
Lost divine king

Kluxia-chen Who's has been reincartned after being killed in a prison, he did not work with a school shooter to kill innocent people but the judge and the evidence was to much of just an coincidence so he was sentenced to 20 years in prison with no lesser trial to come. Now in this New world with cultivators and monsters, he will become a supreme cultivator. Who no one shall ever look down upon. All humans shall speak the name Kluxia-chen for 100000 years to come, The Immortal who has no equal.

Lasse_hansen · Urban
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11 Chs

Wisdom or strenght i think I choice both

The great pain flows through my body, Master Kluxia are you alright? Sofia said to Kluxia very worry, the pain begins to be less pain i reckon that my veins have turned dark, Sofia takes on her human form trying to figure out what is wrong with Kluxia, She touches his right beasts and fells his heartbeat going very fast, to fast.

She dosn't know what to do and fells very sad, "Quick brother we must find the profound dragon of scared healing. Sofia and Kluxia goes up on the dragon puts on a barrier and flyes of.

Sofia Lays Kluxia down on her knees, and start inspection what the course of his great pain.

Kluxia eyes are dark red and lifeless after 3 hours of a bizarre hollow pain Kluxia gets up felling alright again, Master kluxia please lay here again we dont know what will happend to you see.

Seeing the beatuful thighs of Sofia he sits down with no complain what so ever. His veins and eyes are back to his normal state a sound comes to Kluxia The connection to ????? has deepned and your cultivation mind has gotten stronger.

When host say the right name of the god of the abyss Status he shall know his own strenght.

The pain at first was like being in hell but after some minutes it only Hurt at little bit so if I connect a Bond bewteen a god and me this will happend? what a terrible thing I could have fucking died, if this skill dosn't make more much stronger than before then it wasn't worth.

"I am okay Sofia dont worry so much now okay?"

"You blood flows just as bizarre i can feel that in your veins and body but it has become different than before i have never seen this in my entire lifetime." My body has become different huh? does this have some fucking bad affect on my health Kluxia thought to himself. "If my blood has become different do you think i have become stronger more talentful? because I think it would be great" Kluxia said to Sofia with some high exceptions.

I dont know master Kluxia-chen I dont not wish to give you any false hope, it was a skill granted by a god that must mean That's its a elite skill or it would not make no sense Kluxia thought of countless options with what you can do with a god skill and looks down at this another world not many dragons are seen we have come quite away from the first place we got from to this world. Wait if the meaning of coming here is to become a dragon god then would i get into troubles because I have gotten this other god skill Kluxia begins to be nervous and get some anxity.

Brother keep going we need to get to the divine palace, I am going as fast i can, could you not just do it sister you faster than me anyway.

"Well if i have to do it then who will take of master Kluxia, "let me do it sister" HUH? you almost hurt our next king and then you will try to help him please dont joke around like that brother" do I have any say in this? Kluxia thought to himself feeling very stressed out by the dragons.

Oh right the god of abyss name was something about the name of status so by the few novels i read in my last life it should show your strenght and how much magic you have right?.

Thinking of it i finally decide to shout it, STATUS.

after i shouted it Sofia got suprised and her brother let out a little laugh. This is so fucking embarsing Kluxia thought himself.

A light came out of nowhere and here it was the status was, It worked, Checking on the board

Host name: Kluxia

Strenght: 22

Agilty: 17

Stamina: 19

Mind: 47


(Divine bloodline) (Great camoflaug)

The dark silence)

So this is how it works, While checking on it i was stastifed to my strenght stats seeing it is phsyical stronger than my other stats. After looking at the mind its stats is 47 which is alot when you compare it to the other stats, but what just is the mind.

The answer must be wisdom and magic that is what I could see it being.

The dark silence the answer to know how strong that skill is, Its what in my head the most in this moment.

I lay down on her thighs again and relax the very moment i get down on her thighs, to think that a dragon would give me this service.