Damian's favorite fantasy worlds are becoming all too real Supl, I wanted to try my hand at writing I think this will be a very AU Lorien Legacies fan fic with some harry potter and pjo those three series were the fantasy trifecta growing up I may add some random stuff tv shows and anime stuff to keep it moving we will see I don't own anything but my oc
"Sparky I see you woke up," I say to Thalia. She glares at me for my loving pet name and kind of gives me a once over trying to look for an opening in my stance to take me down. I hate that arrogant look in her eye like I'm the most disgusting piece of crap she's ever seen.
"What did you do to Luke and Annabeth?" Thalia yells at me while lightning flickers in her eyes I reach out the shadow to circle around her.
"Calm Down or I'm going to get you a sedge hat and change your name to Raiden," I tell her." Don't make me make you call me Liu Kang."(I Dont Know if people will get that joke.)
I Guess she knew a sick burn when she heard one because my little joke seemed to anger her further and she started to lunge towards me. I don't know if she was somehow using the lightning to modify her speed but she was moving way to fast for me to do anything even with my enhanced reflexes. Too quick for me to do anything except for me to get impaled by her spear just as the spear is a inch away from my stomach I manage to bring the shadows up to defend me as it hits but instead of blocking the attack the spear head goes straight through.
She looked confused at how I wasn't impaled for a split second which was enough for her to drop her impression of The raikage's lightning cloak. I swung at her and knocked her back the spear left my chest. The shadows dropped down from my chest and I was back to being solid god it felt so weird like a I was jello in the fridge except about 10000 times faster. That's when Luke decided to make an appearance.
"Thalia," He said to her as he rushed to her side as he sent me a look and was kind of in a defensive stance to see if I would press my attack. I roll My eyes. I move back a few steps and let Luke explain that I had taken them here to my little safe haven in the sky. Her face changed quite a few times as Luke told her the events that took place while she was unconscious but settled on disbelief. but she didn't attack me again. they moved to walk back to the guest room to talk. I coughed to get their attention before they turned the corner to the room I had provided them.
"Kind of rude to just attack your host but I get it your pops and my mom aren't exactly each others favorite people." I take a pause and notice both of them relax a little that I'm not that upset. " Though what does make me wonder is where was Luke when you were awake he should of explained I was more a friend than a foe as soon as you woke up." He gave an abashed look.
"Sorry I went to the Bathroom" he said scratching the back of his neck. I could of dropped it but i continued.
"OK but don't make me search you on your way out with those sticky fingers son of Hermes" I said with a smirk. Then I walked away able to sense his shock through the shadows around them. I walk back to my room passing by Grover and Cody laughing at something that happened in the game they are playing Ella and Annabeth should be getting to sleep soon. I feel conflicted about them.
I know I'm just a kid even with all this knowledge I have jammed in my head I kind of just want to chill and spend all day having fun and do nothing. out of all the kids around me. I'm the only one that could really do that if I walked away right now from S.H.E.I.L.D right now sure a lot of people would die but is that really my responsibility I know that the emotions tied to all the shows movies and books has to along with the memories. otherwise a spoiled rich kid like me wouldn't care as much.
Though I don't know maybe trying to be the hero is taking responsibility that you shouldn't have to take on in the first place. Percy wishing for demigods and minor gods to be treated fairly or harry potter facing Voldemort despite knowing he was being led by a stick by Dumbledore to that ultimate sacrifice. But even if I'm trying to be the hero there are way to many balls in the air Right now.
Its only 2005 and I turn 9 in six months that means I only have two years and six months until I need to go to Hogwarts but I already have My biggest plans in place for the future.
For the Demigod's phase one: Meet and greet is almost over but I cant move further to help stop the developments of the book I can't do much right now for the demigods in general except offer them safe houses and the adults jobs and positions in S.H.I.E.L.D. their discontent with the gods has been growing for years the only real thing I could possibly do to effect the plot without hurting anyone is save Thalia but if I do that I will screw up their main defenses until the 2011 summer when they get the golden fleece. They already had pretty low numbers when Percy comes but what am I supposed to do leave her to her fate. I guess fates already has her by the short and curlies and I mean she doesn't really die she just spends a couple years as a tree. If I save her and she's the child of the prophecy then with Luke's failure with the apples she will probably become as jaded as him and come to hate the gods. I will have to let events happen the way they are going to maybe i can help them when I have a bit more power.
For the Loric With One safe the enchantment will keep the others safe. Five safe here with us, Nine and three safe in their safe houses already informed about S.H.I.E.L.D. I need to get to two, Eight and seven before I head to Hogwarts I'm going to do two the last since she's in England what ever safe house we but her in could make for a good Base while I'm at Hogwarts.
For the wizard's Harry potter should be the biggest concern. I mean his saving people thing makes him the perfect ally for what's coming He has enough clout with the wizards that if he defeats Voldemort a second time as an adult and exposes Dumbledore he will be able to lead the wizards to support the Loric. I will have to break that weak mentality he has though from his conditioning if i train my mistiokinesis and magic ability and send others to help seven and eight i could go straight to England start learning the ends and outs of the wizarding society maybe it would be better to start with the wizarding community here in the states but I don't really have much information on macusa in my past life he only watched the first two movies of fantastic beasts.
