
Lost divine king

Kluxia-chen Who's has been reincartned after being killed in a prison, he did not work with a school shooter to kill innocent people but the judge and the evidence was to much of just an coincidence so he was sentenced to 20 years in prison with no lesser trial to come. Now in this New world with cultivators and monsters, he will become a supreme cultivator. Who no one shall ever look down upon. All humans shall speak the name Kluxia-chen for 100000 years to come, The Immortal who has no equal.

Lasse_hansen · Urban
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11 Chs

Cry for help

So can I defeat this monster is the question i think to myself, i killed the two demons with an plan, I dont have any plan to kill this big demon.

Is there a way I can get away alive? the sad truth is no.

I will die here.

The big purple demon is getting closer and finally is here, active "Divine bloodline" Kluxia shouts.

A great feeling gets through my body i fell more condifent. The demon has gotten to me, Its eye are evil and then it goes for a straight Attack with its right arm with it moves Its whole body to make the punch as powerfull as possible.

Kluxia with his two knife behind his back with his hand go for action and dodges the demons Attack its suprised that the human could his fast Attack. And then kluxia go with his knife from the left and hits the demons stomach and with his right he's goes for demons throat getting very close to it the demon stops the Attack Its bare hand Its has gotten the knife through Its hand.

Right after Kluxia notice what the demon has done it punches him right In the nose.

With a broken nose, Kluxia-chen got punches back, he starts running the demons after him, he gets In the prince room and smashes the door The demon breaks the door with a right rick.

Kluxia Runs over to the Window and opens it preparing himself to jump. The purple demon shouts with force.

There is long down from the room to the ground without hestion Kluxia jumps down.

Boom hits the ground and breaks his left leg.

Kluxia screams In pain, the purple laughs at his attempt to get away, the demon uses Its wings to fly slowly getting down to him.

Kluxia in despartion Calls for help he sees four men fighting against demons some even bigger than the purple demon.

In awe of what he is seeing a giant monster proably the size of 15 meters, long away from him one man is fighting the Giant monster.

He has a shiny sword and a beatyful armor.

They looks like they on same level.

the purple demon turn kluxia body to his side.

It uses its fangs to cut him he slowly toture him alive, Kluxia reach out his right hand with the knife to hit the demon but with no avail the demon with stops him by stopping kluxia arm.

The skill has stopped working the.

Kluxia looks up in the sky he sees the soverign flying, he is killing demons in under 0,1 seconds he also slaying the demon giants with no diffulty what so ever. The purple has made four deep cuts in my breats it hurts so fucking demon he's is going for the nerves.

With that I all my hope is over.

I look the last time at the four moons in the sky to see a dragon, Its going very, very fast before long it breathes a great amount of fire, the purple demon realise the danger but its to late the demon is turned into ashes. Shocked in disbelive what just happend i get up, the dragon is looking at me.

I finally notice that is Sofia,with that I shout to her "Thank you so much Sofia" while crying.

Get up on my back Kluxia-chen we need to get out of here i do as she says and gets up on her back. I heard what you said master. I came here as fast I could.

Why couldn't you use the portal? I its magic that takes a long time to use again.

So where are you taking us? we are going to the cestial home your real father wants to see you the god of fire and flames said Sofia.

What is my fathers name? Kluxia asks Sofia, your fathers name is zeno, It is said that in a century or more he will die of old age. That why you must become The heir of flames and of divine spirits.

If you dont Then we will not get a worthy heir of the eternal throne. what happens if i refuse to be the next king. Its quiet kluxia fells that it has become awarkd if you do not accept to be the god of dragons we dragons will weaken over thoundsands of years. which is not acceptable for our proud race.

And by the way if you Will not accept to be the next king of dragons and divine spirits then each single dragon will come to eat you alive Master Kluxia-chen.

So if i do not accept the position of the the king of dragons and divine spirits? I will become an enemy to the entire race of dragons.

After thinking awhile i have decided to go the cestial home and to become the next dragon god.

Hey by the way Sofia can all dragons transform into a human form?

No only the cestial dragons can take a form such as mine.

"Then how many cestial dragons are there"? Kluxia-chen asks sofia, in the cestial home there is 34 cestial dragons, they are the strongest and most oldest of all the dragons, a true dragon age of natural death would be over 10000 years.

An cestial dragon age of death would be over 50000 years, And the dragon god of old age is over than 100000 years.

So would that mean if I became the next god of fire, my life should be over 100000 years?

Yes master Sofia said while she had big smile.

To be over 100000 is something I can't even think to be living so long it should not be human possible. Yet Sofia says that if I accept the position i would become a god and live so long.

So Sofia? yeah? Sofia replied, how many concubine can the dragon god have? Hmmm. I guess over 10000 but the dragon god must have a cestial dragon as a wife first. While she's looks at kluxia looking very dumbfounded.

Kluxia thinks to himself so many womans i could do whatever i want to do, this world do not look so bad after All. I would say that this world is to perfect to be born as an heir to be a god and to make this many Girls my harem?.

Then i will not hold my self back i will get every single girl that I want and they will not proably refuse a offer from a god, while Kluxia is smilling and thinking of all the lewd things that could happend to him. Sofia is looking at him, and says "you silly master".