
loss of serendipity

"Loss of Serendipity" is a gripping tale that follows the journey of Angelina, a young girl whose life takes a tragic turn when her mother's addiction and violence shatter their once blissful family. After witnessing her father's murder at the hands of her own mother, Angelina is left traumatized and burdened with survivor's guilt. As she struggles to cope with the haunting memories, Angelina finds solace in the presence of Officer Charles, who was there during the fateful night and becomes a compassionate pillar of support. However, despite Charles' efforts, Angelina is unable to shake off the belief that she could have prevented the tragedy. The story unfolds as Angelina tries to come to terms with her father's death and her mother's imprisonment. She battles with feelings of worthlessness, constantly blaming herself for the family's downfall. Amidst the darkness, she leans on her younger siblings, Jack and Jolie, and endeavors to protect them from their shared painful past. As time goes on, Angelina's emotional wounds begin to heal, thanks to the care and counseling she receives. But it is the unexpected discovery of faith that provides the ultimate source of healing. Seeking solace, she turns to Allah, finding comfort and peace in spirituality. Through her newfound connection with Allah, Angelina starts to see that she was not responsible for the tragedy that unfolded. Instead, she finds strength in knowing that she can shape her own future and be a guiding light for her siblings. With the support of Officer Charles, her siblings, and her faith in Allah, Angelina embarks on a journey of forgiveness, self-acceptance, and healing. As she lets go of the burden of guilt, she embraces the serendipity of life, finding peace and hope amidst the darkness that once engulfed her. "Loss of Serendipity" is a poignant story of resilience, love, and the profound impact of finding peace through faith. It reminds us that even in the face of tragedy, there can be moments of serendipity, guiding us towards healing and inner strength.

_writer_min · Teen
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As Angelina ventured inside the house, her mom's voice welcomed her with an inquiry, "What have you been doing?" Well mannered however restless, Angelina answered that she had missed her transport. Her mom's displeasure erupted, and she yelled in dissatisfaction at her girl's mix-up. Angelina faltered however affirmed her proclamation, making her mom respond much more passionately.

Furiously, her mom requested her to go to her room right away, taking steps to beat her as discipline. Angelina's eyes enlarged in dread as she begged her mom for absolution, however her requests failed to be noticed. In her mom's eyes, Angelina was somebody altogether unique in relation to who she professed to be.

In the mean time, in the bordering room, Angelina's more youthful kin heard the uproar and fell down in dread. They realized what was befalling their sister, yet they were too hesitant to even consider mediating. Angelina wished they would support her, yet she figured out their hesitance. They had seen the outcomes of challenging their mom previously.

Regardless of the aggravation and dread, Angelina decided to stay quiet and get through her mom's fury. She realize that making some noise would just welcome more viciousness, and she was unable to bear to see her kin hurt in any capacity. All things considered, she permitted her mom's beatings to enter her spirit, tolerating her astonishing destiny.

Her mom's irate attack kept, hauling Angelina by her hair and exposing her to additional abuse. She scrutinized Angelina's conviction that scholastic achievement would pardon her from being rebuffed for her slip-ups. The verbal blast caused Angelina to understand that her mom had likely contended with her dad once more, and presently her displeasure was coordinated exclusively at Angelina.

In the wake of getting through the broad beating, Angelina could scarcely walk, however she figured out how to slither to her room. Her appearance in the mirror uncovered the cost of the maltreatment - her skin was set apart with new and old wounds, her eyes were enlarged from crying, and scars damaged her once energetic appearance.

She sobbed hopelessly, feeling a blend of actual torment and profound desolation. The tireless maltreatment had left her inclination queasy and broken, caught in a pattern of brutality and expression of remorse that her mom rehashed again and again. As she gazed at her battered reflection, Angelina's heart throbbed for the love and acknowledgment she so frantically hungered for, yet she was unable to understand when or how her life would improve. At that time of weakness, she yearned for a place of refuge where she could track down comfort and recuperating, away from the savage reality she looked at home.

Angelina's relationship with her mom was unquestionably poisonous. Her mom was neither a mindful accomplice nor a supporting mother. All things being equal, she was driven by avarice and the consistent requirement for cash. At the point when she had a contention with Angelina's dad, she would take out the entirety of her disappointments on Angelina, beating her determinedly until her resentment died down.

