

"S.H.I.E.L.D., also known as the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. I've already started recruiting from the private security sector." I tell them with a smile." my Uncle's political Connections and my Corporation already being an international presence, My backing for such a project would allow S.H.I.E.L.D. to be all over the world, S.H.I.E.L.D. could grow and slow Mogodorians rise to power in the daylight as security firm working with the U.N." I tell them. I look directly into Lexa's eyes."Your hacking skills and gifts with technology would be indispensable."

"why?... Why do you think we would help you with this? Our ship taking off wasn't planned the Elders left us to Die on Lorien with all the rest."Lexa asks her voice breaking slightly.

"well sure, the elders didn't plan for you to make it off Lorien but that doesn't mean that you weren't fated to," I say with a touch of mystery. Crayton is the only one who knows that Ella is the great Grandaughter of the last Tenth Elder. " Even if saving Humanity isn't a good enough reason to join me, I know that you will"

"How are you so sure?" Zophie says with a strained look.

"Because even if you couldn't save your world I'm pretty damn sure that you'll avenge it," I tell her. For a moment everyone is silent. No one moves, all the loric pause not even blinking. Then Crayton moves toward Lexa and grabs her shoulder to support her. Ella a little upset that Clayton's attention isn't on her slaps puts her hand on his face. messing with him like he's a block of clay. That makes the tension drop quite a bit.

We all laugh at that for a little. I end up picking the cat into my arms. As Zophie and Janus walk out of the cabin to catch up on their separate adventures through the universe I say into the microphone in my pocket that has Uncle Simon on the other end to come in and greet our guests.

"This is my Uncle Simon acting Ceo of Swift, Logan Ramirez a Trusted bodyguard that's been watching over my uncle for Five years, and Amon Dalpe Head of affairs in Africa for a Swift Corporation and my uncle's Child Hood best friend, "I tell Lexa and Crayton. As they sit down the cat in my arms hisses at Amon. And Its head transforms into something larger with a lot of teeth but quickly turns back to normal. Amon Jumps back to the wall the chair he had in his hand falls to the ground. He starts screaming in rapid-fire Arabic.

"well, Cat's out of the bag go ahead and tell him everything," I tell Uncle Simon. He nods and starts to tell his friend about who these people are and why we need to help them.

"You guys need to get ready to leave we don't know where the mogs are exactly but we do know that they have scouts in Giza." I tell Crayton and Lexa." we can iron out Logistics when everyone is safe."

"I'll be waiting in the car with Stanly I say holding up the cat, Logan Help them Pack up we don't know how long it will be until the mogs find us," I tell them That set a fire under Crayton and Lexa hurrying to start packing. Uncle Simon's Conversation looks like it's going to take a while because Amon's freaking outs pretty Badly.' scan The cat'

Name: Stanly the Chimera Age=8


str:300 agi:300 vit:300

Int:40 charm: 120

Powers and Abilities=

Shapeshifter- can change into different animals. Very Versatile.

Adaptable- Can adapt to any environment

Cute and Cuddly- Disarms the average person

I stand and walk out the door heading towards the SUV. Zophie and Janus are sitting and having what seems to be a heart-to-heart right outside the door so I kind of squeeze by them not trying to be a disturbance I would have stayed and helped them pack but I didn't want them asking any more Questions I wasn't prepared for I felt it went well but I felt like I was only a half a step ahead for that entire interaction. If I Want to Survive in this world until I got my Powers I'd have to be the guy that is 10 steps ahead. A backup plan for backup plans never caught off guard.

The second that thought crossed my mind as I opened the back seat door on the opposite side of the Suv From the direction of the Cabin. a whirring Sound like when a buzz saw cut through wood came from right beside me. I turned to see. A giant of a Man with a Mustache, black shades all Black clothing weird Futuristic Gun.

"Die, Pathetic Inferior," The man said as the gun pulsed. Time seemed to slow down as my Fight or flight Instincts Kicked in but immediately I knew it was point-blank and I wouldn't be able to move in time. The man was obviously a Mogodorian by the book's description. I closed my eyes sure I was dead for the second time. Dying the exact same way as I Did in my last life. How many times am I going to be shot in the Head I wondered. As I accepted my fate a cold burst down my spine.


The blaster goes off. I Open my eyes and I'm no longer standing next to the car but instead standing on the roof of the SUV My Small Stature and The mog's Humongous body make it so that even though I'm standing on a car we are looking almost at eye to eye. He looks just as confused as I am for a moment.'Scan mog' I think.