What I'm planning to do now though is by his uncle's company and send him an book on occlumency that is covered in mist so his regular aunt and uncle read some title that might let slide for harry with some form of compulsion charm that will make them think they ordered it. maybe make it a garden book or a cook book Since they make him do all the work. I start to go to work on my own letter to explain to him where the book is from. I really want to be able to communicate with him though. maybe if I leave a contact number when he gets a chance outside of school he can contact me but until then him learning occlumency and Him knowing that he has some true allies out there if he wants them.
I'll have to start working on that now. IT's time to get my occlumency training for the night going. I have made some improvements in my magic other than my demigod power I can now use a few of the harry potter spells wandless it takes a lot of effort nothing like the shadows. Buti can use a low level compulsion charm I think my occlumency helped me with that because it uses more brain power than magic power. But I Can use the mending charm, fire charm, Lighting charm, Unlocking charm, and locking charm. I almost have the set for first year charms on wandless if I remember correctly. When i send the book to harry ill try to walk him through the process of wandless magic to see if he can have any success to try to get his family off his back before Hogwarts.
I don't know how long I'm working on my defenses because i find myself falling into a dreamless sleep while I'm meditating. I Know I'm getting closer advanced occlumency i can feel myself betting a bit smarter my thoughts faster my plans clearer.
Name: Damien Swift Age=8
level: 280 (overall combat level)
str:223 agi:217 vit:226
Int:300 charm: 500
Powers and Abilities=
Increased Intelligence-Super Big brain Stark Who?
Increased learning/training speed-Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, Smarter?
Devilishly Handsome- women want you, men want to be you(beware some men will want to be with you as well)
Billionaire: Money is Power-Throw money at small problems it goes away
Great Hand-eye coordination- can catch and throw a ball
Advanced Earthly Martial Arts- Anybody under twelve should fear you
Advanced Lorien Martial Arts- Twelve-year-old Mogadorians Beware
Common sense- Don't walk into traffic
Advanced Lorien Technology- Put a Lorien cord into a tablet
Intermediate Earthly Technology- I can take apart the tv remote.
Advanced Piano- I run to the rock, Please hide me
Devil's secret gift- Bridge between Worlds The First Hybrid of Loric, Greek gods, and Wizard.
Son Of Nyx- Legacy of Hekate- Demigod Abilities
Intermediate- Circadian Control: Control one's circadian rhythm. Be able to fall asleep or wake from sleep at will, as well as control the depth of sleep. Provides resistance to other sleep-related abilities, as well as substances that would influence sleep or wakefulness.
Intermediate-Death Sense: Sense when death is near, find one's way to a dying individual, become aware of how close someone is to dying, and potentially predict when an event will certainly result in death. Also have an increased awareness of the lives of those one has a strong connection with.
Intermediate-Night Empowerment: Gain strength and energy at night, but lose strength and energy during the day.
Intermediate-Sacred Vocalist: Speak to and understand all nocturnal animals and Hellhounds.
Advanced-Umbravision: See perfectly in complete darkness and take no eye damage from being in complete darkness for extended periods of time.
Intermediate-Fear Empowerment: Gain additional strength, energy, and courage through the fear and intimidation of others, making it pair well with Intimidation Aura.
Intermediate-Intimidation Aura: Surround oneself with an intimidating aura in order to make others fearful or anxious.
Beginner-Mistiokinesis: Summon and manipulate the Mist, or the magical barrier separating the mortal and mythological realms, as well as be able to vanish into it. Also be able to temporarily craft seemingly very real, physical objects from it, known as Mistforms.
Advanced- Somnokinesis: Control and manipulate sleep and waking.
Intermediate- Umbrakinesis: Summon and manipulate shadows and darkness, and also be able to Shadow Travel, or move long distances by travelling through shadows.
Beginner- Cryokinesis: Summon and manipulate ice and frost.
Beginner- Umbrashifting: Turn all or part of one's body into shadows.
Unawakened- Voidwalking: Open a pocket dimension of shadows that can be manipulated at will and cause one's shadow to become animated without the use of Living Shade, but only be able to exit where one entered.
Unawakened- Haven: Turn one's home, temporary or otherwise, into a protected space where oneself and one's chosen family can't be harmed and guests must be invited in. Also can cause any harmful intent aimed at a protected individual to be turned back on the aggressor and force their expulsion from the home.
Awakened Magic
Intermediate Occlumency: Mind defense magic can stop Albus Dumbledore for one second before he looks into your mind
Wingardim leviosa: Intermediate
Compulsion charm: Begineer
Alohomora: Begineer
Lumos: Intermediate
Reparo: Begineer
Incendio: Begineer
Gifts of Lorien
Gift of Hestia
Hearth eyes- Can see the warmth that is in a person and take it from them temporarily (kind of like getting hit with a genjutsu except just a feeling of hopelessness and being alone.)
Lamina Magia Noctibus- The blade of magic (turns into a watch)
The skin of the Amphibeana- Helps healing/Ward of disease/illness/poison(looks like a trench coat can change the style.
New chapter Lorien legacies: New dreams 21 on my patreaon