
Lost ashore

Goodnews_5039 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Echoes of the Past

Lily and Alex returned to the campsite after their journey, their faces flushed with excitement from the day's explorations. However, as they approached the camp, they noticed something unusual—ruins, weathered and mysterious, standing amidst the trees. Their eyes widened with curiosity and awe.

"Whoa, what are these ruins doing here?" Lily exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder.

Alex's gaze was fixed on the ancient structures. "They look like they've been here for ages."

Ethan, who had been tending to the campfire, turned to greet them with a smile. "Welcome back. These ruins are a recent discovery. Alex, Mia, and I stumbled upon them while exploring."

Lily's curiosity was piqued as she approached Ethan. "Can you tell us more about them?"

Ethan's expression became solemn as he recounted the events that had transpired in their journey—the battles, the challenges, and the friendships they had forged. He spoke of the vengeful spirit Aria, the battles they had fought, and the bonds that had grown stronger in the face of adversity.

As he shared the details, Lily and Alex listened with rapt attention, their eyes wide with a mixture of amazement and concern. When Ethan mentioned Mia's bravery and how she had saved him from Aria's attack, their admiration for their friend deepened.

Lily's voice was filled with empathy. "It sounds like you all went through so much."

Ethan nodded, his gaze distant for a moment before returning to the present. "We did, but we also emerged stronger because of it."

Alex's eyes were thoughtful. "And what about you, Ethan? How are you holding up?"

Ethan's smile was genuine, though there was a hint of something hidden in his eyes. "I'm okay. We're all okay."

As the conversation shifted, Lily's voice grew more playful. "Speaking of relationships, Ethan, any news on your end?"

Ethan's cheeks tinged with a faint blush, his expression a mixture of surprise and amusement. "What do you mean?"

Lily's gaze was mischievous as she exchanged a knowing glance with Alex. "Oh, you know, any special connections?"

Ethan's gaze shifted, a fleeting moment of hesitation before he responded. "Well, let's just say that things have been... interesting."

Lily and Alex exchanged satisfied smiles, their curiosity satisfied. As the sun set over the campsite, the ruins stood as a silent testament to the challenges they had faced and the bonds they had formed.