
Mommy dont leave.. please

Wei Tian didn't care anymore and fell back into the darkness.

The darkness reminded her of her mother, hugging her warmly with tears escaping from her beautiful eyes

"Mom p-please dont cry it's not your fault"

"shhh" Wei Tians mother looked at her with sorrowful eyes and said "this world is evil, don't trust anybody my dear child"

Wei Tian looked up at her mother. Her hair was messy and she had a red slap mark on her right cheek. Mommy got slapped by dad for yelling and throwing out one of his girlfriends. I dont like father for hurting my mother.

She didn't understand what her mother meant and pushed her away. Wei Tian saw several suitcases on the white fluffy carpet.

"Mom whats going on???" Wei Tian choked on her sobs " Are you going to leave me ?" she looked at her mother with complicated emotions in her eyes.

Mother smiled and wiped my tears with her hand "I hope you never experience what i have experienced my dear child.. stay strong.

Mommy looked at her watch and suddenly her bright and beautiful smile disappeared.. and so did she..

I didn't want to get abandoned again..

father doesn't even care about me

I don't want to be alone...

mom please don't leave me

mom please


Mother said that she needed a break and left.

I was only 9 years old when mommy left.

My precious mother never came back.

Wei Tian woke up and couldn't breathe. Tears run down her cheeks. Her tears.. Wei Tian could barely breathe when she wiped her tears with her hand. As she was trying to catch her breathe she unconsciously put her hand on her chest and looked down. Her white shirt had a blood mark. Wei Tian was muddle headed and bit her lip to stay sharper. She discovered that her hand was stained with blood. Wei Tian panicked and tried to wiped her face again and only saw blood. She tried to catch her breath and calm down.

" 1...2..3 inhale and exhale" she repeated that many times and managed to calm down.

"where am i?" said Wei Tian as her eyes scanned the area like an eagle. She only saw a bright light that shone on her body. The light must have awoken her from her comfortable sleep.

"hehehehe" am i dead now?? Wei Tian found the situation funny.

Did god decide to throw her into a dark cage and leave her here? " HAHAHHAAH" Wei Tian smiled like a fool and said "at least i'm not in hell"

Wei Tian felt that her legs started to feel weird, her legs fell asleep

"fuck WHY?!" She decided to try to ignore the pain and stand up.

She could barely stand on her two feet. Her body started to sway.

Luckily the weird feeling in her legs went away.

"phew" Wei Tian shaked her legs and decided to sit down again

"how am i going to escape this hell hole?" said Wei Tian with a smile.

Her expression was unlike her usual self.. she looked like one of those playboys in ancient chinese dramas.

"What if i just walk straight into the darkness and end up in a reverse harem novel"

She chuckled and decided to walk straight into the darkness and enjoy the comfortness.

When Wei Tian was young she was very scared of the darkness. She couldn't sleep without her lamps on and her parents didn't like that. Sometimes dad used to carry her to the master bedroom. Mother was in the bed and was wearing her reading glasses. She used to read stories for daddy and i

Sometimes i wish i could forget all the negative stuff that happened to me and remember the good stuff. Wei tian sang a song her mom used to sing.

Everything is going to be alllrrighht the pain will be over and the sun will be out and bless us with happiness. She couldn't remember the rest and walked and walked and walked….

The song was quite disturbing.. i always thought it was a happy song but no.. it wasn't

Wei Tian sighed and said " is this how Feng Yi and Liu Langs hearts look like? so dark and deep. No wonder Feng Yi is good at scheming and that damned Liu Lang i wish i had hit him harder" Wei Tian looked like she wanted to kill someone " How could i not notice Feng Yi`s gaze everytime i brought that bastard to our usual meeting place" she cursed them out loudly while gritting her teeth.

"Oi Lang Xiuyan! that girl you brought is cursing someone"

"hahaha she's interesting indeed"

people actually read my novel? lmaooo

Idileeycreators' thoughts