
Lost Civilization

The story of a lone survivor of a advance civilization, that wants to see the universe

DaoistYpmBin · Sci-fi
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1 Chs


I once travel, with my kind, troughs space. We saw many suns and planets. Some of them habitable, green oasis, with all kinds of plants and animals. Other planets were purely out of gas, or had a toxic, but beautiful atmosphere. We saw many wonders and dangers. And travel from system to system, always looking for some new wonders. We had all the time we want, to explore the universe, because our race long ago succeeded immortality. This mean, we don't age and the only way for us to perish is trough a forceful death. A possibly, no one of us ever thought, could be possible, because our technology was so advanced. But what we never considered was, that our own technology was used against us, better said, that we would turn against each other. It all started with one small, meaningless dispute, with lead to the collapse of our whole system. Nobody is sure how it happens or why our whole system imploded, even now hundreds of thousands of years later. But it did, and trough out our society abysses opened. Brothers begun to fight against each other. Some of us tried to stop this madness, but failed. What followed was a bloody massacres. I don't know how my peaceful race got to this, but when I realized what was happening, and failed to stop it, I fled with my ship. After I escaped this madness, I hid, for many centuries . It took me a long time, to get my self to leave my hideout, but what I found nearly made me break down. The only thing what was left, of the once so glorious race were ruins, and me. I tried every thing to find survivors, but without success. It took me many uncounted years to get over this shock, that I could be the last member of my race. After with I returned to our or should I say my home planet, with has lost all his former beauties. It was a scraggy ball of burn earth. On with I settled down and decided to try to give it back its former beauty. This took my many millennials. Over with my race was forgotten by the universe, old races got excited and new were born. The name of my race was forgotten and only our ruins were witnesses of our existents. These new races  visited our relicts and tried to learn more about my race and our technology. We the ancients, how they called us, we're a great mystery for them. How got we exciting? Or did we simply left? Who were we? Where is our home planet? ...

They had many questions, but nearly zero answers to them? There were many races out there, and all of them want our advanced technology. They started wars over our ruins, and many more lives were lost.

But from all this, I didn't know any thing. I terraformed the whole planet, gave it back its former glory. The once bare and burned planet, was now field, with a whole new ecosystem. There where forests, rivers, oceans. It was a beautiful planet. I lived at a house near the sea, surrounded by a beautiful garden. It was taken care of by many small robots. At first, they were just controlled by a program, but as the time went on, I got so bored, that I tried to control them with my mind. When I started, there was no success, so I tried to improve the technology of my race. Especially the implants, which I thought could help me achieve my dream. After a few try and error, it started to work, the way I hopped. At first it were only few, which I could control at the same time. But with more practice it got better and better, till I could control hundreds of millions at the same time. But after I achieved everything I wanted to accomplish I started to think again, about what happened to my civilization. And I realized that I just fled into work, so that I stop thinking about it. But now it all brock down on me. I started retreating into my mind, I broke down completely, I lost all will to live, I lost everything, except my live and the memories on my people.