
Train Ride

I held my breath as the gate swung shut behind us. Glancing at Alex, I saw that he too was set to explode into action if anything was out of kilter. The rest of the girls were all giggly and excited. I had always thought that our behavior was shaped by our environment. However, it seems that just being a girl in and of itself controlled a lot of our behaviors.

When nothing happened, we both somehow managed to relax a bit. While we waited on the train platform, my mind swung back to wondering why girls giggled and were shy. Why they still covered up when there was no reason to hide their bodies from boys. Why were clothes and colors so important. Why did they even use makeup and took such care of their hair? After all, there were no boys around to show off their girlish charms. For instance, Alex, as much as he tried to blend in as a girl, had never attempted makeup. Luckily he still had the legs for short skirts. His build was slim, so his legs were great. His shoulders were broad, and his waist and hips narrow. Luckily in the right dress, he still looked cute rather than masculine.

I had found out that he had been given Beauty's longevity treatment, which surprised me but things came up, and then one thing lead to another and I never found out why he was allowed to get this treatment. But whatever the reason it helped a lot now as it slowed his progression into a man's body.

While I sat quietly buried in my thoughtful mood. Jennifer, Zhōu Ai, Chimlin, Jilian, Tatiana, and Ariel were like a flock of birds in a tree. All of them chirping at once. Alex looked lost in the middle of the flock. The excitement of graduating from the Crèche and getting to go on to university was almost too much for them.

Jilian was all about studying music and art. Tatiana wanted to learn dance. Zhōu Ai and Chimlin wanted science and engineering. Jennifer wanted to become a doctor specializing in early development psychiatry. Ariel simply could not make up her mind. I let them chatter on, not telling them that the caretaker system would tell them what they would study based on their previous study scores at the Crèche. Alex and I both wanted to be an engineer so that we could figure out how to get back home.

Somehow Alex got out of the flock of girls and sat next to me holding me close, not saying a word, just providing the comfort that a warm body close to my body produced. Suddenly I felt a sensation of warmth spreading over my shoulders as Jilian slipped behind me, her breasts cuddling my neck. Her friendly contralto voice was chiming in as a counterpoint to the other girls' chatter. "Boss, are you OK?"

Ariel's soprano tones were almost like a wind chime, as she slipped in on the other side of Alex. Her full breasts flattened against my side adding to my sensation of being encased in warmth, "Boss?" Tears started to flow as I heard the rest of the girls calling out in concern. They all squeezed in around me the best they could. My disconnected mind took in the sight of Zhōu Ai's perfect petite breasts flattening against Alex's side as her head peaked over his left shoulder. Then Chimlin peeked over Alex's right shoulder, and her massive boobs flattened themselves against Alex's back. Uncontrollably his eye's widened as she did so. The absurdity of why the touch of her full breasts would cause this reaction after all the months of bathing with her almost every day switched my mood in a heartbeat.

My laughter erupted, and I could not control myself. I hugged and kissed anyone who got close enough. "Ladies, this is our time to shine. Now is where we will make a difference. We have been close since you all welcomed me into your midst. Let's stay together, no matter what. One for all and all for one. What do you say?"

They all suddenly looked like a huge weight had been lifted from their shoulders. Jennifer had been my second in command until Alex joined our little group and proved that he deserved to be my second in command by taking each one on in battle and winning decisively. Jen spoke up as the voice of the group cutting through their chatter. "Boss, you could not get rid of us if you tried. Gathering in the rest of the girls with her gaze she repeated, 'One for all and all for one!'"

The train's whistle highlighted their shouted repetition of that phrase.

We all hustled our few bags of belongings onto the train and stored them in the racks above our heads before settling down. We had the car to ourselves. Our Crèche was pretty much the furthest one away from the university town that we were going to. So at first, we had peace and quiet. But slowly Crèche by Crèche more girls joined us. Try to imagine a full train of excited just graduated high school age girls all getting to meet new faces for the first time. Getting to see the world that they had only seen by images for all their lives. If you can imagine that then times it by three, you might come close to what it was like on that train.

Everyone was hugging and kissing anyone that would hold still. If there were any problems with viruses or bacteria, then I was going to be dead when I arrived from all the kisses I had received. And If I had that problem, well Alex seemed to be a kiss magnet. No one else had his figure, his appearance, or even more so his poise. I saw that he was kissed much more thoroughly than any of the rest of my team. He gave as good as he got when being kissed, open-mouthed and touching each other in an intimate kiss. It was when the girls noticed that if they pressed their breasts against his chest that he would blush, well let's just say that everyone vied with each other to see who could make him blush the most.