
lost & found

Being 19 years old is never an easy task, with a world so dark and people so toxic, a simple weak girl could only fall victim to people's wrath. So alone, abandoned and scarred, would Zina make it? ========================= "I promise you, that I will fix you," She told him as tears fell from her sweet brown eyes. He raised his head to meet her painful gaze. He felt his heart sink. If only she knew she was in no place to fix me, he thought. ************************************************************************** "At just 19 years old, Zina finds herself navigating a dark and toxic world, abandoned and scarred. Will she overcome the challenges that threaten to consume her? With a promise to fix others while battling her own struggles, Zina's journey unfolds in a gripping tale of resilience and redemption. Dive into this captivating urban novel filled with raw emotions, unexpected twists, and the power of human connection. Join Zina on a quest for survival and self-discovery in a world where hope shines brightest in the darkest moments."

CHZ · Urban
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75 Chs

Chapter 49:

In the hushed stillness of the room, Zina's senses sharpened as a soft knock roused her from slumber, stirring a mix of trepidation and curiosity within her. Instinctively, her hand sought the silent guardian hidden beneath her pillow – the cool touch of the gun offering a fragile sense of security in the midst of uncertainty. With a steadying breath, she called out, "Come in."


The door groaned open, revealing her steadfast brother Mohammed standing before her, a plate of food cradled in his hands. His eyes, a blend of concern and affection, spoke volumes as he carefully set the tray beside her bed with a tenderness that resonated deeply with Zina.