
Lost And Found Within Rebirth

Once lost ,But found once again, a new life beginning for abused girl , mistreated and manipulated , as unknown strangers watches her each step , who would become a friend and who would be the foe ? She wouldn't know ,But the other personality of hers would .While one cries for her pain , another will bare her teeth and break their necks in anger and desire for revenge . Question at the end remains ,Which one will take over her life entirely until the end ?

9Left_Forgotten9 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 21

The room Rina stood in was beyond small for her comfort zone ,But she knew it should have been predicted , Dark grey walls and fan installed in ceiling ,a table near a wall with a chair ,and some in wall small door frame which she figured was closet as she opened it ,a bed at other side and one more door right Infront ,which she opened peeking inside in as it had a shower ,sink and toilet ,it seemed actually nearly same size as her new room and she had to curse for that .Her patience was running thin as her temptation for Damien's death was growing more desperate .

Rina knew she needed a plan ,so she decided to stay still for some time and observe from within inside . But first things comes first , she ripped her dress off since it was more then just bloodstained by hers and other man's blood , multiple bruises was covering her body freshly ,and she had to wonder when did she even got it , was it while fighting ,or was her body still to weak to use martial arts .

She poked it couple times wincing in pain , she had no need to hide it since no one watched her here ,Or least she hoped none would as she forgot to check for any hidden cameras .

Least of that she was right , in small steps Rina placed her feet in shower stepping in , feeling the stab wound tear open wider with each non careful movement , the tissues underneath was ripped nicely as it slit few nerves , not sure if should or not ,Rina thought how she should thank Damien for least pressing her wound until the bleeding stopped , slicing off his dick seemed as perfect thanks present in her opinion ,

Moments later she enjoyed warm water as it ran over her body , leaving her hairs wet as well ,and tainting the water around her feet blood red as it washed her up , surrounded by pure silence she listened for nothing ,until a tremendous headache coursed through her head , filling each vein with pulsating heat and pain as she fell on the floor holding her head and squeezing it tight with false hopes it would somehow distract the pain .

Rina knew ,it was Katrina waking up and trying to find her way back in .But that wasn't allowed as vengeance would never be achieved and they both would die in vain ,she wanted her death least to carry a small meaning even if it was revenge .

"Hello ? why can't I control my body ? why can't I see anything ?!" A small panicked voice was heard in depths of Rina mind and she knew it was Katrina already awake and barging her way through , Something had to be done .

" Shhhh , I'm the one controlling our body now ,rest well dear , I'll take care of things for our sake " Rina hushed her talking to herself in shower seemed pretty insane . But it was obvious Katrina heard everything .

" Who are you ? why am I like this " Her panicking was rising and causing Rina even more pain as she watched her hands veins darken in shade ,almost as if blood was turning black and it felt as if invisible fire arched it's tongue underneath her skin .

" I'm your other self , your own created Nightmare Katrina "

Rina talked calmly ,still handling all the pain as it digged deeper until her bones was reached ,and her whole body felt ablaze burning .

" My other self ? is that even possible ? I don't remember creating anyone by myself !!" Her screams inside was growing louder and Rina had to chuckle at that , seeing how scared and traumatized her true self had actually been awhile ago .

" It is possible ,Why do you think you can't remember anything dear ? you pushed all your hates and grudges ,your worst memories and dreams ,all to me the moment we died " Rina still explained her calmly as she struggled pushing herself but leaned against the wall , hugging her knees and burrying her face on it .

" Are you really telling the truth ? I need proof " she demanded finally calming down slowly.

" I'll give you one ,but don't regret it " With That Rina remembered how her father looked ,his kind smile as In one memory he offered her a fluff toy and how joyful she was .

Katrina watched in silence still inside as memories flashed around her in darkness " Who is he ?" an absurd question Rina thought.

But it was understandable her other self has always been bit silly sometimes as she always needed things to be clarified.

" Our father " a barely heard whisper was one Katrina heard coming from her other self ,filled with sadness and pity ,anger and frustration a heartbreaking combination and she had to know what caused it ,but she was unwilling to accept it to herself to feel it all .Leaving Rina suffer alone again .

" If he's our father , shouldn't we go to search for him ?"yet a puzzled question as Katrina needed to know everything fully .

Rina wanted to be brave as she had always been ,to lift her head and face ahead ,but the heavy truth burdened her like a Everest pressing her face harder on her knees as warm tears slid down slowly and she had to hold her all wits from breaking , remembering all those things she ever had was taking a tool on her . Opening the old past scars in her heart and filling it with agony and missing like the most deadliest venom .It was hard to admit it for her inner self of what they both went through , accepting was the hardest part before moving on and she really couldn't do that yet .