Name: Tabnus Sutrak Age=32


str:140 agi:160 vit:160

Int: 40 charm: 5

Powers and Abilities=

Good Shot- can usual shoot a target

Great health: In pretty great shape for his age and occupation

Master in Mogodrian Martial arts: Can fight I guess

Basic Mogodorian Tech: I may be able to set up some traps but if you ask me to fly the plane we better get some marshmallows

Basic knowledge of Mogadorian History: Seketrus Ra version

Mogodorian Progress- Makes Mogodorians more prideful and increases the chance they attack inhabitants of different world

Until his Anger Returns and he tries to Move to slash at me with A blade with the arm not holding the blaster. keyword tries as soon as Stanly Sees his arm Twitch his head Grows like it did when he met Amon. But instead of hissing Stanley jumps from my arms. Half of the Mog's heads Disappeared into Stanly's mouth. as soon as he chomped down half of the body turned to black ash and the rest had black-like blood spraying onto the ground, the car, and into my clothes everywhere. I start to gag and throw up at the Display as I hopped down from the top of the car. He hadn't completely turned to ash so he must have been pure blood with a lot of augmentation. Stanly is back to cat mode purring on my legs.

"Oggh..." I groan.

" That can not be good for you," I tell Stanly. He just keeps purring. Everyone inside heard the blaster shot and came running toward the sound. One By one they Froze Seeing the mess of an alien.

"He's a pure-blood I say to my Uncle as he approaches There is no way he is just a scout that means their here he didn't get to call for anyone so we need to leave Right now" I yell at all of them and they start funneling into the car packing like circus clowns." Tell Amon He needs to have the car stripped and abandoned to limit Evidence so they cant follow us after we get on the plane."

Logan Drove like he had a Pitch fork right on his ass and I Honestly respected him For that. Amon was Freaking out the most on the drive but other than that we were silent except for The sound of Ella being a toddler in Crayton's lap.

Amon soon decided as we reached the plane he would take a small leave of absence from his position and come to new york with us. The trip back to new york was much longer than the trip to Giza. Mostly because it was so crowded. I can't imagine what this would have been like for the loric on the main ship.

The Loric Stared at me throughout the flight. Like they were Impressed that I wasn't a sobbing mess at nearly dying. Maybe I should look into that I'm definitely handling this weirdly. I did feel terrified but I also feel this urge to fight. This rush that I couldn't explain. Talking of things that I couldn't explain what had happened when the Mog had shot me.

Several Different Scenarios popped into my head. Maybe I had awakened a Teleportation Legacy because my life was in danger Doubtful Legacies usually didn't come out to protect the person that's one of the reasons why the cepans exist to carefully train the legacies so they don't harm the user. Maybe God helped Me But they said they wouldn't be able to interfere assed making the world. Maybe it didn't have to do with the loric at all and it had something to do with the gods if so it is the Egyptian ones since I'm in Giza. Though if it was them they'd be asking to pledge allegiance and to high jack my body as payment. Maybe it was Something from The Third book that existed in this world or whatever The devil's third Gift was. 'Show me my status' I thought.

Name: Damien Swift Age=6


str:30 agi:28 vit: 32

Int:250 charm: 250

Powers and Abilities=



increased intelligence-Super Big brain Stark Who?

increased learning/training speed-Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, Smarter?

Devilishly Handsome- women want you, men want to be you(beware some men will want to be with you as well)

Devil's secret gift-?

Son Of ?

Awakened Accidental ?

Billionaire: Money is Power-Throw money at small problems it goes away

Good Hand-eye coordination- can catch and throw a ball

Basic Earthly Martial Arts- Anybody under ten should fear you

Basic Lorien Martial Arts- Ten-year-old Mogadorians Beware

Common sense- Don't walk into traffic

There is new information under Devils Gift so I bet whatever that was that saved me has something to do with that. I will definitely need to find out what that is. Both of the sub-tabs under Devils Gift Sound like a hint. I'd have to talk to Uncle Simon and see if my Father had any secrets. My mother would be a different story altogether apparently Uncle Simon had only met her once when he died Uncle Simon had said she was with him flying to England for a meeting with an inventor trying to gain investment. I had been in silent Contemplation as we Boarded the Plane. If the Devil's Gift changed I wonder if the level chart did.

Level chart:

Regular Humans/?=1-99

Superhumans/Trained cepan/?/Regular demigods under 10=100-199

TK Garde/?(?)/Big three demigods under 10/

trained regular demigods/Untrained Big three demigods=200-299

Full Power Untrained garde/?/?/Trained big three demigods =300-399

battle-trained Full Power Garde/?/Minor Gods=400-499

Lorien elders/Major gods/?/?=500-999

Seketras ra/ Pitacus lore/Zeus/Primordials/Odin/Ra=1000+

'In the first book number four said that the Olympians were children of Lorians though he probably thought they were legends that were dead it could be true based on this chart since the level of power is skewed the Garde are a little bit stronger compared to the demigods and can even take on Minor gods before reaching the level of the Lorien elders' I thought. ' That could explain why the gods are staying out of sekatrus Ra's way. If there's a prophecy and he's going to lose either way. They probably feel it didn't matter and don't want to risk their immortal lives over it' i pushed those thoughts out of my mind for another time.

Even though I had two guns pointed at me in twenty-four hours and almost died. I think this Mission was a resounding Success. Though I knew this was just the beginning.


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