Angelina considered her mom's way of behaving to be something other than the activities of a customary individual; she accepted her mom had profound mental issues and required serious mental treatment. That's what she expected on the off chance that her mom's concerns weren't tended to, she could turn into a threat to her family, even with the end result of causing somebody's passing.

Notwithstanding the maltreatment, Angelina's mom would show bogus fondness and warmth the following day, endeavoring to conceal her real essence from Angelina's dad. Nonetheless, her dad was not completely unmindful of the circumstance, as he had known about the family's monetary emergency for a long while. He had seen his significant other's whimsical way of behaving, and Angelina's endeavors to mitigate her had just set off more brutality.

At some point, Angelina's mom bankrupt down crying when her dad couldn't furnish her with cash. Angelina, in her sympathetic nature, attempted to comfort her, yet it simply prompted another vicious explosion. The remainder of her family groveled in dread, while Angelina flagged them to stow away from their mom's anger, deciding to safeguard them rather than herself.

The beating left Angelina actually and genuinely scarred. Since that day, she battled to rest appropriately and confronted bad dreams that tortured her even with her eyes open. The injury of the maltreatment tormented her persistently.

Notwithstanding the torture, Angelina attempted to recover and scrubbed down, crying and murmuring to herself. Thereafter, she withdrew to her bed, encompassing herself in covers while looking daydreaming. Her psyche was consumed by self-question, as she accepted she was excessively really great for everyone around her, yet they would constantly exploit her thoughtfulness, hurt her, and afterward disregard her sentiments.

In her reality, she felt like she was the person who really focused on everybody, while others just thought often about themselves. She permitted them to utilize her, looking to satisfy their requirements while dismissing her own prosperity and feelings.

With crushing sadness, Angelina confronted the truth that her life was a steady battle of selflessness and profound torment. In spite of being a wellspring of solidarity for everyone around her, she, at the end of the day, was left sincerely depleted and broken, looking for a method for breaking liberated from the pattern of misuse and find a day to day existence where her own prosperity and satisfaction made a difference similarly however much any other person's.

Notwithstanding the continuous agony and torture, still up in the air to roll out an improvement in her life. She realize that she could never again endure being wounded by individuals around her. The persevering beatings, the injuries, and the weariness from getting through everything had negatively affected her. She wanted a relief from the unforgiving reality she resided in, longing for an existence where she would be cherished and acknowledged for who she genuinely was.

As she floated into the hug of rest, her eyelids became heavier, and she looked for comfort in the domain of dreams. In her fantasies, she found the affection and acknowledgment she had consistently yearned for. She imagined a reality where individuals moved toward her not so much for their requirements, but rather essentially to accompany her, to value her for her actual self.

In this fantasy land, she was invited with soothing grins and warm hugs at whatever point she opened the entryway. There was somebody there to pay attention to her, to get some information about her day, and to show authentic consideration for her prosperity. It was where she was not compelled to change or think twice about she was, where she could be cherished and esteemed similarly as she was.

In this fantasy, she found the loved ones she had consistently ached for. A steady and sustaining climate where her weakness was not exploited, yet rather esteemed. Where she could unreservedly put herself out there unafraid of judgment or mischief.

The fantasy land turned into a safe-haven for Angelina, a sanctuary of affection and acknowledgment that she so frantically wanted in her cognizant existence. In this fantasy land, she tracked down the solidarity to imagine an alternate reality, one where she could break liberated from the pattern of misuse and encircle herself with individuals who genuinely focused on her.

As she clutched this fantasy, she promised to make it a reality. She realize that change would be quite difficult, yet not set in stone to look for the love and acknowledgment she merited. Done ready to persevere through the hurt and torment incurred upon her, she started to imagine a daily existence where she could act naturally, proudly, and be embraced for it.

With newly discovered strength and assurance, Angelina set out to make strides towards a more promising time to come. She comprehended that she expected to make limits, to go to bat for herself, and to move away from harmful impacts. She would never again permit others to utilize her or control her charitable nature.

The fantasy turned into her directing light, motivating her to look for hell's sake, acknowledgment, and veritable associations she desired. As time passes, Angelina turned out to not entirely set in stone to reshape her existence, breaking liberated from the chains that bound her and moving towards a day to day existence where she could at last experience the adoration and acknowledgment she merited.

Author's Note:

While reading this Chapter I recommend you to listen, "No time to die" by Billie Eiliesh.

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