" He's dead Kat ,He died ,that's why I want you to sleep ,and let me avenge him ,and for us ,for what they put us through,for what they made us "

She admitted that much and it was already shattering her heart to the very bits . Like a haunting darkness she was in a race with all the time ,one she lost for right now and it engulfed her whole .

But grateful to that Katrina understood that much and she had to ask last request " Will you really keep your words ?"

Abrupt silence took place as Rina wiped her tears away , finally lifting her chin as dozen of negative emotions was worn on her face ,but most of all sorrow dominated it all .

"I will ,I promise ,and I'll make it up for you , if you'll wish for ,I'll be gone once this is done ,with all our painful memories , you'll have your life back " But Katrina wasn't way to naive either . She didn't wanted to lose good memories either .

" Survive this ,Please " with that the all pain Rina embraced was gone in seconds as she took a deep breath , emptying her head ,since it was last Katrina words before she fell to another slumber of sleep .

Rina managed to stand up ,washed her tears and any sourness it left on her lips as reminder of weakness ,she couldn't have been like this , carrying all physical pain but breaking at emotional, so she dragged her legs out of shower drying herself with towel she found on sink and wrapping it around herself tightly as she walked back into her tiny room ,sitting on bed and looking down at floor , Trying to lessen the past that chained her up .

Until the door knob turned and strange female walked in carrying stuff and closing the door behind her . She wasn't to tall ,but what she wore was confusing Rina even more .

The girl wore a lose short sleeve black shirt and some black lose pants that looked like jogging type but with belts attached at sides with multiple of knifes placed in ,She had light skin color ,least that's what her forehead revealed as her half face ,nose and mouth ,chin ,and even around her neck and both her hands until very tip fingertips was wrapped in black bandage like fabric ,Her eyes was black as well ,decorated by dark puffy dark circles underneath her eyes as she seemed to lack sleep perhaps for weeks , finally black medium length hair tied in spiky ponytail leaving few strands on her forehead messed up ,and sides shaved as one had 3 dots injury as if something been plugged to her once and she was barely recovering.

She carried clothes and sewing kit with knife . Which Rina observed carefully.

The girl stood in awkward silence not moving and just watching Rina . Until Rina realized she might have been waiting for her to talk first .

As much forced she tried to sound least a bit positive ,

" Hi , are you here to help me out ?" but not much positivity came out ,it seemed more neutral and the girl seemed more concerned underneath all her bandages .She waved her free hand and nodded up , walking toward Rina and pointing with one finger at her thigh injury as she placed the remaining stuff on bed side .

" Injury ? you want to patch me up ?" Rina tilted her head sideways , feeling her mood slightly lighten up by the interesting visitor .Once again the girl nodded waiting for a granted permission and Rina nodded .

The girl kneeled down Infront of her , taking her leg as gently as possible and straightening it up .

" You can't talk ? " Rina asked observing how delicately the girl worked on her injuries , preparing the needle and heating it up as she looked up at Rina and Shaked her head sideways .

She pointed thumbs up in question if Rina was ready ,

" Yes ,you can start " with that she pierced the skin ,again Rina hid the pain embracing it all as proof she was here and alive .The girl kept on stitching her stab wound quickly but gently ,not pressing way to much and sometimes peeking at Rina If she was enduring to much pain . The girl stopped for awhile once nearly finished and dragged her finger slightly in barely touching manner on other Rina leg , forming some sort of invisible shape ,until Rina realized it was actually a word " hurting ?" amused by the concern of the little fellow .

Rina chuckled " Yes " The girl eyes widened and she bowed her head in apology sign .

" It's alright Finish it up " More determined by the words The girl cautiously worked on stitching again ,even more gentle then before until it was finished and she cut the string off with her knife .

" You did really well ,Thank you " Rina thanked sincerely and the girl seemed happy even if her emotions was concealed underneath .

" What's your name ?" She asked after a moment and the girl drawed another word on her leg in small motion .

" Eco ?" Rina asked and she nodded once again

" Nice to meet you Eco ,I believe you know my name already " Another nod and she sit on bed beside Rina , taking clothes she brought and offering it on her lap .

" you want me to dress up don't you " another big nod and Rina smiled ,Not certain if she could trust this one or not ,it was easy enough to be around her without worrying as the girl seemed to be a pure absolution of silence .

With that Rina stood up going to shower to change so the newcomer wouldn't feel so awkward.